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You left me crying in the hotel bathroom
You left me spying in the restaurant too

You saw me for who I am
Then went up and ran
While I’m working on my tan
Trying not be who I am

Gotta stop begging you to stay
And turning up the Lana del rey
Cause I’m no one’s Brooklyn baby
I’m feeling just a bit crazy
Siyana Jan 7
I run,
through forests barefoot
aching with sore feet,
tired legs
and a cold heart...

I run,
from wild-flowers,
daisies and lavenders.
As I cry myself to sleep-
anxiously avoidant.
Begging everyone not to leave me,
while I sleep alone in another country-
fearing closeness and distance at the same time...
For the fearful avoidants x
Falling Up Dec 2023
You don’t understand how precious life is
until you’re in a room filled with the
strongest people you know,
and they’re
over a life lost.

The tears are contagious and the hurt
never goes away
as you feel the loss radiating around
the room,
trying to fill the once lively

Life is fleeting so always
make sure to email your grandma back
go on that lunch date with your best friend
tell the world how beautiful it is
and never
waste your time away.
M H John Dec 2023
i cried this morning
while washing my fruits
my tears mingling with water
fixated on conversating
about my emotions
simply due to the fact
that everything in my garden
was grown by

the love of me

only to be harvest
on a regular tuesday sunny afternoon
by none other

than the hands of you
Mrs Timetable Dec 2023
My emotions
Get the
In my
Safe zone
Like a child
White Shadow Dec 2023
Beneath the moon's melancholy glow,
A symphony of sadness begins to flow.
Loneliness weaves through the quiet night,
Heartache concealed, out of sight.

In the echoes of a silent room,
Unseen sorrows start to loom.
A solitary soul, burdened and blue,
Whispers of despair, known to few.

Gentle raindrops, tears from the sky,
Mimic the weeping of a soul awry.
Aching shadows, an unspoken pain,
Loneliness dances in the silent rain.

Through the verses of a heart's lament,
A poignant tale, like a whisper sent.
Tangled emotions, an internal sea,
Where sadness and loneliness intertwine, free.

Yet, in the tears that silently fall,
A raw beauty, a poignant call.
For every heart that has ever cried,
In shared sorrows, we're unified.
Em Dec 2023
sometimes being with him feels like im drowning
waves in my stomach crashing
the tides rise and fall in my chest
cause of death: i was obsessed
wept too many tears
caused myself to drown in a planet of my own fears
haven't written in a while I just wanna get all my thoughts out even if they may make more sense in my head
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
I cry in the rain to maintain a particular mask, ensuring a path through this insane subclass
...I often ask, just how long does a generic smile last...
I cry in the shower to cover the inner lies power to destroy a future with a forgotten past
...can't fault the falling sand of even the most generic hourglass...
I choke on this lump in my throat, a radically ******, cringe worthy mass
...a bottomless bottom, a conundrum of a problem, an endless crevasse, I'm falling fast...
Corroded by the entanglement of lost days, the wrath of memories that didn't last and emotions that won't pass
...I am the match...I am the gass...

Gift Ono Nov 2023
**** me but spare mother
For she has spent all she has to offer
**** me but spare mother
Let her live a little longer

Beat me but touch not her
Her back aches from all I should muster
Beat me but spare mother
For she always had much to offer

Maybe in another life, I'll be better
Give her all she's wanted, get her happier
But now, I'm a load on her shoulder
An ache that has to linger
Gift Ono
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