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The chair is sighing
The walls walking
The mirror feeling sick of my ugly face
That curtains are annoying too
I don't see the windows in the
silence that chocks the sparrows
The trees has made me a prison
My dreams are long
Longer than the shadows and
with their lappets I'll sew a dress
Its buttons up to my eyes .
An afraid balloon may be plays
with the hands of a child in the distance
And the victim would be a lady
tomorrow letting go all her
childhood in hands of the wind
I look at my future...

1- I love to be in the arms of a man
In the hands has not touched any
woman's breast

2-I see a pregnant lady coming
down the stairs not thinking of her tomorrow
lullabying for the dolls
I've forgotten the names of my dolls

3-I have a child
tying her shoelaces I can't say
how much I love her even in my eyes
Backing home from a daily
shopping,she sings with her
childish voice passing through
the alleys

4-I'm old
Mum and dad are not with me anymore
They had to go
The photo frames,just excuses
for touching my memories
The chair is still sighing
The walls walking and
It's just me
Dead this time .

صندلی آه می کشد
دیوارها راه می روند
از زشتی صورتم
استفراغ می کند
پرده ها هم مزاحم اند
پنجره را نمی دیدم
در آن سکوتی که گنجشک را خفه کرد
زندان را برایم ساخته اند
خواب هایم از سایه ها
بلند تر می شوند
با دنباله اش
لباسی خواهم دوخت
که دکمه هایش از چشمانم
بسته شوند
از دور
در دستان دختر بچه ای همبازی می شد
قربانی خانمی خواهد بود
که تمام کودکی هایش را با باد رها می سازد
به آینده ام نگاه می کنم

1- دوست دارم در آغوش مردی باشم
که دستانش
سینه های زنی را لمس نکرده اند

2- زنی باردار را می دیدم
که از پله ها پایین می آمد
بی آنکه به فردایش بیندیشد
برای عروسک ها لالایی می خواند
من اسم تمام عروسک هایم را فراموش کرده ام

3- کودکی دارم
بند کفش هایش را می بندم
دستان گرمش را می گیرم
حتی با چشمانم هم
نمی توانم بگویم
چقدر دوستش دارم
از کوچه ها می گذریم
با صدای بچه گانه اش
شعر می خواند و
از خرید روزانه
به خانه برمی گردیم

4-پیر شده ام
دیگر پدر و مادرم در کنارم نیستند
آن ها هم باید می رفتند
قاب عکس ها بهانه اند
تا خاطراتم را نوازش کنم
صندلی آه می کشد
دیوارها راه می روند
فقط منم
که این بار مرده بودم
You are quiet... 
but everything was alive
under your eyes....
I take the grass in my hands
My mom was wearing a blue
patterned dress as she was
Her hair was black
Her eyes are black
And I love the smell of the rice
she cooks everyday

من چمن ها را در دست هایم می گیرم
مادرم وقتی حامله بود
لباس آبی طرح دارش را می پوشید
موهایش مشکی بود
چشم هایش سیاه است
و من بوی برنجی که هر روز صبح
مادرم درست می کند
...دوست دارم
my mom is smiling tonight :)
she smiles everyday...
i love her smiles
I was that girl forgetting her

دختری بودم
...دامنش یادش می رفت
I don't know how much I love you
My fall has no rain
Never had
19 years old girls,they don't understand
Maybe I was jealous of God
when I saw the sun,yellow
I had forgotten my stories
Grandpa 's stick dose not turned to butterfly
My death is not beautiful
It would not be beautiful
A cloudy house maybe
With singing clouds
I see your shining eyes
We had forgotten the songs
I give you my earrings
I will miss Nastaran
She's not remembering her mom's embrace
Her dress,white
-I just see this -
Maybe I was jealous of God
That she was so beautiful
I don't understand my feelings about you
Your words has put Jasmine to sleep
Their eyes turned black
-no Jasmine-

