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  May 2016 Zoe Delgado
Mitch Nihilist
I can’t tell if
it’s my mind or my
cigarette stained
t-shirts, both can
make a woman run,
the trail dust stirring
is starting to make my
skin burn, I’m starting
to learn that maybe
love isn’t for everyone,
it has an acquired taste,
sometimes it takes
a plague to kindle
a sense of realization
but I’ve solely realized
that one can only die
so many times before
love settles with the dust,
I thought only my lungs were
black but I guess when
you’re that close to the heart
the pain is bound to rub off,
my chest is wet eraser
scribbling over a dry pencil-written past,
falling in love seems to be a falsity,
everything ends,
lit like a small city
but you can see the smog
from a mile away,
stop coming to visit
you’re not welcome
Zoe Delgado May 2016
Orbiting around and around
the sun I go
yet I´m out of orbit
apart of the crowd no more
I am the loner
a planet but not a planet
just because I collide with neptune
and Iv´e become distant to everyone
wanting to be acknowledged
just like once ago
made up of matter
I matter
I am pluto
Zoe Delgado May 2016
I can’t go on living this way
Living and leading a fake life
No matter where I go I am
Constantly reminded of how I’m not perfect
When I’m supposed to be
Walking among the living when I feel nothing but dead inside
How much crazy can a person take
Zoe Delgado May 2016
I overflow with tears
I overflow with care
but not today
I overflow with kindness
I overflow with happiness
but not today
I overflow with every thing
I overflow constantly
but not today
today I’m not even half full
only wishing to overflow yet again
Zoe Delgado May 2016
As I walk to your room
just to see your
sunken eyes,thin body
and pale skin
Tubes sticking out everywhere
keeping you alive
the heart monitor showing
your strong heart going
slow but steady
Even through the pain
you smile when
I come in
as if nothing's wrong
you grab my hand and squeeze it
and I squeeze back
your hand warm and familiar
then when you ask me about my day
I say fine
even though it was anything but
Trying to be strong for
you,your lifeline
  Feb 2016 Zoe Delgado
anxiety comes as a haywire mind
a situation in your head
worlds away from everyone
words unsaid
scared to be anyone, much less yourself

but most of all
it comes
and it never really leaves.

— The End —