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Benzene Jul 2023
meeting her and falling in love with her was destiny indeed . however getting chosen by her was the miracle that never happened
Benzene Apr 2023
B +
Sun rises to bless you with a new hope;
And moon smiles at you
To let you know that darkness isn't always a woe.
Stars dazzle to make you assure ;
that you still glow in someone's heart.

Clouds gives a huge whisper to make
you understand that not everything has a dirt.
And Every star houses a secret ,
a whispered wish from far below .
And all those hopes and dreams
are what causes them to glow .

So when you're in the darkness
and you gaze into the black,
do not fear the emptiness,
nor the shadows at your back.
Nature and our surroundings give us hope and light , we just need to see them.
be positive : )
Benzene Apr 2023
A heart once full of love and light,
Now broken, shattered in the night.
The love that once was pure and true,
Now lost, and gone from me and you.

We walked together, hand in hand,
Through fields of flowers and golden sand.
We laughed and loved, without a care,
Our hearts so full, our love so rare.

But time and distance took their toll,
And slowly, we lost our loving soul.
Our hearts grew distant, cold and dark,
And now we're left with just the stark

Reminder of what once we had,
A love that made us both so glad.
But now it's gone, and we must face,
The pain and sorrow in its place.

We'll look back on what we shared,
And know that once we truly cared.
But now it's time to say goodbye,
And let our love fade with a sigh.

For though our love is lost and gone,
We'll cherish it as we move on.
And maybe someday, in some way,
Our love will find its place to stay.
Sometimes It's OKAY to say Goodbyes..
Benzene Apr 2023
Once many beautiful souls came here to share  
Their words of beauty, love, and despair
From every corner of the world they'd write
Pouring out their hearts with all their might

Their words would weave a tapestry
Of human life and history
But lately, something strange has occurred
those souls start disappearing, their voices unheard

No more verses from those who once wrote
No more stories, no more anecdotes
Their words have faded into the night
And their absence leaves us without light

What happened to those lost poets, we may never know
Perhaps their hearts grew weary, and they had to go
But their legacy lives on, in the words they've penned
Their voices still echo, in the hearts of friends

Yet still we hold a glimmer of hope
That one day they'll return and we'll elope
With their words and stories, once more to share
And their presence on the website, we'll again declare

So let us not lose faith in those we miss
For their absence may just be a momentary abyss
And one day we may find them, writing anew
Their voices once again joining the poetic crew
Dedicated to all those Poets who stopped writing or left HelloPoetry for some unknown or personal reasons . We all are here waiting for you to start writing once again and fill this website with your beautiful presence  . Hope it reaches to all those lost Poets .
Benzene Mar 2023
The forest stood silent and still,
A melancholic hush over the hill,
The trees that once whispered to the breeze,
Now stood with a sense of unease.

The rivers that flowed once with glee,
Now ran dry and lost their spree,
The birds that once sang so sweet,
Now vanished from their retreat.

The flowers that bloomed with such grace,
Now withered and faded in their place,
The grass that once swayed with delight,
Now wilted, with no hope in sight.

The earth that once teemed with life,
Now barren, with nothing but strife,
The sky that once shone with stars,
Now dull and gray, without any bars.

The world that once pulsed with love,
Now drowned in tears and woes above,
Nature, once a bountiful gift,
Now a symbol of pain, a heartbroken rift.
Mother nature is dying
Benzene Mar 2023
Stars died in the ephemeral bliss,
The moon bathed in crimson,
As I looked last on her face,
Those hairs coming undone..

She looked the same as in life,
Her eyes still the sparkling blue,
But that glassiness spreading on her cheeks,
As my dream came untrue..

She laid there, laced in mourning..
As everybody came and go..
And i was supposed to say something..
But the words got caught in my throat..

I faltered and ran..
Her figure following me everywhere..
Than i squared and turned back..
But never made it back there..

She departed this place..
In the mesmerizing twilight..
And I blinked my tears in..
Drowning them in that pure sight..
A piece from draft , A piece from heart .
Benzene Mar 2023
Love is like a long walk with someone.
Or just feel the rain from the window with just one hand out.
Maybe like the long mysterious pause in the rain with someone.
The sunrise in the winter mornings!
Or the first conversations, all night long.
Love is like a sudden crazy wind against your face.
Or staring at the night sky full of bright stars
A magical forehead kiss or even a sudden warm hug.
Seeing your children do silly things,
seeing your mom & dad grow old,
Even when leaving with so many happy memories to cherish for.
Love is what you cannot count on your fingertip.
So give love & take love whenever, wherever & whoever you get! Embrace it even if you don't get it all at once
Love is not about just two people , it's an emotion that we carry in our heart .
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