You may not believe
You are the first person reading my poems in a language I don't know.
Sometimes being thankful loses its meaning
I never knew how to rime...
I've always seen you as the poet I love with no permission .
I don't know how much I love you
Don't look at the sky...
Please don't look at the sky

من نمی دانم چه قدر شما را دوست دارم
پاییز من باران ندارد
...هیچوقت هم نداشت
دختران نوزده ساله نمی فهمند
شاید حسادت من به خدا بود
وقتی خورشید را زرد می دیدم
قصه هایم یادم نبود
عصای پدربزرگ پروانه نمی سازد
مرگ من زیبا نیست
زیبا نخواهد ماند
شاید خانه ای ابری باشد
ابرهایش آواز خواندند
من درخشش چشمان شما را می بینم
ترانه ها یادمان نبود
و من گوشواره هایم را
به شما می سپارم
دلم برای نسترن تنگ می شود
آغوش مادرش یادش نمی ماند
پیراهنش سفید است
- فقط همین را می بینم -
شاید از حسادت من به خدا بود
که او آنقدر زیباست
احساسم را به شما نمی فهمم
کلام شما
یاسمن ها را خوابانده است
چشمانشان سیاه شد
- یاسمن نبود -

شاید باور نکنید
شما اولین کسی هستید که شعرهای من را می خوانید
به زبانی که نمی فهمم
گاهی اوقات تشکر معنایش را از دست می دهد
...من هیچوقت بلد نبوده ام شعر بگویم
همیشه شاعری را که خیلی دوستش داشتم
بی هیچ اجازه ای در شما می دیدم
من نمی دانم چه قدر شما را دوست دارم
به آسمان نگاه نکن
...خواهش می کنم به آسمان نگاه نکن
I wrote this poem for Jawahar Gupta about a year ago,,, :-)
They saw the world differently and portrayed it...

...جهان را جور دیگری دیدند و بر من تصویر کردند
Today I'll paint a house
in my drawing book
Jasmine wants to make love
There is the distance between the photo albums
Its sun was hot
She wants the hands squeezing her hot *******
A laughing child would be
missing in my white floral dress
I had reddish brown hair
and I didn't know
why the wind took away my red scarf ?!
Your eyes have sticker !!!
Please do not laugh at me
My ******* were not yours

من امروز
خانه ای را
در دفتر نقاشی هایم
...رنگ خواهم زد
یاسمن هم آغوشی می خواهد
میان آلبوم عکس ها فاصله اند
آفتابش گرم بود
دستانی می خواهد
سینه های گرمش را بفشارد
کودکی بخندد
در پیراهن سفید رنگ گل دارم
گم شود
موهایم خرمایی رنگ بود
و من نمی دانم
چرا باد روسری قرمز رنگ مرا
با خود می برد !؟
!!! چشمانت برچسب دارند
خواهش می کنم به من نخند
سینه هایم مال تو نبود
My mom is kind
I want the sky either
In my room, I draw birds
I love your small eyes
I love my mom's hands
I play with mommy's scarves
I can feel the smell of her bag
I remember my childhood dresses
She bought me colorful shoes
Our hands reach the sky
I hold my mom's hand in my tummy
I'm pregnant with my mom's hands
Mommy is not like granny
And I'll like my mom's ******* in a ****** relation

مادرم مهربان است
من هم آسمان می خواهم
من پرنده ها را در اتاقم نقاشی می کشم
چشم های کوچک تو را دوست دارم
دست های مادرم را دوست دارم
با روسری های مادرم بازی می کنم
بوی کیفش را هنوز احساس می کنم
لباس های کودکی هایم را به یاد دارم
بعضی از روزها برایم کفش های رنگارنگ می خرید
دست های ما به آسمان می رسد
من دست های مادرم را در شکمم نگه می دارم
من دست های مادرم را حامله ام
مادر من شبیه مادربزرگش نیست
و من
در رابطه ای جنسی
...سینه های مادرم را دوست خواهم داشت
i love my mother... :)
دیوارهای خانه ای که همیشه بنفش است
یاسمن   شمال و چادگان
in the name of God
golden suns...
i got married to your mother
because of you
the sun is still golden

