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Sep 2015 · 471
Kuah Yee Han Sep 2015
Day one, using my time to
conjure up rhymes for a dime
Sublime lyrical crimes
to keep you quiet like a mime while
I make some noise like a wind chime
And stab you with a rhythmic dagger coated in rime

Day two, still doing the same thing
People calling me king while I sing
or rather rapping my heart out
to the point I even scream and shout.
But that's what it's all about and if you don't think so,
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and
suggest you get the f**k out

Day three, well I guess I shouldn't have swore
However, I did and I'll do it more
till my body is sore
Just kidding, before you come in, knock on the door
Still won't open it though, since I'm rotten to the core
Haven't I told you this before?
It's meant to be free flowing so it might be a little strange I guess
Aug 2015 · 526
Lookit here
Kuah Yee Han Aug 2015
Feel free to write on my mind that's a blank page
I'm like a beast in a cage
I can't be tamed because I'm in a rage
You can't stop me from fuelling the fuel gauge

Rhythmic diesel gets me pumped, literally
On the cliff I'm the one that jumped, it hurt a little really
The lines are all clumped up, it's quite silly
Be silent and listen since you're dumped, sorry for being chilly

On second thought, never mind, you'resistant to cold
It's obviously your fault for being so bold
Just do you what you're told, your style is old
Your humorous tries are gold but I'm here, so behold.
Aug 2015 · 806
Ye dude
Kuah Yee Han Aug 2015
Every single day from the a.m. to the p.m.
One should try his best and carpe diem
Just please listen to this requiem
I'll make it obvious so you can see 'em

Negative thoughts are diseases, it's rife
Hang on, what are you doing with that knife
Learn to make the most out of your life
Before you're ****** by the reaper's scythe

It's still your choice, I'm just voicing out my opinion
Take the Hobson's choice, and we'll rejoice.
Aug 2015 · 742
I don't even know
Kuah Yee Han Aug 2015
Move aside, let me put this mic to use
Your purpose on the stage is just to amuse
My next trick, some lyrical abuse

Pay attention now, no excuse
You think you're a bomb? Well I'll just defuse
Be a good sport and be in time for your curfews

I'm the captain, watch me navigate (Gorillaz reference)
Words to fabricate and rhymes to calibrate
Eradicate everything until you're forced to abdicate

If you're going against me, you'll need a magistrate
Activate the **** switch, we can't let him retaliate
Ready for arms men? It's time to annihilate

To me, this talent I have is innate
And you lack it, great.
I may seem a little arrogant in this one, but meh
Jul 2015 · 756
Kuah Yee Han Jul 2015
Life's considered by many as a win or lose, maybe a draw-game
For most, victory is achieved along with fortune and fame
Honestly, that's a lie, what people are trying to claim
Being poor and happy or being rich and happy, isn't it the same?
Wealth provides a gap, but you can be satisfied without it, no shame
It's just the beast of appreciation that we have to tame

A loss, however, is when a person gives up on his existence
For instance, when he/she's facing depression and keeps their distance
They need assistance, but don't get it because of passive resistance
Even with the insistence of their peers they keep up a stoic appearance
With a fake smile written over their face needed for subsistence
No other choice, they're presence will turn into a reminiscence

What about a draw? That's probably when one's life isn't fulfilled
Everything they built is destroyed, to gild the truth that
blood was spilled.
#what #a #player
Jul 2015 · 900
Check this out
Kuah Yee Han Jul 2015
This is an argumentative essay in the form of a poem
Don't gotta have the incentive to test me because I know 'em
Many more lines to come 'cause I'm a rhythmic jeroboam
Some lyrical crimes to come but I'm not sure what to talk about, so um

Hmm politics, a very controversial topic
It's microscopic, because the government's still myopic
Come on, don't hide the truth that's catastrophic
Now how on earth do we abide laws and be patriotic?

Okay, education, something we do not properly attend to
As a result, kids become aberrations, that like to, well, offend you
When a boy fails a test, he just needs to make amends and who
is to say that he can't improve? Most pretend it's untrue

Pressure to subdue, hard times to push through
There isn't any choice, we just have to make do
What I just talked about, are pretty much taboos
Rough waters ahead, but I'll still paddle my own canoe.
#yeah #ok
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
So yeah
Kuah Yee Han Jul 2015
Procrastination is the thief of time
And that's why I make the most of it when I put together every rhyme
With my words I'm committing a crime
Not satisfied? Then here's a dime

These lines are too bitter, let's add some lime
Be quiet like a mime because I'm
breaking down these words like an enzyme
I'll grime your dignity because I'm sublime

