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Yz Doo Jul 2017
Alone, pacing
Wandering mimd spinning the same tracks on a continuous groove
Stuck in the middle of nowhere land
I've visited here many times before in my trails
Medications meditations misguided and maladjusted
Been up down and over and out
Bipolar a rude disorder
White knuckling despair
Craving breath and the laughter of others
alone ,
Darkness with the sun shining on my skin
Wrinkles forming as the bumps of life
Stick firmly to my face
Alone pacing
I'm stuck
Yz Doo Nov 2018
Grounded smile
Toes in the sand
Colored love
Blissful sensations
Crystallized in time
Nature’s perfection
Toes in the sand
Yz Doo Mar 2018
Paper made of jello,
Snowmen dancing in the wind
Free yourself,
As your imagination
Soars into a peaceful state.
Yz Doo Nov 2019
Lies and lips that hush in the night
Secret whispers dance through the forest
Unleashed and trapped
barefoot in the soft trimmed grass
She is simply a
Serpent Sweeping up my pieces
Yz Doo Aug 2017
Life *****,
**** rots,
That's the way the cookie crumbles
Bake a ****** cake
You get what you get don't throw s fit
Crumbling life
Rocks in my soul
As I crush another muy bueno
Pseudo smile
Onto the shiny thoroughly cleaned mirror
Yz Doo Apr 2019
Sometimes I forget to tie one shoelace
Never tripped up
Forget it’s even untied
Out of sight out of mind
Walking freely
I broke my ankle the other day
The one with the shoe tied
I now leave both shoelaces untied
Out of sight out of mind
No filters,
Smiles abound
Shoelaces blowing in the wind
Yz Doo Sep 2019
I beat myself into the ground again today
I don’t know why
My mind tightens and the shovel flows quickly
My dirt turns to mud quickly.
I beat myself into the ground again today
and I do know why.
I’m me and have to accept the scratches in my mind
I wash the mud off and a new day begins.
Yz Doo Jan 2017
Blue womderful pain cuddles me
I made it so
I returned the magic beans to the stalk
I figured it out
The blue womderful pain cuddles me
I want it all
I want sensual bodies meltimg within me
We all feel pain
How do you deal with it
The blue womderful pain cuddles me
And I cuddle it back
I figured it out
Just for this moment
The sensual bodies melt within me
Just for this moment
Caress it and live it
Remember it all
And the door opens and the nurse visits me with a smile and asks hermso familiar questions
Just for this moment
Yz Doo Mar 2018
I looked into the silver streak breath of life
stared into the mirror
I licked aromatic flesh
Pressed heads against the biggest of eyes
I sit upon Mother Earths own waterfall
Yz Doo Mar 2019
Sand in between the toes
Mystical moon
Trails of stars
Moonbeams glistening with a soft glow
A collision of one
A grounded pure connection
A pure breath to your core, your center
You found yourself,
The sand in betweeen your toes
Yz Doo Sep 2018
Dr Seuss
Kids eyes closed
Snuggled up just right
My own stories
Stuck needle on old school vinyl
I want dr Seuss
and snuggled up just right
My mind
Yz Doo Nov 2019
Love the magic
Mother nature’s way
Pure nature
Heavy snowflakes at its finest
Yz Doo Mar 2019
Luscious unfiltered water,
Sunshine snow, perfect in the moment
Magic from the sky
How do we all miss the moment
Frantic mind scatter,
Where do I have to be
What time
Can I make it
Who goes where
Insanity of the scattered schedules,
The hurried pace,
We can never see the sunshine snow,
Unless we all take a moment
and breathe
Yz Doo Sep 2018
People please give me space,
We are being collapsed on top of each other
Open 24/7
Pick up, order through, clicked out,
Checked out
No more space far too many people,
Running each other into distress.
Can’t quite take a big enough
step to another planet

Please give me some space
Yz Doo Jul 2017
Can't help it ,
Can I , confusion saddles my mind,
Lovers ,soul friends , family can only do so much
Stuck in sloppy mud,
Tires spinning,
Over and over,
Can't help it,
Can I?
Thoughts spinning in the mud .
Tired tires,
Please come to me love,
It's been quite a journey
Yz Doo Apr 2019
fresh drops spring flowered dress
Rolling ankles
Below sun drenched light what a marvel
What a spin of love
Mystical wizardry floats upon the magic field
I love her
Yz Doo Apr 2019
I adore that fresh air
Springtime drops of love
Yummy sweet kisses
Hair flowing
What a time
To seize the moment and eat some candy
With the endless possibilities of springtime
Yz Doo Jan 2018
Lips gleam
Buses scream through the dirt roads
Long legs
Tight skirts
And all the glory in between
The clocked turned 6 and my night shift had ended
Lunch is for dinner
And the streets continue their roundabout rush
As survival is the same from the house or from the night protection of a solar eclipse
Yz Doo Sep 2018
Spine sticky
Residue of past emotions
Linger trapped,
Bone sore,
Skull crushing pain
Black sticky scraps
My food never truly cleaned
From the plate of my life
Sticky plate
Yz Doo Jun 2019
Green grass, pristinely cut low.