به نام خدا
خورشیدهای طلایی
من به خاطر
با مادرت ازدواج کردم
خورشید هنوز طلایی است
God has a heart too
I want my red heart
My necklace has a heart

...خدا هم قلب دارد
من قلب قرمز رنگم را می خواهم
گردن بند من قلب دارد
i just can not see all the joy and energy...
i do not have my father's bike

why are there always two lines between the lips ?!

i do not ask my mother !!

من دوچرخه ی پدرم را ندارم
چرا همیشه دو خط میان لب هاست !؟
!! از مادرم نمی پرسم
The suns are round
My mom's tummy was pregnant...

آفتاب ها گرد اند
...شکم مادر من حامله بود
Today is my mom's birthday
I bought her golden floral earrings
Her earrings, white
My eyes, white
Her womanly body, white
Having nothing
My mom
My grandma
And my sister
Will have wedding dresses
Elephants have big testicles too

امروز تولد مادرم است
من گوشواره های طلایی گل دار برایش خریدم
گوشواره هایش سفید بود
چشمان من سفید بود
اندام زنانه اش سفید است
...هیچی ندارد
و خواهرم
لباس عروس خواهیم داشت
فیل هم بیضه های بزرگ دارد
Your gloves getting colored
As the snowman getting melted

دستکش هایت رنگی می شدند
...وقتی آدم برفی آب می شد
We're passing
Passing through the long narrow roads
Like a skirt with odorless tulips
On a bike
You are pedaling
My chin closed to your shoulders
I want to yell in your ear
I don't like my childhood
But you
The marry go round 's still
rounding in your eyes
Like the memory of the grilled maize
Hot and sweet
I turn
my back leaning on yours
Looking at the sky
The sun loosing its light on each tree one by one
And I ask :
The grandma hasn't told any
stories for a long time, has she ?
-no answer heard-
And you keep on pedaling
And I
Always suffering from the pain of ******
Send my regards to the crows
and tell them that the scarecrows
are not alone they just play roles
My doll has been sleeping since
the last time I heard my voice
-Lullabies matched with her dancing-
Say more
I'm happy
cos I put my head on the pillow
smelling my odor at night
-I'm happy-

می گذریم
با هم می گذریم
از جاده هایی باریک و بلند
چون دامنی که نقش لاله های بی عطر و بو را دارد
بر چرخی نشسته ایم
تو پا می زدی
چانه ام به شانه هایت نزدیک است
می خواهم در گوشت فریاد بزنم
کودکی هایم را دوست ندارم
ولی تو
هنوز در چشمانت
چرخ و فلک می چرخد
چون خاطره ی بلال ها
...داغ و شیرین
برمی گردم
در حالی که پشتم به تو تکیه داده است
به آسمان نگاه می کنم
تک به تک
از درختان جا می افتد
)) : و سؤال می کنم
مدتیست که دیگر مادربزرگ قصه نمی گوید !!؟
هان !؟
-پاسخی نشنیدم-
تو به راهت ادامه می دهی و
همیشه از درد پریود رنج می بردم
از قول من
به کلاغان سلام برسان
و به آن ها بگو
مترسک ها تنها نیستند
خوب نقش بازی می کنند
از آخرین باری که صدایم را شنیدم
عروسکم به خواب می رفت
-لالایی هایی که با رقصیدنش کوک شده بود-
و باز هم بگو
وقتی شب ها موقع خواب
سرم را روی بالشتی می گذارم
که بوی مرا می دهد
The alley still blossoming
Still carrying my childhood

عطر کودکی هایم را می دهد
کوچه ای که هنوز گل یاس می دهد
My mum was a bride
I love her umbilical cord
I didn't hear her laughing as she was a kid
People shout, I don't know why
I don't know if
sleeping ones are dead or alive ?!!!

