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Have you ever
carried the world
and not known it?
Went on with your
life, without care?
Collecting stones,
shining pebbles,
weighing pearls.

When you can't feel the mountains protruding from your back,
crashing behind
your eyes,
                                    in your ears;
the devil in your head,
and the angel in your heart.

When you don't know
they're there, you grow
envious of
other people's
treasures. They lug
heavy buckets
of stones, pebbles,
and pearls while
it seems you own
a small pouch that
is worth nothing.

So you spend your days at the river,
collecting stones,
                 shining pebbles,
                              weighing pearls.
With some, they can see
                                          the storm coming;
                                                         ­                                               hear the thunder
before the lightning strikes.
With me,
it was
a pebble,
a shiny pebble that
                                                            ­                                                       jumped
from its bucket,
flew up: past the angel, devil, oceans, and storms, landed on the mountains and crushed
under its weight.
The mountains shook and
crumbled from the weight,
crashing and
churning –
The storms
                       made me
                                                              ­                 deaf
but I can still hear
the devil screaming
and feel the angel dying.

I have no choice
but to proceed
to lug heavy
buckets of stones,
and of pebbles,
and of pearls
while the other
people go on
without a care;
with a small pouch
that is worth so
much – that I’d die
to hold again.
*If youre reading this on a moble device, tilt your screen in a horizontal mannor; it will show you the poem's structure*

Thanks to Anna Pavoncello for the awesome title :)
Anna's hellopoetry:
everything will be illuminated.
Teeth lacquered in glass shards
will bite down on plaster hearts,
Yet the sweet perfume
of your rancid breath
Will never give us life
nor Death.

everything will be undisputed.
Vapid tastes will linger on sordid tongues.
Cover your mouths, irascible ones!
The race to end has just begun!
Vivid Imagination but this right here is real....
How sympathetic can one man feel...
I'm a runner... living i'm crawling...****** feet...
I'm a walker...standing proud...on my knees...running crowd...
I'm a bystander.... filled with joy...knocked to the ground...A ****** toy....
Screams I hear...Screams We hear...Its the screams we fear...
That means the terrors near...getting closer...
So now we pray...When we should have been praying before...
Just because we don't hear no screams doesn't me terror ain't at the door...
Or across the Ocean, across the Seas...
Red, Dead, Black and Blinding...
Because you can't hear the screams..
But I been praying for family...For my dreams...
I never stop asking God for peace...even when I can't hear the screams...
America I beg you take the time to hear the screams...
Because just like you care for those bombs on Boston's streets...
these a school in Syria with bodies across the street....
Theres a Home destroyed in the middle east...
or a town massacred in Mali..
Pray not just today but tomorrow...Pray not just right now but forever...
Because this will be forgotten by you who didn't hear...
This wound will heal for those who didn't lose a limb...didn't bleed a tear...
But tomorrow terror will claim another life...
and how much will you care...
because CNN didn't have a chopper in the air...
Wicked Won't Stop Coming!! But we feel the need to stop praying...
The time is coming...Never stop praying...
"Jesus thank you that our screams haven't got any louder!! But keep those who were affected. Heal those that were wounded and wrap your arms around the families of the deceased. We pray that you allow us to find those responsible. We pray that this unites even more and allows us to become a closer and more unified country. Keep watch over our streets at night. Allow us to be able to love our brother and sister so that we want to do them no harm. That we learn to forgive one another and love each other no matter our differences. Bless those over seas fighting for us and our freedom and bless and keep those overseas that have to deal with violence and cruelty on an everyday basis. Keep your arms around them and give them a sense of peace. I know it sounds like we just ask and ask and ask, but know we are grateful for all of your blessing and mercy!!! In Jesus name We Pray Now and Forever! Amen"
 May 2013 zigzagtuesday
I will not refrain from making this personal
You have dwelled in me long enough
To force my hand
This hand, that now, won’t stop shaking
Because of you
Scribbling ink upon paper-
Smudged with sweat from my brow

The fires of your hell,
The tundra of your stare,
Rattle my brain
And from me you drain
My strength and my patience
I retain only adamancy
To rival your vexation

