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Jun 2022 · 74
Coloring free flow
BAE Jun 2022
Red is my favorite because it starts my day three kiss from my mom and a hug then off off and away. Hmmhm this orange looks tasty but I think I see my bus! green trees blues sky’s pass out way, I think we made it in to school get out my way. Indigo warriors! We the best. I think we have a game tonight,
📣😜 🏳️‍🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Fun starter poem ima just “freestyle” that sounds pretty artistic YUHH #ArtNotPride🤣
Jan 2022 · 357
Done trying
Jan 2022 · 75
Inner thought
BAE Jan 2022
Everyday that goes by I try I try.

Everyday I fail I fail

I fall I fall

Why do I keep getting up

When will I fly
Jan 2022 · 70
BAE Jan 2022
When glass breaks in the forrest what sound does it make
does it shatter,
does the ground shake?
When glass breaks,
Who cringes to the crashing or non crashing it makes,
who cleans up the remains;
who cautions the area off,
who saves the day?
Mar 2021 · 60
If today doesn't work
BAE Mar 2021
If today doesn't work, get up tomorrow and try again.

If tomorrow doesn't work, get up and try again.

If the days after tomorrow doesn't work.... well your not there yet take a deep breath get up and push to try again.

Don't get discouraged get up and try again.

Even if the next day and the next day don't work get up and try again.

Life is worth the fails because when you finally win every loss will make sense.

Get up and try again.
When today doesn't work be grateful for tomorrows grace
Mar 2021 · 96
BAE Mar 2021
I set a goal and I achieved it!

I said I would and I WILL

I will myself to succeed because I said I could and I WILL

This Affirmation will encourage and bring motion because I believe it WILL

My destiny is mine I can and WILL do anything to ensure that I lead a prosperous, joyful, and fulfilling life
Note to self, I am willing, I WILL SUCCEED, I will receive this success because I deserve
Jan 2021 · 323
Erikah, and her words
BAE Jan 2021
Words, words, words, words.
Words, words,
Words, words, words, words

Wordsss, wordssss
Up for your interpretation
Jun 2020 · 53
Careless whispers
BAE Jun 2020
He spoke sweet nothings
And I listened;
sweet nothings mean everything sometimes
Jun 2020 · 45
BAE Jun 2020
I'm here but only my mind knows where. I'm here, but only my mind cares.
physically here spiritually wondering
Sep 2018 · 1.2k
BAE Sep 2018
Tomorrow comes.
Don't wait for it, its coming.
Not promised, but your always gifted.
That’s His love,
better yet His grace!
keep hope
Tomorrow comes!
Thank you.
Jul 2018 · 367
Monster house
BAE Jul 2018
Im green and old inside and out.
My walls are decaying but filled with memories.
I hold your love, your life, and your soul.
Here we came to relieve, but were forced to relearn.
Here we fell, and were conquered.
Consumed by defeat day in and day out.
Depression, and agony linger between these walls.
Future hopes to get out, so close we nearly grasped it.
Not close enough and we are back, back to this dusty old house.
Returned to our rooms paint jobs half finished.
Potential forgot, motivation consumed with dark and a heavy urge too sleep.
In the monster house we lay at home sweet dreams, not a peep.
My depression started @1207 and continued @505
Jun 2018 · 178
Fathers Day
BAE Jun 2018
I'm not bitter, nor sad
just missing time we could have had
Happy fathers day,
to the best dad I never knew.

ps: I would have called but you didn’t  answer last year.
My father chose to remain a stranger, that's his lose.
To the men who care, Happy Fathers Day and keep up the good work.
Jun 2018 · 1.2k
A poem please
BAE Jun 2018
A poem a day is all I need,
To blog with friends is an inspirational leave.
I am uplifted physically as I read
uuup, and breathe
A poem a day, brings my nights to life,
illuminating the vacant space in the darkest nights
a sweet escape from the life I lead
Please grant me access, so I may proceed.

A poem a day is all I need
First live poem, I hope you can vibe with it!

— The End —