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Tatiana Jul 2019
It’s broken
My heart
It was yours from day one
Now it feels ripped apart
Torn to pieces
Thrown aside
Waiting for someone who will try to fix it

They can try
But it will never be the same
It’ll be mended, but never whole
They can try to get me to feel better
But you’re the only one who can do that

You made me smile in ways no one else could
Laugh even when I didn’t want to
And love, even when me heart was cold as ice

You melted my frozen heart
Even when I was sure no one could
But you could
And you did

So why?
Why did you play with my emotions?
Why do you get mad when we don’t see eye to eye?

Why did I give you my heart?

Did you just want something to play with?
Someone you could mess with and then leave?

Did I mean anything to you?
Anything at all?

Or was I just a phase
Something just to help you pass the time until something better came along?

I guess so
I should’ve known better
I refused to see the signs

I wanted it to be you
I had hoped it would be you
But I was wrong about you.....again

I guess I’ll never learn
My heart will stay in pieces
Until you decide to come and fix it the way only you can

Because you were the one who broke me in the first place
Tatiana Jul 2019
Give me one good reason
One good reason to fight when it feels like I can’t
One good reason to get up and face the odds
One good reason not to give up and let them win
One good reason to forgive those who have hurt me countless times
One good reason to let go of my last and fight for my future
One good reason to move on
One good reason to find a solution to all the hurt I feel
One good reason to love those who I feel like can’t be loved
One good reason to trust those who have betrayed me

One good reason
That’s all I’m asking for
......Just one

Can you give it to me?

Just one good reason will be enough for me

So please, give me one
Tatiana May 2019
A toy
A plaything
Something of minor importance

I guess that's what the heart is to some people

You meet them
Y'all talk
You dine
You enjoy each others company

Time goes by and feelings grow
I like you becomes I love you

That's when they leave
They got what they wanted
Your love
Now it must be time for them to move onto the next person

It's just a game for them
Your heart
Your thoughts
Your desires

They melt your heart with kind words and sweet phrases
Then theirs will turn cold as ice

They twist your thoughts to where they are all you can think about
That's when they'll leave
Letting you wonder in the dark
Trying to figure out where they are and what went wrong

They twist your desires too
Where all you want is to feel their touch and hear their voice
But the desire stays long after they've left

The longing for them
For how they made you feel
The way they touched you
The way they made you think you were their world
Their one and only

But alas, that is what happens
Our hears and thoughts are just play things to them
Something bought that can be thrown away later

When they think our thoughts and hearts are toys, teardrops will be quick to follow
Tatiana May 2019
I love you to the moon and back
The world's most common phrase
You hear it form minutes, hours and days

Do people say it as a dare?
Do they say it because they care?
Do they say it because they're lonely
Do they say it because they want you as their one and only?

How far is it to the moon and back?
Days, months or years
The saying is just music to our ears

Only say it if you care
Don't say it as a dare
Don't say it because you're lonely
Say it because you found your one and only

"I love you" is a wonderful start
Just mean it from the bottom of your heart

One thing that will make a hardened heart crack
Is hearing the words "I love you to the moon and back"
Tatiana May 2019

Everyone knows they happen
You just don't figure it out until it happens to you

Hurt and anger go hand in hand with trust and betrayal
You trust someone
Then, almost immediately, they turn around and betray you

You're hurt
You never thought they would do that to you
You feel wounded
It cuts deep
You're also angry

Angry because you trusted them in the first place
Angry because you feel stupid for even believing they cared
Angry because you invested into them
Only to be stabbed in the back in return
Angry because you know you wasted on that person, when they didn't even deserve to see your face or hear your name

But try, even though it's hard, try to find the bright-side

You weeded a toxic person out of your life
You got closer to people you barely spent time with
You got to figure out who really cares, and those who don't
You got to learn part of what's best for you
You got to learn a part of what you need to thrive

Don't let a toxic person bring you down
Let them hurt you
But then turn right back around and tell them
"I don't need you. You changed my world for the worst. But now I know I'm stronger without you. I will thrive without you. But you did do me one favor. You made me realize that I have people who care, not people whose support had to be bought."

So let them hurt you
Let them see that you have feelings
Let them know how you feel
But don't let it destroy you

Let it build you into a stronger person
Let it build you into the person you are meant to be
Let it show others that you won't be taken down so easily

Most of all

Let it show you that you do matter
That people do care
That you are not alone in this world
That you are resilient
That you are stronger than this world ever thought possible

Because you are strong
You are powerful
You are a warrior
You are fierce

And above all


Don't let anyone tell you different

You are who you are
No one should make you try to change it
This is for one of my closest friends. I want them to know that they have someone who understands them and cares for them even when it feels like no one else does
Tatiana Apr 2019
It is what it is
We can't force it to change to make us happy

People try to make us change to make them happy
But we cannot be anything than what we already are

So tell me something,
If you don't mind


Why do you try to push your beliefs on me?
Why do you try to get me to conform to your ideas?
Trying so hard to make them mine, and make me believe them the way you do

Why do you try to get me to change who I am?
Am I not good enough for you?
Is the way I think and feel and act different than the way you do?


Because I am not like you
I don't ever intend to be like you
Because what works for you does not work for anyone else
Now you may think similarly to someone else, but it's not the same

Who I am is not for you, or anyone else, to decide
It's for me to decide

Me and me alone

People cannot make me into something, or someone, I'm not
Just because they don't like who I am now

Well, if I like who I am, then why should your opinion matter to me?

It doesn't!

So let me be who I am
Let me go and live my life
Without you breathing down my neck

That's the only way I can be who I truly am

You can either join me on my journey
Or you can watch from the sidelines

Either way I will make this happen
I will be me

No judgement
No restrictions
No opinions

Just me and who I am meant to be
Tatiana Apr 2019
There are people we love
People we hate
People we love to hate
But, hate to love

They hurt you, but you let them stay
They love you, but then they leave without a glance back
It has always been this way

Hurt and hover
Love and leave
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