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 Dec 2012 Z
Never Ending Tangle
When I listen to music
And sing along in my head,
I hear poetry,
And I wish I could write something so beautiful.

Beautiful words seep out of the speakers
Twinkling in the air
Invisible notes
Prancing toward my ears.

The music makes me sway,
Sway with emotion, with passion, on the verge of tears.
In that moment, I am free.
I drown out the unharmonious world.

Lawn mowers, keyboard typing,
Talking, banging, flushing,
Boys screaming at their **** video games at 4am.
Don’t they have homework?

But who cares because I have the music
And the music has me.
We are not alone.
We are one unit.

The artists sing to me
But don’t know my name.
I dance around
Unaware of my pain.

An escape from the world
These people have given me.
I want to say thank you
For making the world a little beautiful.

For making me feel a little beautiful.
 Dec 2012 Z
Never Ending Tangle
Twirly, whirly, curly Q
Hair upon my head.
People say it’s beautiful.
To me, it’s merely dead.

Twirly, whirly, curly Q
Whenever I take a nap,
I look like lightening came down from heaven
And gave me a little zap!

Twirly, whirly, curly Q
Whether wind, rain, or snow.
Humidity is my enemy
I have a **** afro.

Twirly, whirly, curly Q
People stop and stare.
They ask me if it’s natural
As if they really care.

Twirly, whirly, curly Q
I think it’s rather boring.
You pay buckets to look like me
It’s so freaking annoying.

Twirly, whirly, curly Q
Girls tell me that they’re jealous.
But if they really knew the struggle,
They’d agree it’s rather hellish.

Twirly, whirly, curly Q
Straight hair would be a dream.
I’d brush and brush and brush my hair
And never even scream.

Twirly, whirly, curly Q
Alas, it’s here to stay.
But I guess that’s what makes me different,
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
 Dec 2012 Z
Never Ending Tangle
When I first met you, I didn't think much.
We didn't talk much.
Just friends of friends.

Nothing special.

One year later, I met you again.
Just a simple hello.
A simple good bye.

Nothing special.

Another year goes by.
We meet for the third time.
This past summer was different however
Because we did not know what would transgress in the months to come.

Nothing special.

At the beginning of that summer, he had crushed me.
Broken up with me over the phone.
A year and a half of love. Gone.
My best friend. Gone. Forgotten.

Nothing special.

At the end of that summer, she crushed you.
Broken up with through a text.
Three years of love. Gone.
You went to her house in a rage.

Nothing special.

You begged her to take you back.
You cried.
Not that you told anyone else that.
You only told me.
And if I told anyone you would deny it.

Nothing special.

A month goes by,
You act like you don't care.
You hide behind your blind rage.
You told her to never talk to you again.
She didn't. You thought you had moved on.

Nothing special.

I thought I had moved on too.
But at a party, I drunkenly slapped your best friend.
He promised he would make me his,
But like the rest he let me go.
I wasn't worth the trouble.
The usual.

Nothing special.

But then you swooped in with your big arms and big heart.
You told me to forget about it to not stress.
Stress free livin'.
All good in the hood.
That's what we drunkenly told one another.

Nothing special.

Then we went up to your room.
Don’t think *****.
We talked until the sun rose in the sky.
About anything and everything.
Our first real talk and we couldn't shut up.
It was simple, easy.

Something special.

As the hangover kicked in,
You kissed my forehead.
You called me beautiful.
Called me wonderful.

Something special.

As I drove away from you and back to reality,
I didn't want it to be over.
I texted you.
You replied.
We began our journey.

Something special.

Staying up until the sun came up.
Sometimes 3am. Sometimes 6.
We talked and texted about everything.
20 questions was our game.
But 20 turned into infinity.
And infinity was nice.

Something special.

You visited me.
I visited you.
An hour away was nothing.
It only made the time with you more special.
You told me kissing me felt like you were in another place.

Something special.

But infinity had to end eventually.
You saw her again.
One smile, one laugh, one I miss you.
Like a puppy you went running at her first call.
You broke up with me over the phone.

Nothing special.

You said you were sorry.
Called yourself an *******, a ****, every name in the book.
You said you liked me but you liked her more.
You were in love with her.
You said you did it wrong but it was the right thing to do.