You, who have crippled me so
I pray you know, how much I loathe
Your pestilent touch
But I beg you still,
To keep my hands,
To keep my head,
To leave me this much.
Inspired by Charles Bukowski's - To the ***** who took my poems.
 May 2013 zigzagtuesday
to banter and delegate
a favorable solution
they waste days and lives
in obvious delusion

when war breaks out
much relief is sent
alongside guns and bombs
from governments bent

then, lie to the people
and reinforce resolve
with hope that resounds
and eventually dissolves

selling pawns like hot cakes
in the business of hypocrisy
you think dictatorship is bad?
take a closer look at democracy
Posted on February 25, 2013
 May 2013 zigzagtuesday
M Clement
I want to check my emotions at the door
And drop my keys in a bowl
Baby, oh baby
Take all of what I got
And I'll pretend to do the same
I have a book of your emotions
Because I know I'll never see them in real life

Use me, abuse me, and take me to someplace darker than this
I'm a globe trotter
And a dog-walker
Your dogs look tired, why don't you sit down?
Oh, there's no seating save for my lap
You know what to do

I came without you
I can do me all by myself
I don't need you
In fact
It's a hell of a lot easier without you

I can be exactly
whoever the ****
I want.
and I can ****
Exactly whoever I want.

Catholic with a very foul mouth
Not that I'm proud of this
But I'm proud of my writing
No lie
Few alibis
I'm really in China
I have small feet to keep it tight
If you know what I mean

There's nothing in me that wants to continue
And don't read into this, because it's as much about you as it isn't
That's to say, not a whole lot?

I know it's never meant to be easy
But sometimes I wish it were just a little easier

I like music that screams at me
It makes me feel at home.
Don't you know it.
Just don't flatter yourself.
In all honesty, this is just thought spill. Whoever reads this, please don't think it's about you. I promise you it isn't. This is about me, and it always has been.
Wanna see how empty I can get.
I can leak out all feeling.
No nerves left.

I taste and stiff every person I see.
I cringe crunch the cartilage of every baby I meet.

Heartless and artless old codger.
No posture.

Cramming damming the spam filled sandwich,
of ancient architects.

The tall statue of an empty shell, old malt glass,
Spewed upon the face of mother earth leaving acid mildew.

Shower of rain with a pH of less than 7,
maybe to the negatives, raising havoc on the crop lands.

If my plants would be watered.
I would whole.
I could stand upon the ground lain staked like a scarecrow.

I wish the emptiness protected all that I loved.
I could forever be the watering can providing my molecules with spirits'

The aluminum in my body.
Will calcify or solidify (whichever's easiest)
Spontaneously, to create the fluids of osmosifiying mechanical dilution,
Into greater things.
i cant read
so i just write
i quickly become tired
with your work
i would much rather pace
wear down the blades of grass
in the familiar place

i cant read
because while the graces of poets
and scholars
make pretty the page
syllables dancing
atop meticulously pressed parchment
while this happens
through their beauty
i only think of you

toss the tome aside
and imagine all the ways
i can express
the things that capture and drag
the fingertips to their home
back to the place where i feel full
loved and laughed at
where i carouse and cherish

this was never about the "reads"
never about the ratio
of lit to likes
it was only ever about me writing
you love letters every day
ten max though

fact is, half of these *******
scrawlings these
are returned to sender
but crying alone
is far better than pretending
pretending you were never upset
and begging for something you need
begging doesnt only work if there is a listener

i cant read
i cant read our future
i cant give you house keys
a front or back yard
a cat box
a leash

i cant read
i write.
all 106 of them
garbage some think
but its garbage
i sealed with tears
and stamped with a kiss
spritzed with cologne
(if i wore it)

i cant read
star charts
concert bills
no parking signs
or the expressions of cats

but i can write
pour out every guttural spasm
scribble every inspiration
leer and laugh toward
a glowing screen
mute and accepting
of the drivel banged out below it

i cant read
i can write things though
some things
good things

see what i mean??
i cant even write.
hay-seuss x-mas!
looking to hire a writing coach....
999-888-9988 extension 666
"i like it"
so i guess i win
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