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 Dec 2012 Z
Never Ending Tangle
My heart tightens in my chest
Like squeezing out the last bit of toothpaste.

My stomach coils into knots
Like a wet towel being wrung out of ***** water.

My brain bounces around in my head
Like the little ball in a pin ball machine.

Around and around it goes.
Where it stops nobody knows.

Which is precisely my fear.
The fear of the unknown.

Or worse.
The fear that my future is headed towards my imminent failure.

One minute I’m fine.
But then a sudden upset.

I’m not fine.
I’m on the verge of a panic attack.

My palms start to sweat
Like a glass of sweet tea in the Carolina sun.

My hands shake
Like the leaves on the trees during a storm.

My arm hair rises
Like a white flag in wartime.

I cannot control this feeling.
This feeling controls me.

I surrender to you,
*my anxiety.
I'm still unsure about this poem. I think I might want to take out the middle. Comments?
 Dec 2012 Z
Sarah DeeSarah
I hate you.
I hate that I think about you
I hate that you don't think about me.
I hate that little things remind me of you
I hate that you forgot about me.
I hate that I talk about you
I hate that I cry about you
I hate that I still care about you
I hate that you ignore me.
I hate that I know you use me
I hate that I let you use me.
I hate that your still on my mind
I hate seeing pictures of you
I hate hearing about you
I hate being interested in what you do.
I hate texting you
I hate that you don't respond.
I hate thinking about you every day
I hate the disappointment you bring
I hate the sadness I feel.
I hate that I can't have you
I hate that I can't get away from you
I hate that I don't try to.
 Dec 2012 Z
Sara Teasdale
 Dec 2012 Z
Sara Teasdale
I heard a cry in the night,
A thousand miles it came,
Sharp as a flash of light,
My name, my name!

It was your voice I heard,
You waked and loved me so—
I send you back this word,
I know, I know!
 Dec 2012 Z
Lindsay McAvoy
 Dec 2012 Z
sa sha
cigarette smoke hung heavy in the air
slow and steady like time was waiting
for him to catch up

with weathered leather jacket and rough unshaven jaw
bright eyes that couldn't have been more
distant than ever
he's been gone since

bitter resentment
blind nostalgia for the old gal he used to have
she didn't know
commitments and conferences kept her away
her future secured with a pinch of surety
like a caterpillar in a  cocoon
ready to bat its wings away
while he had his walking around aimlessly
struggling to find permanence in anything

convinced himself that he was free and footloose
but satisfaction all short-lived
mostly found late at night in rundown motels and crowded bars

it's hard to keep your eyes open
when missed opportunities close in on you
he's drowning in a sea of disappointment
or was it the liquor?

everyone calls him No-Hope and he thinks so too
but still he wouldn't let go
and be carried away in the current
like the rest of the faceless, countless No-Hopes like him
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
Me damnit me
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
Since when was I so **** serious?!
I've been trying to change for you
That I've lost my best features
I've forgotten how to joke around
But today I found myself
Shook hands and reunited
And it feels so ******* good
I made jokes about everything
I found myself out of my quiet shell
I'm back to my old self
Not being able to take anything I do seriously
Laughing at myself is my favorite thing to do
Being a ******* goofball
That's what I am
And it just feels so **** good
Come on...
Being serious is no ******* fun at all
So from now on
I will never change for anyone
Because when I'm not me
I don't know who I am
Or who I'm trying to be
And it feels so wrong
That's probably why nothing has ever worked out for me before
Cause I'm a ******* idiot
Wow does it feel good to smile a real smile. Those fake ones hurt so bad
 Dec 2012 Z
Owen Phillips
Finding love in odd places
Conventional beauties and non
Voices like molasses,
Faces like home
Memories like first grade dreams
A playspace without windows,
Running on the floor I see myself,
My first out-of-body experience
Run-crawling naked past
Mrs. Hooper with short gray hair watching kindly
I want to walk into inhuman nature with you
Dust off the polished seashells of past lives
And feel your heartbeat just once
 Dec 2012 Z
the disappeared
sometimes if i turn my head to fast
i still get dizzy. and the panic that seizes every nerve,
each fiber, consumes me. becomes me
                                                                            it is not possible, no
my own brand of paralysis.
the same hollow, infinite, deafening silence which
cannot be erased. that i am still
running from

it is all i remember.

and then i grab, clawing through empty air
                  trying to find solid matter.
to steady
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