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Courtney Jun 2018
Her heartbeat fades away from my mind as I leave the doctor’s office for the last time
“it’s perfectly normal,” they said when I complained about the blood and the pain
“it’s okay to be anxious,” said the doctor as she ran some tests
“it’s not your fault,” she said as she delivered the results
I had failed my duty as a woman in the world
My baby will not grow, hell, she won’t even be born
All I could bring myself to do was sit on the nursery floor and mourn
“it’s not your fault,” he comforted me through the self-blame that I took on
“but it is, because my body wasn’t strong or in good enough health”
I lay awake for hours afraid to close my eyes,
Because every time I did, that first ultrasound appeared in my mind
Her heartbeat is now an echo that I hear on repeat, soft and faded
It was haunting to say the least…
Courtney Jun 2018
A girl lies naked, bruised and bleeding on the bathroom floor. She’ll say she was ***** but it’ll be her who’ll take the fall. The football team will still play that Friday night and she’ll be accused of telling hysterical lies.
“She was breaking the dress code” you were breaking the law, violation of the law gets you a court sentence but rich parents get you good lawyers who get you off free, she’ll never be free to walk the streets home alone fearing that every time she looks into a man’s eyes she will see the image of you as she prayed for help but was instead preyed on by the Prom King Predator.

Her bruises whether they be physical or not are hers to reveal and if you feel the need to go around telling her story then you’re an ***, “she had a sweet ***” you had sweet talk which made her feel safe and then suddenly she felt betrayed. So she’s a ***** if she sleeps with a guy even if it wasn’t consensual but when you sleep with a girl you’re a playa and did a good job on hitting that; you going to bang her? ***** her? Nail her?

The words used to describe it are almost as violent as the act done upon her.

There was pain in her voice but her body betrayed her, it portrayed pleasure when all she felt was agony. The pain in her voice was clear to those around her but the pleasure was all they focused on, the pleasure is what caused her the feeling of being ashamed for the next four years until she could open up to someone.

Around school she was known as the quiet girl, the girl without a story, this was true in a sense because her story like most was never told.
Courtney Jun 2018
The girl who was strong, her body parts strength shining through on her face

The girl who was strong, her smile sending goose bumps over every one’s arms

The girl who was strong, her heart beating slowly as she lay down for bed

The girl who was strong, her mother watched over stroking her bald head

The girl who was strong, and she never woke up

The girl who was strong, just not strong enough

— The End —