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Abigail Madsen May 2013
What ***** is how much I love you
What ***** is waking up and thinking of you
What ***** is you living in my mind

I hate that you embedded yourself there
I hate that you don't even realize
I hate myself for loving you

The look I see in your eyes when you talk about her
I know that look
I know it because its how I look at you
and maybe if you weren't too busy looking through me
you'd see me


And as my insides twist
At the thought of you not loving me
My eyes blur and I can no longer see

The tears flow
Time slows
I pray some day you'll know

Why I've been here for so long.
I've been pretty heart achey recently...
Abigail Madsen Apr 2013
To the would be
beauty princess
who was almost  
a would be Beauty Queen
But was not quite good enough
This is a would be poem
to all the
would be
if they weren't so unique
to the few
would be
if they could stand up and be talkers
to all the would be
if all they said was factual
This is a would be poem
to all the would be's
who couldn't be
who shouldn't be
So please tell me
all of these would be's
are never
Will be's
Or even
Have beens
because even that is still better than
Never tried
Or even
Because sometimes the worst thing is
Not knowing
Having no idea of what would've been
instead wondering what
could've been
So this is a poem to the would be
lovely pageant girls
who could've had the world
but were sat down and told
by someone too old
that the world is too cold
and they would never
Make it
Fake it
Break it
break the idea of different
make the change
This is to all my would be brothers and sisters
Who don't have
Can't have
Who never had
The Chance
**I am's
Abigail Madsen Sep 2014
Maybe if I close my eyes
Time won't move as fast
And maybe
If I stop waiting for tomorrow
I will enjoy today
I'm not saying that I don't wanna grow up
But if given the chance
I wouldn't change a thing
Abigail Madsen Oct 2014
I watch as she squirms under his grip
one hand over her mouth
the other at her hip.
I feel for the girl so pretty but worn.
She looks of an angel
though her wings have been torn.


I wake up,
oh god.
it happened again.
****, I can’t take this
I wish it was made up, pretend.

What can I do?
I am only a young girl
and he a man of power.
No one would care.
A man that, if accused, from a girl run ragged and bare,
only my reputation would turn sour, it’s not fair.

I listen for his footsteps
coming for round two.
I listen carefully
while chained here
there is nothing else to do.

How long was I out for,
god ****** what day is it?
I can’t even tell
Not after that first hit.
How long has it been,
who knows I’ve lost count
I can only hope the end is near.

The door opens again
light floods the dark room
the shadow of a man coming to light
the crooked smirk and rough hands
Greet me once more
I close my eyes and hit the floor.


The girl hits the floor fast
her head cracks.
He doesn’t care
she doesn’t dare
make a sound.
I don’t even see tears.

She’s weak she doesn’t even fight it anymore
She lays there
God ****** get up,
it isn’t getting better and I can only feel pity for so long.
She looks like a lifeless doll.
God ****** get up,
She lays there in thrall
of him.

Oh look he’s done.
Throws her once pristine and lively body to the side.
that ******
****** her
touched her
wrecked her
and he thinks he can walk away.
Wrong, I won’t let her stay.


My head
oh god my head.
The crimson mark of his abuse covers my hands.
My body aches
I don’t know how much more I can take.


she won’t take it anymore.
I won’t let her,
it’s her turn to show him
the kind of of pain he put her in.

Stand up ******
stand up and fight back.
He is going to get his scotch and sit down.
wrap something on your head to slow the bleeding.
Make him start pleading,
and show him how you plan on succeeding.


Okay I’m up
and I can see him hold his cup
only his hand and arm are visible.
How typical,
but this is no longer livable.
And it has blown past fixable
so now all that is left is to end it.