Nothing special.

Now I sit back and think.
Did it mean anything?
The kisses, the cuddles, the talking 'til dawn.
Did you ever care in the first place?
Do you even think about it?

Nothing special.

You have her.
She has you.
At least I assume.

Nothing special.

But I have me, myself, and I.
And unlike you I know what I want.
I want someone who wants me.
Who doesn't second guess his feelings for me.

Something special.
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
I stood behind you
And spoke your name
Around you turn
To look at me
With eyes wide open
It took you two moments to realize it was me
That's how long it has been
I want to fix that
I want you to know me
I take a step toward you
A smile grows on your face
A generous hug your arms give me
And we take a walk out to the night
Before I head my way back home
You take the risk that I was scared to take
And kissed me right on my lips
Is how I would describe it
It felt so right
But this is only a dream
Rolling over
Under the covers
I find a smile
And it feels good
I love dreaming *****
 Dec 2012 Z
Nik Bland
Do I captivate?
Do I intrigue?
Do you find it so hard to believe?
That I can sprout angellic wings
With a simple verse?

Do I infect?
Have I enthralled?
Do you trust that I have given my all?
Or has your trust began to fall
As sweet nothings soon dispurse?

Do I intrance
Do I inspire
Can you tell me where is the fire
The pure passion, the hot desire
In which we found blessing and curse

Do I ensnare?
Do I intrance?
Do you still wait for me to dance?
For I write words that concentrate on romance
But in reality, I may be the worst

Do I captivate?
Do I intrigue?
The person I find who is asking is me
For I have done so many things
With a simple verse
 Dec 2012 Z
Mary Rose
You Can't Rush
 Dec 2012 Z
Mary Rose
you can't rush love
you can't rush death
you can't rush a baby bird
flying of it's nest
you can't rush beauty
you can't rush grace
you can't rush God's hand
shaping space
you can't rush life
you can't rush time
you can't rush death
calling your name
you can't rush art
you can't rush a masterpiece
touching lives to do best
you can't rush love
or making love either
you can't rush signing your name
it is about making you insane to make you sane
its all about building momentum
driving you to paradise you have always craved
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
*No answers
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
I've been here for 20 years
And this world is still so hard to understand
I've come to realize though
That I will never ever understand
Because not everything has answers
I've beaten myself up trying to figure it all out
But when the answer simply isn't there
I've learned to nod my head and walk away
Creating a new mind set
To get as much experience as possible
Without any understanding
Because I don't think anyone understands
So live without reason
Act without understanding
And smile not knowing why
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
I need to learn
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
Welp, I guess that's all I needed
Just to get out and talk to someone
Idk why I push myself so far into a corner
When it's so easy to just get someone to talk to
Even if its little conversations that don't go anywhere
But when I can find someone who's really going to listen and pay attention
That's when I can get all my admitting out
And finally face my problems
Because I'm not alone
Words make the thoughts real
Writing it all down helps but it's not enough for me apparently
I need to learn how to talk about things
I need to learn that there are people that care about me
Even if the head count is only three
They don't mind listening to me talk
And thats where I get myself
People want to hear me
The whole "company" thing is what everyone needs
At least sometimes
I can't just be alone
I can't do it
I need the comfort of someone else's presence
Even if we're quiet and not doing anything
If we're in the same room doing different things
Just KNOWING that someone is there
That's what I need
And if talking to that person is easy
Then I'm set
Someone to just be like "Hi"
And start something
For some reason it's impossible for me to start a conversation
I don't know why I'm so ******* myself
I don't know why I shut myself off from the world
I don't know why I beat myself up so badly
It could be so easy
But I'm so stubborn
 Dec 2012 Z
Kelly Landis
stolen love
 Dec 2012 Z
Kelly Landis
just look at her,
she wears the love she receives
it's overflowing, and she has no idea
where it should go
the overspill of others generosity
onto her, the air around her
charged and
here i sit,
here i sit,
should i dare say
that i find myself comparing?
the love you wear,
and the love i hold
are not two in the same

you walk around this town
like you have nowhere to go,
if i told you i could tell,
would you turn your head
in denial?
and if you lost it,
would you do anything...
anything at all,
to get it back into
your undeserving hands?
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