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Styles 3h
she is as cold
as the draft
of a storm.
Styles 1d
As dawn approaches with its golden fire,
I revel in our night's fulfilled desire.
For in her presence, my wild heart finds calm,
A love that pulses with a primal psalm.
Styles 1d
Her moans, a symphony of the night's soft song,
Echoing desires, deep and strong.
In every kiss, a secret world we find,
Of hidden realms and pleasures unconfined.
Styles 1d
In twilight's embrace, where shadows whisper low,
Our passions ignite in a sultry, vibrant glow.
With hands like silk, I trace her every line,
A silent pledge where our souls entwine.
Styles 1d
Beneath the moonlight, where shadows gently play,
Our passion lingers, though night begins to sway.
With tender hands, I trace her silken skin,
A wordless vow, where our love begins.

Her whispers are the music of the night,
Soft echoes of our love, pure and bright.
In every touch, a story softly speaks,
Of dreams fulfilled and moments love seeks.

Under stars, in our haven we reside,
Two souls as one, with hearts open wide.
Her laughter, like a song, fills the night air,
A melody of joy that we both share.

As dawn emerges, with its gentle light,
I hold her close, embracing the sight.
For in her presence, my soul finds its grace,
A love eternal, in this sacred space.
Styles 1d
In the afterglow, where passion softly wanes,
Our hearts entwined, yet a gentle ache remains.
With tender hands, I caress her skin,
A silent promise of love within.

Her sighs are melodies in the quiet night,
A symphony of whispers, pure delight.
In every breath, a story unfolds,
Of longing, dreams, and secrets untold.

Beneath the stars, we find our sacred place,
Two souls united in a warm embrace.
Her laughter, like a breeze, dances through the air,
A sweet reminder of the love we share.

As dawn approaches, painting skies anew,
I cherish the moments, timeless and true.
For in her presence, my restless heart finds peace,
A love that grows and will never cease.
Styles 1d
I sense an eruption growing within,
An overwhelming pressure ready to burst,
Emotions cascade in streams,
Touching hidden corners of my soul.
Procreate all of our conversations;  
to produce life in their endless longing words.

You, my beloved, hold a coveted title; as every time I speak
of you, my words are filled with a true and unyielding love,
that resounds ecstatically throughout any room.

For every conclusion of my speech, should leave
no doubt in your mind. Knowing without any hesitation
or reservation, that I love you – wholly, completely,
and unconditionally.
You make me feel different,
Leaving me in constant bewilderment,
Where others get to greet you once every day,
You make me wonder straightaway,
As you welcome me twice,
Once in the morning when I wake up,
Right before the start of my day ahead,
And, once at night during my sleep,
When you embrace me in my dreams.
Styles 2d
In the moon's soft glow, our bodies intertwine,
Lips tracing paths of desire, whispers divine.
Hands explore the landscapes of silken skin,
A dance of passion, where we both begin.

Eyes locked in a gaze, a silent plea,
Every touch, every breath, sets our spirits free.
Heartbeats synchronize in a rhythm so sweet,
In this tender embrace, where our souls meet.

The night wraps around us, a velvet shroud,
In the hush of darkness, we whisper aloud.
Desires unleashed, in the sacred space,
Lost in the rapture of this intimate grace.
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