Moonlight dance
White laced summer dress flowing
barefoot freedom, wiggle your toes
Breathe through the green grass
from the souls of your feet to your frantic mind
Feel the calm
Feel your sunfeet
Perfect as intended
Yz Doo Sep 2018
Who what where when and when
Corporate fog
Body numb
Engine has seized
Computer overload
Sail away,
My ship has no destination
Only sunshine
Sally good riddance
Sealed mouth
Clear blue skies
Ship onward
Hungry but happy
Yz Doo Nov 2016
Say something ,
I can't see you I can't hear you
Open up conduct your own flow
Clear communication coordinates concise connections
Be yourself, im here ,your there
Say something , it's important
Conduct your own flow
You matter , I just want to know
Yz Doo Sep 2019
No two teeth are the same
No two people are the same
No one snowflake is like another
Why Is that
It doesn’t matter
It’s your teeth your snowflake
Don’t lose your teeth
Don’t miss your snowflake
Because you have to put in your dentures.
Be yourself
Brush your teeth
Capture your snowflake
Yz Doo Oct 2019
Memory recalls hurt pain purging out
The source
Hidden in the closet
The Source
People know you know they know
We have to hide it to survive
Memory recall
It is of the upmost importance for us
Secrets deep layers of quicksand
Recalls getting close to being free
Dint hide your mind and body are ready for the
Yz Doo Dec 2016
Well constructed visionary cries for help are not for you
My worn out wrinkles are not for you
I lost you I don't want my words to ever find your shadow
I found me and my words that I construct are for me
When the blood stained rooster awakes me in my nightmare
I mean to say that all the nonsense that I have written down might only make a bit of sense and a sack full of seeds to myself
So me myself and I can feel my words and my phrases
In their purest numbing extraction
These words are not for you
Yz Doo Mar 2017
My bones ache my soul is crushedi
All alone my thoughts my eyes red
All slone I  sit
All alone I try to find the blackened light
Can anyday jere me
The razors edge
The mystique of  a Lost wondered
I ponder
All alone
What would it be like to be with another
I sit here alone sith my my ruminating thoughts
The slick sharp razors edge
What would it be like
As I  sit here a broken man
A glimmering Ray of  my
Of my blackened self
Just is trying to find a light switch
My bones ache and my soul is cdussjdd
All alone
And justI sit
Sitting and wating
As the snail moves,slowly across the razors edge
Im just TIRED
Yz Doo Dec 2016
Sweet tears drop signs
emotions corrupt a hot lovely day
short skirt washed away as the waves speak of hypnotizing solitude
Lips plumped and embodies sin
Forever it seems our skin is blushing
Torn around
Washed up in fiery sin
Yummy lips andI edible skin
Merry Christmas Brianna that dive bar was mindfully exquisite!
Yz Doo Oct 2018
Underneath the squeeze
Panic attack in my belly
One in the same
I brushed my teeth
Everything went away
Yz Doo Nov 2018
Sometimes I wonder what the river truly says,
It’s a wander of nature at its finest,
It is a pure interrupted flow of beauty
At its worst it is a stagnant pond that lost its way
I look back as I see the drops fall from my eyes
And hoping my heavy drops can help release
The toxic pond back home
To where the beauty of the untamed water
can  once again be free to its uninterrupted free flow
My heavy drops sink into the ground
Hopeful that one drop of water in the pond
Can find the hole left from my toxic soul
to see the narrow path of freedom
as the others may follow
seeping their way through
and all find all their way
back home
To join the beauty of nature at its finest
The pure river of of an uninterrupted free flow
Sometimes I wonder what the river truly says
Yz Doo Jan 2019
Inside my brain
My lower skull
Base of blood barrier
There dwells black toxic putty
Nerves frazzled
Isolation with my bed buddy
I return to the revolving door
of western medicine
I believe a shaman,
A medicine man
Is the only way to **** out
the toxic putty
Yz Doo Nov 2017
In the funk,
Melancholy drips its hollow shell
I dig deep inside my mattress
I stay fearful yet only comfortable within
My best friend the heavy blanket
Wet from my tears,
Hankering down been here gone through without a scratch
Just the continuing fear of the scratch in my mind
Yz Doo Nov 2018
The rush,
Andrenaline pumping,
Feel, listen, grasp
The energy
Under the roller coaster
I sit
A tear drop falls
I feel,
I listen,
I grasp
Alone I sit under the roller coaster
Afraid to ride
Yz Doo Sep 2018
Up and down,
Bipolar popcorn
Salt and pepper,
With a lovely twist
of an unorthodoxed path
I diagnosed mysel
I am simply me
Yz Doo Oct 2018
Empty life,
Sympathy lost
Overcrowded planet
Mother Earth
Lost her cell
She smiled
Advanced human technology
Green grass
Spring flowers
Wild animals dancing through the forest
Mother Earth
She never got the text
Yz Doo Nov 2016
Smile it has arrived at your doorstep,
A wide eyed surprise for your ever ending thirst
want want want
What happened , where are we
We as in us or is it just me and what I want
Look around , be brave
The doorstep can vanish in an instant
One hedonistic step down the immaculate staircase
One view as someone else's
I need a drink of water, I need just a bite
I truly just need you to be you
And for all of us to peel the layers of protection
After the painful peeling is processed, it is found that me is we
And I is you
I stooped up rushed down the immaculate staircase
Wide eyed I rushed to the door and saw a filthy sick homeless man
I sit here changed forever of what I truly need.