Well I might be exaggerating a little bit
But nevertheless don't fiddle with it
Come here and let me tell you a riddle, sit
No one wants to watch an infidel spit

There's no use being a flagrant hypocrite
So I advise you to just grit your teeth, and quit.
#uh #hello
Jul 2015 · 768
Kuah Yee Han Jul 2015
Here, I'm gonna get something off my chest
Results, that's all we need, scrap the rest
Just smother us with tests for a key to a chest
That supposedly holds knowledge and while it does, it holds very less

The outcome is what matters to be the best
Success is guaranteed? Hah, more like stress
I know you're under duress so come on just confess
It's so blatant that our certifications are a mess

Does it really matter if I get a B or an A?
It doesn't, and that's what I'm trying to say
The world is becoming increasingly competitive every single day
As long as we have the initiative to learn, it's okay

The main purpose for this isn't to criticise
In fact, the worse it can do is bring some people down to size
Your advice is for us to revise and revise so we can work for the prize
Come on, look beyond the disguise and stop with the lies.
I think I came up with this because I got bad marks on an examination... so yea
Jun 2015 · 926
Kuah Yee Han Jun 2015
We all know that history repeats itself
And when you finally face defeat, it's hell
The torture one has no choice but to go through
Free seats to a painful ordeal, Row 2

I don't think you have ANY idea how it feels
When your state of mind just surrenders and kneels
It's agonising, you just wanna release what you hold inside
The feeling stays, it will never roll or slide

What's going on is the truth that you can't deny
All I can do now is just rant and cry
And that's what this is, but do not sympathise
There's the indisputable fact that I was victimised

I was taken for an idiot, I guess I just realised.
#okay #then
Jun 2015 · 966
Here we go
Kuah Yee Han Jun 2015
Come on, bro, we gotta put on a show
Keep up with the flow, we're doing this so
Turn off the lights, and I'll glow (Vanilla Ice reference)
A doe is a female deer, didn't you know?

With all these words I'll be put on death row
Doesn't matter, I'll continue to grow
While kneading the dough and ploughing the snow
I'm the rhythmic Van Gogh, let's take a trip to Bordeaux

To and fro on the lyrical train, don't have no woe
I see a siren's glow, whoops, time to lay low
You're from the Skid Row? I'm not though
Thanks for being my foe, guess you've learnt you reap what you sow

No cash I owe, a rhyming kilt I have to sew... Whoa, this is going way too slow but this little gift I bestow, please hold it in escrow. That'll be the quid pro quo and here we go.
#what #is #this
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Kuah Yee Han Jun 2015
Dear those who are feeling down in the dumps, just persevere
Think that whatever you're going through, it ain't severe
Don't be in fear nor shed a tear because we'll be here
Steer clear of negative thoughts and put on some withstanding gear
Rules you have to adhere, I won't interfere and I'll just disappear
But you'll have to be a pioneer who's sincere and a little austere

Prepare for whatever comes at you and don't be afraid of defeat
Face it with no holds barred even when you're dead meat
We know, it's no simple feat, not just a meet and greet
I'll be discreet and I'll happily take your seat
So you can retreat, reset and delete and then rinse and repeat
You're one of the elite, so remember to be upbeat, stand on your feet

That should be all you wanted to hear from a peer so excuse me, waitress? Be a dear, and hand me the receipt.
Jun 2015 · 608
Lying in wait
Kuah Yee Han Jun 2015
This is River Monsters, mate, and I'm like Jeremy Wade
Helping myself to dates, while I'm lying in wait
Along the Strait of Rhymes, waiting for someone to take my bait
What can I say? It's three quarters to eight
Looks like no one's ready to be put on a hot plate and made irate
I'm Alexander the Great and I'm conquering this "poetic" estate

With words that are as venomous as a krait
Let me try to actuate you to think of rhymes to create
But you're not thinking straight, this is MY trait, you're too late
Heading for the home plate, around it I perform a figure eight
Although I don't skate, heh... Hey, your pupils are dilate!
Guess you didn't know, being inundate with my words was your fate

This is all you're able to tolerate, I estimate. It's not going to abate so when you're ready and you can relate, come find me, I'll be lying in wait.
May 2015 · 457
Kuah Yee Han May 2015
Here, I got something to tell you guys
It's not about apple pies, nor some fries
This IS the real me, not a disguise
Can't you see behind those stupid lies?
I'm in the afterlife, looking past my own demise
Call forth to the entity of rhymes, arise

Rapping doesn't need curses
Just look at all of my other verses
Sure, they do make it diverse
In a bucket full of it, my head I immerse
The imprest system I reimburse
I'm trying to rehearse, traverse the world, please don't make it worse.

