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Jul 2014 · 511
Yasmin Jul 2014
I miss you every second of the day but it's time to giving up. I love you baby, I still love you. Good bye.
Yasmin Jul 2014
In all the years when he gives the chimes of midnight on January 1 promise myself to be "new year, new life" and the truth is I do and I believe it always happens the same during the year. Create expectations, disappoint me, I again raise expectations and I turn to disappoint. I know that when I return to give the same bells for a new year, I will continue to promise the same, creating expectations and disappoint me and that's the cycle of life.
Jul 2014 · 778
Miss you
Yasmin Jul 2014
I expected everything to be easier
But I miss you more each passing day
I miss your voice
I miss your touch
I miss our banter
I miss you
I miss our
I just want everything back to what it was
Baby I love you more than my own life
Please bring it back.
Yasmin Jul 2014
Life in itself is a lost cause
Just have injustice
And unfortunately no one can change that...

— The End —