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Poetry comes from the soul

Reflects what is inside

It can only ever state

Can not defend what died

Words are what we will give

Who listens to what we say

We will always try to share

New meaning every day

This world is a big place

So many are in the mix

When it is already broken

No one is able to fix

So poets will all unite as one

With so many words to share

All of us will always glow

See our soul in there
The tasteless strip hits my lips,
the clouds are exploding.
This is an acid trip.
Eyes scream things you can't tell are real.
All I can do is draw, my pen is surreal.
The touching and pressing is scary inside,
The walls are too close,
There's nowhere to hide.
As the alcohol poured down my throat
Part of me wished it had been acid.

— The End —