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Encapsulated by a drop of thirst
Falling for an outside view
Pummeled by an awe inspiring imagination
Thorough enough
Bold enough
Simple enough
Encapsulated by a drop of thirst
I sit and thus enters the maddening rush of the stars
withtheir own tale attached
I walk and the the light shimmers its known comforting smile
Let it Be
Bold enough
Simple enough
Thorough enough
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Feel me
Touch the paper
Swallow the sounds that ruminate
Positive thoughts
Untamed inertia
Listen and breathe for me this one moment in time
Thank you my friend
In my time of dying this moment is
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Shimmering beauty
Slow crisp waves reappear,
Time for coffee
Time for life
Time for shadows dancing on the wall
Im alive
Im dead
Im everything in between
Shimmering beauty
Slow crisp waves reappear
Out of my head and into the day
Im alive
Im grateful
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Pure clarifying
Simple truth
What inspires the insipid blocks of of the magical rivers majestic and true soul flow
How do we recapture the divine inspiration of the twinkle in a child with a natural and unfiltered  thought process
We must
All As
Together ,
Our planet ,
Our House ,
Our only hope is ourselves and yet we all run away from it
Ourselves ,

As we float down the natural flowing river with a genuine smile
Tomorrows a new day
With precious choices to make
Yz Doo Aug 2016
Steel madness as you glaze and craft the bleak new moon.
Eyes cold into the darkness frozen to the engulfing bed.
Please whisper for the voices can be heard for miles .
All for one as the cold steel madness quenches our veins and sneaks away with our tearful soul
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Tag me tag you
Underneath the freshly spilled milk
and on top of the smooth soft skin
Impulsive behavior is gnawing at my curled toes
Escape into the illuminating shadows of the ever smiling carnies
One blast into utopia, one shivering since of a smiling soul
She leads me as I lead her into our feverish ritualistic desires
Onto the table and underneath the freshly spilled milk
My eyes twinkle , my body numb
Pure delight is heavenly
As I tag her she tags me
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Inside the light,outside my cluttered door.
One guided step and the black hole is dissapating
The misery of my shadow finds new shine
A new day,a new moment,a simple spot of freedom outside myself.
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Seemingly quiet
Inspirational rhetoric as the crowds come and fade away.
Lost souls, empty lighters and the clowns continue to their own bipolar destiny
All encompassing life too much
Simple short breaths treat me as mystical magic
Keeping jagged thoughts at bay from the desperate circling act
Pure delight
A good day indeed
A good moment absolute
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Sit tight ,unwind the mind trap settles it's own scores.
Darkened shadows mixed with unfiltered light .
We begin the journey, we begin the fight with
balanced approaches from medicine filled souls.
Hold on tight for the new day has shown its manic face and
The cold steel rain is waiting to engulf itself upon thee.
The battle is but a battle and a smile is but a smile,
I for one choose the unfiltered viewpoint as I sit  on top of the
mountains edge.
Smiling, I remain unattached  knowing I will be victorious either way for this moment in time.
Yz Doo Nov 2016
Frantic suggestions squeeze my thoughts
My mind beginning to wonder
Sublime thoughts and sizzling memories
The waves of life and in it all is me
Im here hanging on
A speck in a dot in an everlasting ocean
Hello people
Is anyone really home
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Eyes slit, must sleep
Shadows laugh at the uninformed soul
Alone and accepting ,resistance is but a choice.
Out of my unkept mind and into the flow of life
A change a ,new breathe, a new life
Acceptance or resistance,
The natural flow of life or
The sharp Steel misery of resisting
The choice is mine
Loosening the tight leather straps
As I flow gently down the freedom river
My eyes slit , must sleep
My mind smiles with simple pure thoughts and away I go
Yz Doo Nov 2017
A notch on the belt a stir of the
wicked soup
Trouble in paradise as the highs hit the lows and
The diagnosis is indeed correct
Doctor can you help now
For I truly know you are correct
There’s no keel of evenness
My wings have been melted by my own imbalance
And the hole is too deep for me to wiggle out of
Yz Doo Sep 2019
Pedestrian sadness
Industrial revolution
Melancholy typewriters
Can’t get the rhythm out of my head
Pedestrian sadness
Once upon a time sheets of sadness
Oh how the virus has changed me
Pedestrian sadness
Melancholy typewriters
Can’t get the rhythm out of my head
Yz Doo Nov 2017
I sit
Empty walls and the birds flap outside
I sit
And watch the rabbits mate
I sit
And I see the brick path leading outside
I sit
Living in the past
Yz Doo Oct 2018
Good morning people,
Close eyes
Good morning people,
Close eyes repeat.
Change your world
Change your perspective
Change the shape of your box
Good morning
Your time has arrived
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