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Her memory is like the beauty of the silted Nile,
Of sacred blue lilies and heron
And skimming eyes of the crocodile.
I close my eyes
To visualize
A romanticized
Big picture prize
Then realize
To my surprise
It's all been lies
And I have to comfort my soul as it cries

These thoughts of you,
are like the smallest pebble to the grandest mountain,
everything holds a certain value, contributing to
the intricacies of this existence.

And there must have been
an unpleasant disturbance in my heart; as if a pebble
was thrown in my eye’s still waters- causing many ripples.

Oh, it’s perfectly strange;
not quickly recognizing your own tears
anymore;- some people do cry better in the rain.
Tell me,
if I can make love to someone through my eyes;
Allowing me to truly witness and appreciate every
exquisite detail of them— my eyes would become
vessels, through which my adoration flows freely
for you.
Jeremy Betts May 17
I couldn't tell you why
Sometimes I don't try
But I'll look you dead in the eye
And swear I can not tell a lie
Which of course, in itself, is always a lie

Do I really have to completely and painfully forget about us, deeply and frenetically in love, passionately devouring each other?!
Must I abandon my sincere dream of being joyfully and profoundly yours?
How can I escape being so obsessed with all of you? I’m surprised by my own strength, acting as if none of the turmoil around us matters.
I can’t overcome this silence and emotionless moment, but I swear it’s all due to the melancholy inside me.
I’m depressed, yet you’re still the one and only who can drive me crazy.
Moe May 1
All the wallflowers
Picking up the sun
Slowly walking towards
The madness
Moving statues
Entwined at the
You can find your
Picture on my wall
Walking on two legs
Facing the sound
Of empty eyes
Özcan Sh Apr 30
Oh the beauty of her eyes
Hidden behind glasses so clear
They shine like stars
So bright and true
Despite the lenses near

Her gaze pierces through
Right to my heart
As she looks at me
Love written in every part

Her glasses add an air of mystery
Enhancing her allure
Her uniqueness her history

For behind those lenses
Lies a mind full of wonder
A soul that sparkles
A heart that yearns

Her eyes are windows to a world unseen
Filled with intelligence
Wit and dreams serene

So when she looks at me
Im lost in her gaze
For her eyes
They are the most beautiful sights to haze.

For **

-Özcan Sh.
Her eyes made me write again.
I’m home again,
with the same tragedy
that I used to smile through.
With the same cup of coffee prepared,
yet I’ll never drink it.
I’m home,
yet lonely,
seeking solace through my silence.
I have no expectations for tonight,
except finding joy
in solitude.
In love with the silent moments
of mine.
I’m home.
Luna Pan Apr 20
you and me
we are far off on a foreign coast life
you in your black hoodie
me in my good girl clothes
entering our eternal summer
my cheeks blushing from wine
your hands locked on mine
dark nights, crashing waves
your eyes glows like champagnes
inviting me to dive
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