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May 2014 · 346
MAD >:(
Zoë May 2014
Sometimes I feel so mad
I could tell the ocean
To crash over the beach
With all it's might
To bring the striped umbrella's
And tiny buckets
With him
Back into the deep

Sometimes I feel so mad
I could scream into
My pillow for hours
And be annoyed that
I wasted my time
And I wasn't heard

Sometimes I feel so mad
I could be alone
With no one to talk
To and just think
And be fine

Sometimes I feel so mad
I can't even imagine
What the feeling of happy
Feels like

Sometimes I feel so mad
And then I see things
That I love
And I realize
I just need to feel
Happy :)
May 2014 · 231
Zoë May 2014
I hear very own voice
in my head sometimes
Yelling at me
But it does not have a reason
To yell my name at me
To yell my mistakes at me
To yell my concerns at me
So why does it yell at me
I ask it politely to stop
But then all I hear
Is me telling myself
To stop yelling
At myself
May 2014 · 339
Zoë May 2014
Things go away sometimes

Like a sickness

Not treated with medicine

Like a heart ache fixed

With only chocolate ice cream

Like a friend

That fades

Like a life

With no reason

Why it went
May 2014 · 295
Life Is
Zoë May 2014
Life is a film
Of one step forward
And two steps back

Life is a book
That tells the whole story
But you can only read it once

Life is an opportunity
That people control
For themselves

Life is an apple
Sweet or Sour
With a worm occasionally
In some

Life is time
Controlled by the person
To whom it belongs
May 2014 · 217
Zoë May 2014
I feel that I am in a hallway of locked doors.
In a cage with no key.
In the dark with sunglasses stuck over my eyes.
I feel that I am the only one.
That nobody will get it.
That it will always be the same.
I hope that they will get it someday.
That I will be able to see my dreams as the past.
That I can teach someone something they can use.
I think that it will get better sometime.
That I will get to where I want to be.
That I will get it someday.
May 2014 · 148
When Will They
Zoë May 2014
When will they realize this is all for nothing?
When will they understand how ridiculous they sound?
When will they realize it doesn't matter?
When will they start to really care?
When will they stop feeling so bad for themselves?
When will they stop acting like they're the best?
The real question is will they ever realize, start, understand, and stop these things?
May 2014 · 248
Zoë May 2014
I live in a world,
where everyone cares
what everyone else thinks.
I live in a world,
where people say they care
but I never can know for sure.
I live in a world,
where people can't be happy
even for a second
I live in a world,
that I don't quite understand.
And I just can't escape
fast enough
#middle #school #collegecomefaster
May 2014 · 450
Zoë May 2014
There are secrets we whisper
Secrets that slip
Secrets that ruin
Secrets that are hidden
But they don't have to be secret
If we can tell ourselves when
We wake up and go to bed
That they are still true
It becomes fact
Not secret
May 2014 · 292
Zoë May 2014
I say life is a rush
We rush to the next year,
Next change,
Next love,
Next opportunity,
Next step
We can never settle at this This
This year,
This love,
This opportunity
This step
If you substitute this for next
You don't have to rush through life.
Don't think too much about life
Just live it
Apr 2014 · 318
A Bad Person?
Zoë Apr 2014
If somebody can't run a mile
In 4 minutes
Does that make them
A bad person?

If somebody doesn't think
Like you do
Does that make them
A bad person?

If somebody isn't as smart
As you think you are
Does that make them
A bad person?

If somebody isn't as
Good as you as you think
You are at certain things
Does that make them
A bad person

If you don't like somebody
Because of something small
Does that make you
A bad person?
Apr 2014 · 314
Zoë Apr 2014
Light gives us power
To defeat the dark
Darkness laughs when we can't see a thing
We turn on the light
And it has already disappeared
In embarrassment or amazement
That we could overcome him
Apr 2014 · 366
Sunday Night
Zoë Apr 2014
Withering away fast
I try to grasp it in my hand
And beg for it to stay
I call out it's name
But it is long on it's way
On the trip to Monday
I look for it still
As the Monday sun
Rises and sneers at me
I squint in it's brilliance
To find Sunday
Who is long gone
Apr 2014 · 188
We Have
Zoë Apr 2014
We have endless wishes in life
Whether it's the genie in stories
Or lists and complaints

