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Jul 2021 · 377
zrskii Jul 2021
Hidup dalam "zaman" baru yang terasa di dalam sangkar,
Terperangkap seperti binatang buas,
Hampir dua tahun umur dibazir untuk menatap nasib,
Imaginasi permulaan tahun baru kian terpudar,
Halus di udara menjejas kehidupan,
Manusia masih mengharap agar "kamu" terhapus.
Sep 2019 · 134
zrskii Sep 2019
I love to see you everyday
Your smile make me happier
whenever I see you
I finally can escape from my pressure
for a moment

The day when I finally make a decision
Confessing about my feeling
it took  4 years to tell how I feel
you  let me hang on
without any word
Sep 2019 · 917
zrskii Sep 2019
don't trust anyone
they never know how to keep the secrets
exposing in silence
make us feel like a loser
Jul 2019 · 91
ex bestfriend
zrskii Jul 2019
I still remember how close we are
Day by day our friendship become faded
now we are in the same class again
we're just ignore each other
I still hoping we can be 'friend' again
but the way you act
I know you hate me
the memories that never faded
still here
but you?
sorry for my broken english xoxo
May 2019 · 154
zrskii May 2019
I'm sorry to myself,
crying over something not worthy.
May 2019 · 123
zrskii May 2019
I don't know why I feel so sad someday,
I feel so sad,
It's like nothing wrong at all
Because I still laughing,smiling,
But when the bad thought comes,
And I know there's something wrong with me,
Not being good enough,
A failure.

When the dark of the nights comes,
All of my happines dissapear and gone,
All of my fake smile, laugh
Are gone,
And the tears come pouring down my cheeks.

— The End —