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 Jun 2014 Zoe Q
pluie d'été
your lips
used to write poetry
against my skin

but now
i can't feel your breath
on the curve of my neck
and i have nothing
to read
 Jun 2014 Zoe Q
Dolores L Day
I sat, eager to hear what you had to say.
I watched, the tears welling up in your eyes.
I wept, as you let everyone see you.

You are the most beautiful chameleon I have ever met.
And I know the significance of your sobs.
You let everyone in.

When I told you I envied your courage,
that wasn't a lie.
Because what you did today was so brave.

So thank you.
Thank you for letting us in.

It was an honor.
For the beautiful girl who may not know how much I love her.

— The End —