We have endless questions
Whether it's confusion
Or wonder

We have anger within all of us
Whether it's about life
Or the people around us

We have never ending problems
Whether it's about ourselves
Or others

We have so much
About each one of us
It can't all be summed up into
Just one poem
But these are things we
All have if we know it or not
Apr 2014 · 544
Zoë Apr 2014
Sometimes I love to walk
And run
And hide from places
where others might be too
I love going deeper
than the others
I climb to the farthest rock
Walk the longest distance
Go the deepest
And in those moments
I feel I could disappear
I could disappear
In the heights of opportunity
In the depth of unknown
In the danger of the length
Hoping that no one will notice
I sit
I search
I disappear
In the hope that I have gone somewhere
Nobody has been before
And seen a sight
Or felt a feeling
Or heard a tune
That only I can explain
And let them imagine it
Apr 2014 · 335
Those Days
Zoë Apr 2014
There are days when you feel that
nothing could get better.
And there are days when you feel
that nothing could get worse.
When you're having a great day,
remember the bad
so you know
why it's good.
On a bad day remember
the good so you
know they can
be better.
Apr 2014 · 625
Zoë Apr 2014
I sit on the rocks
watching the water
splash against them,
missing my feet
by an inch or two.
The small shells stuck
to the rock motionless
unlike the tide.
I gently pull one off
and hum to it.
It partially reveals itself
and I smile
throwing it back into
the sea wondering
where it goes now.
Apr 2014 · 188
Zoë Apr 2014
Some of our
biggest dreams
are the ones
we fear most.
And we sometimes
convince ourselves
they'll never come true.
Apr 2014 · 209
Funny Things
Zoë Apr 2014
There are some funny
things that you
need to know during
But lots can only
be taught by
you yourself
Apr 2014 · 224
Zoë Apr 2014
Reality disappears when
I think of my biggest dreams
Then comes back to laugh
when I start to convince
myself they'll come true
I try to think about
and hope reality is wrong
Then it says "Dream on..."
And I do
Forgetting my
previous hope
Apr 2014 · 287
I Know
Zoë Apr 2014
I know that in this universe, we are not alone
I know that the world is far from perfect, but serenity isn’t impossible
I know freedom comes with a price tag
I know that we aren’t created equal
I know you have to earn trust
I know that we can’t always get along
I know that you have to accept people
I know that family is forever
I know love can be not just a word but a feeling
I know that you have to accept yourself, and soon be what you want to become
Inspired by Sarah Kay, "If I should Have a Daughter" TED talk. "10 things I know to be true"
Apr 2014 · 195
Zoë Apr 2014
Everybody may not be known by the world.
But to somebody they are the world.
Apr 2014 · 213
Zoë Apr 2014
If you like me
If you hate me
If you love me
If you can’t stand me
If you fear me
If you don’t care about me
No matter what you think, I’m not changing
So that’s your problem
Don't talk behind my back,
But if you think my life is so much
More interesting  than yours than go ahead
And think what you want
Because I won't change how I am,
Just because you asked me to
Apr 2014 · 252
All That Matters
Zoë Apr 2014
I care about
your open future
not your muddy past.
Your heart size,
not your pant size.
Your good qualities
and accept the bad
Your words,
not your nails
You're just you
and that's all that matters
Apr 2014 · 289
Behind You
Zoë Apr 2014
Behind you
may be bad
lost friends and family,
    big mistakes,
even bigger embarrassment,
      lonely times,
sad times,
      but the past,
helps your future,
      become better
and your spotless
is all that lies
Apr 2014 · 214
Zoë Apr 2014
Sometimes I wonder why I lie in bed at night
With my eyes wide open
Thinking about events of the day
Thinking about death
Thinking about life
Thinking about the mistakes I made
Or the times I messed up bad
I wonder why my thoughts go wild at night
Keeping me up
My mind exploding
Words flashing like bright lights
People's faces in my mind
Smiles and tears
Every morning when I wake up
Eyes heavy and tired
I know that the thoughts are worth it
But I never sleep, for these things
Appear in my dreams too
In different ways though
They tell me things
I would never be able to think of on my own
Sometimes I wish I could sleep
Just sleep
Without a dream
But I remember every one
Sleep becomes unimportant
When your nightmares become exciting battles
With sleep
Apr 2014 · 132
Zoë Apr 2014
You wonder what your future
will be like
but until the future
is the present,
you won't know the answer
to your wonder
of the past
Apr 2014 · 231
Zoë Apr 2014
Sometimes I feel like I could be by myself forever
But I remember I would miss a few people

