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Styles 3h
She was a
whiskey sipping
pocketing picking
skinny dipping
county bumpkin
Styles 2d
In this moment, I am both an observer and a participant, feeling every ounce of her pleasure as if it were my own. The world outside fades away, leaving just the two of us in this private, electric connection, where every sigh and moan feels like a secret shared between lovers.
Styles 2d
As I watch, a part of me wants to step into the room, to be a part of this intimate scene, to feel the heat of her skin and the intensity of her passion up close. But I stay rooted to the spot, captivated by the beauty and vulnerability before me, my own breath syncing with hers, the space between us charged with unspoken desire.
Styles 2d
The way her fingers move, deft and confident, sends a shiver down my spine. I can’t tear my eyes away, drawn in by the rhythm of her movements and the soft, intoxicating sounds escaping her lips. Every touch seems to ignite her more, her body arching and trembling in response.
Styles 2d
My breath catches as I take in the sight, an unexpected rush of heat spreading through my body. Her eyes are closed, lost in the pleasure she’s giving herself, completely unaware of my presence. I feel a mix of awe and desire, mesmerized by the raw intimacy of the moment.
Your eyes run up, chasing after your feelings— the softest echo  
of a heart, once feeling passionately in love, but only in secret.  
A storm of longing; calm beginnings soon roar thundering  
clapping opening and closing gates.  

The haste, becomes the menace of biting into a bullet;  
never knowing its taste. For any chance given, will later on  
pierce through you in secretive conclusions— another round,  
another round, for a scar so yawning, and a memory so tired  
of ruminating last nights.  

Your tears, are picturesque ashes; core flames that shriek
a pain  before a moment’s murmurs. While an after long
upshot,  distinguishes something oppressive, growing
out of your heart’s  flame— your cheeks raised red of blush;
unease in a fiery rose.

Wouldn’t you love to grow openly under the summer kisses  
that wash the earth in light; as for me, it seemed  
reminiscent of your former bright smile.  

You were once the joy forward looking to a better day;  
a ray after the rain. To reign supreme on their minds;
on  top of every thought of you, worn proudly as a crown.        
        The former is gone.  

The world nicked away that stem of your courageous,
precious, and outrageous company; during the wake
of you finding yourself
      _— you’re so restless now. _
What would distinguish your fiery beauty,
is extinguished; diminished,
          — buried by the earth.  

Still your enduring fiery beauty could feed greed  
into Hell’s gate. For even buried in tragedy;
you shall  ascend gladly to avenge those who hurt you,
in your triumph.
Beauty incarnate, blaring flames;
loudly as the spark of new love, illuminates the
world with its vibrant essence.
Feelings are ignited effortlessly, carelessly rising
like the bright glow of an orange flame,—blue desires
that sting with a burn of passionate words,
creating a fervent symphony of emotions.

Truly not enough about you is spoken about you,
for your essence transcends mere words, leaving me
tongue-tied and mesmerized.

The core of your beauty eludes description,
profoundly affecting my thoughts and senses.

For in your presence is a profound sense of calm,
a palpable peace that radiates love throughout the room,
enveloping all in its warmth. The silent yet profound gaze
of your eyes speaks volumes, embodying the depth
and wisdom, both truly remarkable; for you are WOMAN.
anotherdream May 12
Should I call myself a traitor
For not honoring my needs
When I fall for you again
When I'm struggling to breathe

In the pool of old regrets
I'm still asking what it means
As I'm sinking to the floor
As I'm drowning to be free

I lament my current ignorance
For forgetting certain things
Like when I lay down in the dirt
From admitting our defeat

There's no basis for return
If you're always in my dreams
I had finally let you go
Until I ruined everything

I shouldn't play with fire
When my heart is made of weeds
But I was so desperate for attention
And the comfort it can bring

So I'll call myself a traitor
Cause I'm only hurting me
When I'm crawling back to you
And am on my hands and knees
In this poem I lament getting back with the girl who caused me so much heartache. It's as if all my effort into moving on from her and recovering was for nothing, because as soon as I talked to her again, I fell right back to square one. After the fact, I have adjusted and just keep my distance but in that moment, I had much regret of communicating with her after years of pain.
Styles May 1
Rockin' that dress, fits just right
Hair styled high, shining bright
Syncopate my soul to your rhythm, all night

'Cause I wanna shine bright for you, shine for you, oh-oh
I just wanna shine bright for you, shine for you, oh-oh
Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
This mess of a night, still shining, no remorse
Shine bright for you, shine for you, oh-oh

Like marquise diamonds, rare and fine
I'm your marquise diamond, divine
Even Melody could get jealous
You say I give it to you strong
So good, so good
Keep you hooked, never wanting to move on
I won't, I won't
We have to hope, we have to fight
and emerge from the shadows that hold us tight
For one has to go through the complexities of night
To finally dance in the dawn’s golden light.
Copyright Simran Guwalani
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