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 Dec 2012 Z
Muggle Ginger
I am forgotten,
As my footprints
in the snow.
 Dec 2012 Z
Muggle Ginger
I never understood “made in God’s image” until I saw her.
Anyone who’s seen her has higher expectations for what heaven looks like.

We’re both sensitive enough to know what love feels like,
and reasonable enough to know that it can be broken.

The first time you use a new toothbrush is nothing like the first time you kiss a girl,
But I still love them both.

Her laugh is a paradox; an outsider would think she either just said the cleverest thing ever or she wishes she could retract it faster than it was said.
Only I know it’s simply because it’s beautiful. It’s easily my favorite language.

I have considered wearing a wiretap so I could go back and listen to all of our conversations again. And I hope that it picked up her heartbeat. She told me, it’s beating exactly like life should sound like.

She offers to iron any wrinkled clothes. I don’t have any. But I have a wrinkled heart.
I thought it was made into origami but it’s just a wadded ball that missed the wastebasket.

The way she dances to hip-hop shows her versatility,
yet you can tell she doesn’t do this every day; but she still dances.

I’m almost too nervous to hug her - knowing it will have to end.
Whenever I let go, I feel like I made a mistake.

Her voice trails off into silence,
like an hourglass that’s trying to hold itself together.

I like that “click-clack” of her boots.
It lets me know I’m next to someone really going places.

She goes to the mini mart with me even when she doesn't want to get anything,
besides more time together.
This has always been about her.
 Dec 2012 Z
why am I still breathing?
She said as she scoured the city with a broken heart;
the leaves, they keep on falling,
the leaves, they keep on fading--
and the trees, they keep on singing.

but why am I still aching?
She said as she smothered herself in his wounds and his wounds;
but never in His,
but never bandaging her own wounded spirit--
and the moon, it keeps on spinning.

but why am I still sighing?
She said as she sprints down roads she'd never traveled;
just to drown out the awakening demons,
just to sing their sad song once more in solitude--
and the car, it keeps on crashing.

but why am I still running?
She said as she awakens to bleeding heels and blistered hopes;
December, it keeps on wishing,
December, it keeps on manifesting dreams--
and the girl, she keeps on walking home with only the sound of her footsteps to accompany her.
 Dec 2012 Z
Never Ending Tangle
Saw a picture of you with her today.
But there's nothing I could say.

You love her.
You're over me.
I guess that's the way it's supposed to be.
 Dec 2012 Z
Caitlin Drew
You'll love her with all your skin, tongue and lungs.
The way that the air is just so much more crisp whenever she's in proximity to your hands.
It turns the scattered dust in the atmosphere into magnifying glasses
Aimed directly at her
Spotlighting everything you wish you could put into words but can't
Because she's just too ******* unbelievable
That even if you tried, you would offend yourself and the gods with how little it compares to
The love she makes you feel in reality.

You would do everything for her.
Hold her until your bones start to crack
So that she'll understand just what you mean
When you tell her that you'll never let her go.
But she still doesn't get it.
She'll never understand that when you tell her that you want nothing more
Than to let your dust be her dust, her words to be in your cheeks
Her nose to be your daughters nose
You mean that you want nothing more than to keep her forever.

But you never will.
Because you never stood a chance.
You thought that by giving your whole self over to her she would offer you the same respect.
That's not how this world works.
It never was.
These valiant efforts of yours are now dubbed selfish and inconsiderate by others
For not taking her feelings into account.
Because she doesn't know what true love is.
She never felt the need to have you near.
For her daughters smile to be your smile.
For your hands to cradle her head when she's sad.
To let you talk for hours without listening to a single ******* word you're saying,
Because she's lost in the sound of your voice.

Because she doesn't know how to accept anything she isn't willing to give.
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