I admit
it went on too long
but he was in the wrong
I feel our power now
she is with me
and it is time to end he
he who defaced us,
he who disgraced us,
he who wasted us.
Now we waste him
knife in his heart,
finally four years after the start.
It was we
who made he
Written for a class from the perspective of someone with multiple personality disorder.
Abigail Madsen Nov 2013
Its the small things that go unnoticed
And the strong people that are left without credit
Not like they'd accept it
These people - they get it
Get that people need kindness to get by
Understand that not everyone can keep their spirts high
These people are the ones who do the most
They are the ones in the background
The ones who do the little things
Small compliments spoken to a nobody
Because if they didn't say it
No one else would
Genuine smiles passed to those
Who might not otherwise see one
Let alone have one themselves
Everyday super hero's
Use no swords, no bows and no arrows
But they are fighters
Fighters of depression
Starters of succession
Because they can't stand to see society send any more people to heaven
These people are heros
Because putting a stranger before yourself is heroic
and to be an every day hero
is no mere miracle
Because these people make life bearable
Abigail Madsen Feb 2013
Between stolen kisses
The hits and misses
We create ourselves
this distorted image of what we
This façade to aid our acceptance
this thing we use to find any remanence
Of self confidence that has been ripped away
leaving our self importance at bay
Our own distortion of inner meaning
unable to see
we deserve
The nerve
Of ourselves saying we don't deserve
the best
and that we deserve everything less
than the most
it's not fair, how
being imperfect
makes you believe you're some how defective
and its not fair
when we get caught in a place with dont belong
with someone we don't belong
The only possible reasoning being
We accept the love we think we deserve
but you deserve the best
So accept it.
Abigail Madsen May 2013
Her smile holds just a little too much hurt sometimes
And if you look long enough you'll be surprised as to what you can find
years of hurt and pain in hiding
tear ducts over used for crying
too much lying
She's finally done fighting
Her story is already written
Abigail Madsen Dec 2015
Some were born onto the shoulders of monuments
Eternal configurations pristine and untouched by the years
Whose prow waits for a map of pathways to mark their porcelain facade

Some were born onto the shoulders of crumbling statues
Preeminent figures decaying from weight of problems suppressed
Whose cracks like pathways trace maps across their surface