Sometimes I listen to the same 5 songs one day
But I might hate them all the next

Sometimes I act like I care
But I might not

Sometimes I can feel reality sink in to me like I'm a sponge
But at least I know the truth

Sometimes I think I don't actually love something
But in the way back of my mind I secretly know I do

Sometimes I remember sad things and cry
But I know it's not gonna help me with anything

Sometimes I do
But other times I don't

Not always, Not never,
Just sometimes
Apr 2014 · 764
Couldn't Everyone
Zoë Apr 2014
If poetry is just words
that already existed before,
then couldn't everyone do it?

If running is just moving
and most every person has arms to pump
couldn't everyone do it?

If art is just the colors of the rainbow
put on paper with a crayon,
couldn't everyone do it?

If cooking is just food
being put in a pan or oven,
couldn't everyone do it?

And if life is just living
and breathing everyday,
couldn't everyone do it?

My answer: No

Your answer: I don't know
Apr 2014 · 303
Zoë Apr 2014
Unhappiness is imperfection
But perfection,
doesn't always make
us happy
Apr 2014 · 252
Zoë Apr 2014
Dear Reality,
   You know, you can be a real **** sometimes. You stick out your hand to help me up just to push me back down and laugh.  I wasn't aware of you when I was 5 and I could disappear in my own little world with my crazy blonde curls, dolls, and imaginary husband (who I insisted eat at the dinner table.)  But then one day you slapped me in the face and put my life into my two small hands and told me to make it good. You showed me rejection, hate, guilt and how it felt for people to hate me just because. You told me that when I held my head high I would feel good, but then someone told me to duck.  But when I felt like the world was crashing down around me and I was a tiny microscopical dot on the earth and my life was falling apart while still in my hands and my tears like a river of emotions flowing into oceans of regret and guilt, you made the rivers evaporate into clouds of "get over it."  And I know it will rain, and puddles will form in holes left irreplaceable but I will remember to wear rain boots.  I can't hide in blankets of excuses.  It will not stop raining but you taught me to bring an umbrella. When life turns into a big wave, I'll grab a surfboard.  Or when life throws me on a roller coaster, I'll grab a car and buckle up, but I won't close my eyes because I might miss something.  And when I finally realize that the big scary world, doesn't have to be so scary, I will thank you reality.
Apr 2014 · 162
Zoë Apr 2014
Why do we care about what we see in others,
when we can't even see ourselves?

Why do we put people in mental categories,
when we know that they'll never see themselves in our minds?

Why do we care so much about what others think,
when we're actually just too busy pleasing ourselves?

Why do we say we're afraid of the rain,
when we are just afraid of getting wet?

Why do we ask so many questions,
when we know they can't all be answered?
Apr 2014 · 252
Zoë Apr 2014
When I'm sad, I write
When I'm confused, I write
When I'm bored, I write
When I'm happy, I write
But when I feel like the world is crashing down around me,
I put my hands over my head and think.
I may stick in my earbuds and listen to the words being sung,
trying to decode every phrase to find a meaning.
A meaning that I understand.
And in that moment,
when the words make sense,
I can piece the world back together and
write again.
Apr 2014 · 211
Zoë Apr 2014
Love is not a person
or adjective.
Not a number
or place.
But a feeling...
Apr 2014 · 202
Of a Poet
Zoë Apr 2014
Tired eyes,
achy wrists and fingers,
bright mind
and beautiful words
of a poet

— The End —