I know, what I'm doing is adverse towards you but no inhibition
Just clear your vision, pay attention, and listen.
May 2015 · 1.2k
Kuah Yee Han May 2015
Overkill, that's what this is, a battle uphill
Who cares? We're just in it for the thrill
Excuse me, miss, can I have the bill?
Pay it off with a twenty-dollar bill
Gotta get to the bullfighting in Seville
This is what I do, you could say I'm mentally ill.

Better get a check-up with Dr. Phil.
I'll just tell him rhymes are what I instill, its a unique skill
Keep doing this even when the world is spinning like a windmill
Like the Storming of the Bastille, there is no escape, take a sleeping pill
Deep water runs still, I'll toss you on a George Foreman grill
Make your Last Will and Testament, because this is overkill.
May 2015 · 1.1k
Kuah Yee Han May 2015
***** depression, I've a confession to make
I was in a recession, now there's a rap session to take
Homeland protection, rhymes are fashion, none's the same
Infectious infection, it needs your attention as well as the fame
What I'm doing is passive aggression, don't bother with oppression
This is just my obsession, a crime, or rather a transgression

I doubt you know what half of those words meant
Here's a tip, that was me laughing at those curses you sent
I'm Batman, you're the Two-Faced Harvey Dent
Pay your rent, repent while I continue my ascent
Towards the top of the world, 100%, my content you resent
To a certain extent, this was made with a caustic intent.

These are my lines, so don't bother trying to reinvent.
Apr 2015 · 538
uh hello
Kuah Yee Han Apr 2015
Live my life from A to Z
Fill up all the vacancies
Whatcha wanna say to me
Someone state who made him, please
Now you gotta pay them fees
And make sure you Gib-some to Tyrese

Whoops, didn't mean to be rude
Here, I'll hand you some food
Hopefully that'll help your mood
Especially when your days are as black as soot
While you're at it I'll steal some loot
The Santa of rhymes is coming down this chute

To hand you some beats that I'll probably ******
Something I do with every verse-R
Hate to break it to ya but I'm goin' further
Beats with me in the middle and you got a rap burger
Hey, just to check, did that hurt, sir?
Your mother should've kept you at home, that's what I told her

Rap, I'm the epitome
Homeric simile? My rhymes are Homeric villainy
You wanna be like me?
You're gonna need some youthful energy
Just like the other legends who made symphonies
Rap per se, will never cease
First two lines were from a song called e-dubble - Changed My Mind. Had to find a base, meh
Apr 2015 · 447
For Paul
Kuah Yee Han Apr 2015
Oh Paul, this did not have to happen
But it did, and it was while most of us were nappin'
The franchise had everyone clappin'
It may be late, but now it has me rappin'

Looks like it was never meant to be
Maybe God needed driving lessons without a fee
The news was put on the net for everyone to see
That a special person was taken from me

Or rather us, wondering what caused your demise
The CGI works but can't replicate your eyes
Or the face that we miss, the one that caused sorrowful cries
And in case you didn't notice, Furious 7 was the crew's last goodbyes
Something I thought of while doing my work, kinda late as its been about 5 months since his death. Rest assured Paul, Furious 7 was a tour de force considered by many
Kuah Yee Han Apr 2015
So what do you want from me, you want a ton from me?
You ain't getting none from me. Stop with the pleasantries, peasant please you gotta pay the apparent fees.
If you don't you'll get stung by rampant bees just like the rhymes I identify, the marks I leave on you will solidify, don't bother tryna nullify me you can't run-if-I chase you.
What'll happen to your suit-if-I drop these lyrical napalms on your glory? Things'll get gory so rub some lotion on your payin' palms although I doubt that's gonna protect you.
Notice how my mouth affects you. As the British say: "Flipping eck!" I'll slit your neck. Me and rhymes where does that point intersect? Right here while I'm crushing this little tiny insect.
Apr 2015 · 519
A new perspective
Kuah Yee Han Apr 2015
So you meet this person who's humble and modest
But it seems strange so does he have a plan for this?
He says: "The thread between you and I is the shortest,
"And that I will never betray you, I promise."

One fateful day he lays waste to everything you and he has built
For trusting him, washing over you was a sense of guilt
Want to see someone different in your eyes? Just tilt
That's what you get for thinking life is as simple as a Scottish kilt

— The End —