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 Dec 2012 ZR Simon
 Dec 2012 ZR Simon
Why am I infatuated
with my weight and size
                                                            ­        lately..
Don't think that I
haven't been eating, cause
                                                           ­         I have been.
I have no one to impress.
But there is a wonderful
                                                       ­             someone.
He doesn't care about
weight and size. Especially mine.
He's fallen for something
                                                       ­              else
of mine; the words that
flutter from my mind.
 Dec 2012 ZR Simon
Alyce Marie
My life,
Is lost out beyond space.
Guidelines upon my thoughts
To develop myself
A sexist/classist
Waste of space
(I want you to go away forever)
 Nov 2012 ZR Simon
I look into your eyes and all doubt leaves my mind,
All my worries and fear are all left behind.
I don't know why you do this to me or how,
All I know this is where I want to be here and now.
Your smile brightens the darkness of any room,
And yet a single thought keeps me in gloom.
We speak about everything, laugh at every joke,
Letting our minds wander, our thoughts provoke.
If you only knew how much you mean to me,
Maybe then would you finally clearly see.
I would climb the highest mountain, swim the largest sea,
Cause when I'm with you, only then do I feel free.
Not a care in the world, but only to see your face,
Every chance I get; just in case.
Each day that goes by I want you to know,
That I'd do anything to be your beau.
There is always that risk that you may not feel the same,
Not knowing how you feel burns inside me like a flame.
And yet, I am just as content with where we are,
Even though the fire will eventually leave a scar.
To see you happy is all I've ever wanted,
And to leave this relationship undaunted.
As much as it hurts to see you by someone elses side,
I would stand by and swallow my pride.
To risk losing you, or hold you at arms length,
Left fighting this battle with all my strength.
Thoughts left in tatters, emotions left hostile,
But in the end, all I want to do is see you smile...
 Nov 2012 ZR Simon
A moment shared that seemed to last forever,
When in truth it lasted only a second.
A spark never felt before, that gave hope,
Hope for something greater, something bigger.
Something that would come down the road,
And brighten the darkness surrounding.
A blanket of anger, of sadness,
Of fear, rejection and regret.
Uncertainty of the future that controls,
Actions determine the outcome.
Cut down like a tree,
Split and crushed, turned into mulch,
The remains only help others grow.
Never lived a day, until I met you,
Everything seemed right, perfect.
Just wanted to live my life,
Make things right with you.
Your actions speak clearly,
I’m just a pawn in your game.
With no words I realize,
Like that tree, I was only born to die.
Our moment seemed to last forever,
It turned out being a moment of nothing…
 Nov 2012 ZR Simon
Walking down the path of righteousness,
I see the obstacles in my way.
Take each stride as the other precedes it,
As the chains rattle to my side.
Seen as the darkness that clouds the earth,
Being led to the side of light.
These thoughts run through my mind,
Memories of all those I’ve lost.
Those fallen to the same fate as mine,
Guiltless of the crime at hand.
Taken from us for no reason at all,
Torn from life, through fire.
The ropes clench around my body,
My breaths begin to slow.
Looking down I see sticks at my feet,
The crowd grows silent.
A masked man walks with a torch,
Slowly heading my way.
The seconds turn to minutes,
Minutes to hours.
The flame grows, as it gets closer,
My time is at an end.
Sparks fly as the sticks catch fire,
Smoke fills the air.
It begins getting hard to breathe,
Screams fail to escape.
Feeling the fire touching my skin,
Feel the agonizing pain.
The first feeling felt in years,
The end is finally near.
I shake my head and smile,
I’ll be free from it all.
Free from the trials of this life,
Looking up to the sky.
Take my final breath, close my eyes,
Soon consumed by the flame.
Flames begin to calm as nothing remains,
Ashes to ashes they say.
My body turned from dust to dust,
This is how it must be.
As the embers slowly begin to die out,
The memory of me fades…
 Nov 2012 ZR Simon
It's difficult to say if what we do day in and day out,
Makes us into who we are or what we're all about...
In the back of my mind this drives me insane,
When something goes wrong we live in pain...
Heartbroken, distraught, left in a complete funk,
Leaving your judgement in pieces and pride shrunk...
Every minute of every day, you're the only thing on my mind,
I am unfamiliar with myself, I am left here undefined...
When I think of you all my problems melt away,
The time we spend together remains on replay...
You haven't the slightest idea what you mean to me,
To you I don't exist, I'm a fly on the wall that you fail to see...
I can only imagine what you think about when I'm around,
But I don't want to risk running this friendship aground...
We talk about anything and everything, no restraint,
The truth I want to say, leaves my mind quaint...
Should I speak my mind, or keep it inside to keep you close,
Or take the risk and see what happens, I suppose...
The repercussions are severe, the rewards can be great,
All I want to do is lift off my shoulders, this weight...
Time moves on and I don't want to waste our youth,
But it only gets harder to keep this unspoken truth...
 Nov 2012 ZR Simon
A New Day
 Nov 2012 ZR Simon
after all the time i've wasted...after all the things i've done...
it was just another broken record...another tv rerun...
took me time to realize it was all a mistake...
until emotions caught up and began to break...
one day you'll think back at what could of been...
as sadness envelopes and you're left to begin...
down a road of regret where i cannot be found...
cause i'll be gone in the morning...without a sound...
i have nothing, i leave with only the shirt on my back...
to leave is my only option to get my life on track...
each day that goes by, it hurts less and less...
optimism and hope were the drivers, this i confess...
reality blindsided me leaving my pride in a tatter...
realizing that my dream had no longer started to matter...
i walk this road left to mend my broken bones...
as those without sin refuse to throw the stones...
for they know the pain, they had been there before...
towards the horizon i go left to wander this earth forevermore...
thinking back to how it was, seeing how you acted...
i don't know why i let myself get distracted...
it was right in front of me the entire time...
but i guess my ignorance had me sublime...
doesn't matter now, i have grown in light of it...
i'm only human as some may say, that i admit...
i leave you to your wares and wish you the best...
just so you know, i am unlike any of the rest...
my head is held high no matter what they may say...
when the sun rises tomorrow, today will go away...
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