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Jeremy Betts May 17
I wasn't bred from good stock
Or birthed with any hope of a shot
Can't imagine that coming as a big shock
Couldn't possibly hide the rot
A thick scar dug into both wrists visually express what verbally I could not
Flesh color replaced the black rorschach ink blot
To clarify, a stark reminder was all I got
KO'd after a turned cheek an awful lot
Like knock knock
Who's there?
Just a nobody,
A lowly placeholder of a single census spot

Nickols Jan 26
There was the time before you. When I was free in my endeavor's.

Then the time during you. When everything became unfathomable. And I  wanted to spend every waking moment with you.

Then there was the time after you. When? It does not matter, because you are gone.

And I am done.
I’m haunted by the demons that lurk in my mind, they scream foul words my way. From the pits of hell they’ve clawed their way out, I’m left alone to fend myself, yet I grow weary of the hell I’m in, and endless loop, overcome with grief I sink into my own rot. An endless cycle with no hope in sight, distraught is such a pretty word to describe this vicious cycle of self hatred and hurt.

How little light do I see, flickering in and out of existence. I am nothing but a speck of dust on this earthly plane, I grow tired, I am becoming undone.
Dreaming every night of something, anything, yield my weary soul for she’s tired and ready to become undone.
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
Attack my every thought
Another voice in my head that taunts
Label me an idiot savant
Not a debutant to this type of rot
Have nothing you would want
Suffered through a ghoulish plot
Do things that you should not
Feel fear haunt every thought

KHY Oct 2023
The peace inside me is cracking blue

the hatred of men and the loathing of women
***** lonely tombstones from coast to coast

and I can't help but think
our violets are rotting at the root
lua Oct 2022
i am a wavebreaker
i am a bloated body drifting in the ocean
i stop boats in their paths
for wealthy tourists to gawk
and ask me
where im from, where im headed, where ive been
but i only reply in silence
and bubbles that escape my lips

i am a wavebreaker
i cut through the waves like a blade to the neck
i rot and i burst
and i spread the remnants of myself across the world
to be remembered
to be known
to let them know of my remains
that i remain

i am a wavebreaker
i break the waves caused
by those wanting to wreck cities
i am what goes against the current
i am what stays when everything rushes past me

i am a wavebreaker.
Monique Pereda Aug 2022
Kahoy na inaanay
Barko na butas
Lumulubog ng marahan
Kinakain ng dagat

Sugat na nagnanaknak
Balat na inaagnas
Nauubos na dugo
Sinisipsip ng linta

Prutas na nabubulok
Nabubulok ang lamang loob
Malansang amoy na umaalingasaw
Uod na lumalamon sa laman
Tahimik na pumapatay
Ngumunguya ng palihim
Sinisira ang malusog na anyo
Ang anyo ng huwad na katotohanan

Nakasusuklam, nakasusuya
Nakasusuka, mapait na lasa sa labi
Ngunit walang luhang itatangis
Hindi maghihinagpis
Hahayaang mabulok
Hahayaang mamatay
big sleeper Jan 2021
there is a blazing hole in the sky
where the sun decided to see itself out

i am still here,
can you hear me?
i am still underneath
the miserable weight
of ten stories of steel and concrete"

you were once
the air i breathed
and now you are
crushing me

did you come to hate me slowly
or all at once

i tried to call
but the line died.
come home
i miss you so much
this never happened"

i stepped into
a hole in the deck
where the board
had rotted through
i tried
to pull out my leg
but the wood cut deep
and cut true
i yelled
for help as the blood
flowed into my socks
and into my shoes
i cursed
your name
at the end
i cursed
your name
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