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Jeremy Betts May 21
My pain chips away at life
With no precision, it isn't nice
White knuckling a standard butter knife
When it's time to go all the way, it won't think twice

Bea Rae Apr 16
Are we all broken

Do we all have grave sites to

Hide the worst parts of us
BLD Apr 15
A swaying synthetic tub
waltzes in summer’s breeze
fingers interlocked, one step two,
full of rotted leaves wilted petals,
afterthoughts of Spring’s bloom.

An underdeveloped songbird
basks in the Louisville sunlight,
infrequent chirps of language
misunderstood perceived as
barbaric melodies too primal
for basic understanding. The
song of the bird an audible
reflection of the natural world,
an epitomized version of swaying
bluegrass and beckoning bushes,
of turbulent winds and undulating
clouds, of violet skies lost in the
haze of a brackish day, of a setting
sun glancing one last time at
the eyes refusing to gaze back.

White-specked eggs soon to burst
with new life and freshly glazed
eyes; novel music awaits its
composition, written for the ears
no longer around to hear them sung.
Bea Rae Apr 15
I cannot bring myself

To say goodbye because that

Means losing you forever
Bea Rae Apr 15
Tell me, which is harder.
Waiting for something you know will never be in your cards,
or having to come with the terms that it will never happen.
Bea Rae Apr 12
Maybe closing yourself

Off from me will make it easier

When the inevitable comes
Bea Rae Apr 11
Somewhere maybe in

Another time your heart was

A piece of mine
Bea Rae Apr 8
From the moment I

Met him I knew he was worth

The heart ache
Bea Rae Apr 8
Have you asked yourself

If you are running towards your fears

Or away from them
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