We were born onto the shoulders of giants
Immortal beings whose arms welcome us in
Whose wrinkles like pathways trace maps across their skin
I don't know what to write about anymore, it's short but it's something.
Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
A smile rests upon her broken face
Nothing but a hair out of place
Laying in that god forsaken case
A beautiful girl's soul gone to waste
A soul of beauty and brains
a soul that became covered in rain
Only dead in life
but not in vain
though everything caused her pain
Soon when her life got insane
insane enough to run away
away from the fears
the tears
from being worn down all these years
She went to a place
where nothing but a
broken smile
her broken face
Abigail Madsen Mar 2013
Runs crimson through your thoughts
Pulsing deep through the arteries of still beating hearts
Seeping through the corners of eyes
For the loved ones who met an untimely demise
For those who battled through the darkness
For those with the memories possesing the mannerisms of abandoned carcass
Blood that runs warm and prime
Blood that runs cold with time
But not all the bleeds is alive
A bleeding rose striving to show
The meaning of love or when to let it go
Go now off into your happy place
The place where you have no fears to face
The place of warmth where no tears escape
The place where the grass is green and trees
sway in the sweet summer breeze
Where the sun shines
and all is fine
Go to where you please
Go where the sweet hum of life puts you at ease
Go to your loved ones
Go To Where
Your Blood Runs
Abigail Madsen Apr 2013
Look in the mirror
Look at the once strong
beautiful girl
where does she belong
Look at the once young face
skin ripped off then put back into place
Where did you go
This is not your face
You had a happier one once
Before him
Before you became nothing but a
shell of a once-been
shell of a has-been
A body of
who now
This is not you
The face staring back in the mirror
Don't stand there and tell me your the same
that you haven't changed
you're not a pupet
not someone to be controlled by
a boy who has not yet
known what it's like to stand up and be a man
I wish you could see what we do
but you can't with his hands over you
Controlling you
telling you what to do
and who to be
how to act
who to see
Who are you now
because I wouldn't be able to pick you out of a crowd
not like your allow
to even say who you are out loud
at risk of him not liking the answer
You need to face the facts
This isn't you
I don't know what I can do
because I'm through
done hoping this isn't true
everyone else is done too
Done watching you
Abigail Madsen Jan 2013
I see your arms
I see the cuts
Please stop the harm
I know it's hard
But your body will be forever scarred
I need you to understand I care
And I know it's not fair
but one day
You'll have Flowers in Your Hair
hair that will rest about your face
not one thing out of place
Lying in all your grace
I see the fake smile you put on
I see the pain that's foregone
I see your posts
I know they're ghosts
Ghosts that haut you from your past
But I know this can't last
You're strong
You don't belong
With Flowers in Your Hair
I know you're overcome with despair
But you need to take care
Because your life is a prize
and you should be happy you're alive
I hope to see you make huge strives
Please stay alive
I don't want to have to see Her
**With Flowers in Her Hair
Abigail Madsen Aug 2013
I think it's interesting
Interesting how I can be good enough for
only certain things
for late nights
whispers that leave emotions raw
most of all for
a girl good enough for
but not your love
the kind of girl who gets so wrapped up in
feeling wanted
I drown  in a pool of
'will he ever hold my hand'
'tell me I'm pretty because
Because I don't feel pretty
getting emotionally ****** monday through friday'
Closed doors
and hushed moans
did I love you
Closed doors
and hush moans
did you **** me over
Pun intended
when did
it become okay
to play with emotions
didn't you ever learn
a girls heart is never a toy?
well in this case my heart is the guitar you used
in your hand
before I became so wrapped up in making you my man
plucking my emotions with your fingers
my body are now the words once sung from your lips
and there is nothing I can do
Because I am so in tune
a guitar string is strung
like my lung
waits for your voice to fill the air
that I breathe
waiting for your heart to become a part of me
then I think to
You're holding her with one arm
while the other is wrapped up in my body
lying in your bed seven nights a week
and that air gets spit up
leaving my lungs empty
letting your words bend me
into the girl you want me to be
even though you refuse to see
how much I depend on your word
It's absurd
But I find it interesting how
I will only ever know your body
and not your heart
it ******* *****
because it's tearing me apart
-Pardon the language, I originally wanted to write this in all in second person, but it just flows better in first. This was a poem for a book by Ellen Hopkins for a class I had.
Abigail Madsen Nov 2013
There is something to be said about an unknown poet-
a poet who goes without recognition
who needs no reassurance
no compliments
One who writes to get thoughts out in the open
instead of likes on a page
because lord knows
all teenagers have the knowledge
scratch that
think they have the knowledge to sit
and whip out the most depressing
let us not forget pitiful
about how hard their life is
well guess what
I'm here to write about issues
like what's wrong with education
and trying not to go through the acts of reiteration
Making it known to the world how incredibly  ****** society is
so please excuse me when I think that writing about how hard your life is
with a roof over your head
A meal on a plate
a life where your home holds no hate
is fake
please tell me about how you can't catch a break
about how life is so very unfair
who the hell cares
because that girl you sit next to in home room
goes home to no room
leaves school to nothing
Please don't say you're hurting
when you have friends to comfort you
because that boy sitting alone at lunch
will never have a clue
what it feels like to be listened to
because no one can hear him
over the judgements on his clothes
believe me
the hurt of his face shows
So don't sit there and tell me you know what it's like to be alone
when really you know what it's like to be-
You know nothing but the
woe is me
It's time you see
It's time to be
It's time to write about something real
write about how this world makes you feel
Abigail Madsen Nov 2012
Left uninspired
getting tired
So tired
Can't think
down I sink
Towards the depths
The depths of hate
Hate that is laced in to my fate
My fate I can't controle
Of that, you cannot console
We all have a role
mine just happens to be
Less than that of
the world
because it still twirls
without my words
tripping on the herds
of hate
forget you
and I'll

— The End —