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Am I,
Not enough ?
The hurt is bitter,

Your words are tough.

Is she ,
Better than I?
Your little angel,

The apple to your eye.

But me?
I’m a mess.
A child of stress ,

You love me less.

And her ?
She’s your whole life.  
Living in your arms ,

Letting me die.

But alas ,
No need to shout.
Your actions speak louder,

Than words from your mouth.
in the name
of god
i was

i bled tears
from lashes
of the
outrage of
my mother
who recited
when i was

my cries
in the
hollow walls
of my
beating heart
as he

it was not
i was
absolved of,
but rather
of love
that i
Remember that night.
November 18, 2019.
Bea Rae 7d
My wish for you

May you never have to hide

Your story from others
Bea Rae 7d
What you tolerate for pain and mistreatment today, will imprison you tomorrow.
Bea Rae May 22
I left so you could

Find the love of your life but

I am losing mine
My Dear Poet May 17
The violence of the silent
Is the silence of the violent
My fault,
And only my own.
That's what you say
In your dim dark tone.
I pick up the phone,
Shaking with rage.
You have my senses
Locked in a cage.
But I stay,
And fray,
For you know best.
Studying my words,
Like an upcoming test.
Taking my heart
To put it in rest.
And that is something,
I deeply detest.
Yet I still

For my mind has reset.
Jess May 10
Feel nothing                                            
                                          Say nothing
Be  nothing

I've tried

                                               Feel something
Say something                                          

Be something

I've won


n o n e
I can't feel things fully anymore. I'm just so tired.
Bea Rae May 9
I do not need you to save me,
But I do need you to hold me while I rest.
Bea Rae May 6
It's okay to mourn the things you never had,
As long as you don't let the grief consume you.
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