مادرم عروس بود
من بند ناف مادرم را دوست دارم
وقتی که کودک بود
صدای خنده های مادرم را نشنیدم
نمی دانم چرا آدم ها جیغ می کشند
...مامان من.....یاسمن
نمی دانم وقتی آدم ها می خوابند
مرده اند یا زنده !!!؟
I know a girl
Sitting in isolation
Looking at her feet...

دختری را می شناسم
که کنج خانه می نشیند و
...پاهایش را نگاه می کند
Jasmine loves Mum
Each animal dies
Jasmine puts her skirt in your eyes

یاسمن مادر را دوست دارد
هر حیوانی می میرد
یاسمن دامنش را در چشم های تو می گذارد
Wishing for the rainbow everyday
Your hands be beautiful
To see my eyes
To kiss my skirt
I don't like my feet...

من هر روز رنگین کمان را آرزو می کنم
دست های تو زیبا باشد
چشم های مرا ببیند
دامنم را ببوسد
...من پاهایم را دوست ندارم
i love flowers
when i am greeting between two mountains...

من گل ها را دوست دارم
...وقتی بین دو کوه سلام می کنم
Looking for my train
In my lost clothes
And I having no story anymore

در لباس های گم شده ام
دنبال قطارهایم می گردم
و من دیگر قصه ای ندارم
آب روشن است
هوا روشن است
خورشید روشن خواهد شد
خط های زیادی را می بینم
...شاخه ها طولانیست
روسری ها بادها را می کشند
خنده های من دراز می شوند
خنده های من زرد می شوند
دو لپ گل دارند
دو زن بار دارند
...سه زن می خندند
یک مادر
دو خواهر
سه خواهر
...گوش هایت در طراحی بزرگ است
دستانم به پستان گاو نمی خورد
همیشه از نقطه های قهوه ای شیر می آید
مامان باشد
لباس های آبی مادرم یاسمن یادش هست
نانا آب می خورد
دست هایش بلند است
عروس است
خواهری عروس است
خواهری عروس می شود
مادری عروس می شود
مادربزرگی عروس خواهد بود
مادربزرگی عروسک خواهد بود
عروسکی خواهد بود
عروس خواهد بود
خواهر من
تو همان دختری بودی
که فردا سینه ای داری
من مردی خواهم شد
که می تواند کودکی داشته باشد
نی نی شه
...دامن دخترش بود

That skirt was for her daughter...
Jasmine is dancing with you grandfather...

...یاسمن با شما می رقصد پدربزرگ
take my color pencils
my hands are passing your smiles...

مداد رنگی هایم را بگیر
...دست های من از خنده های تو می گذرد
Jasmine was the green trees
swallowing the sun...

یاسمن درخت هایی سبز بود
...که خورشید را می بلعد
در رنگ آبی خالص
...من کفش های خواهرم را بوسیدم

in pure blue color
i kissed my sister's shoes...
Troublesome at dawn
Ridiculing the pavement
Targeting the mind
Heatwave trembling the veins

Right there doctor
Feeling the pain
Endless pain barking shadows
Each breath is painstaking

How do you feel right now
Gaze at him holding my head
Another powerful dosage
Taking some nameless painkillers

Right away doctor
Dangerous games sky falling
Earthquake in the chamber
A repetitious mockery darken sky

Being so stupid gosh gosh
Intellect neglect no dialectics
Uncontrollable of the mind
Quenching for the physical senses

Seating on the bench waiting
Sweating eyeballs dancing
Another prescription
Nameless painkillers

O doctor so grateful
Please listen to me
Living in the wilderness
The world of pain
It would be easy to be
On top of the games
As I speak
I'll use my PEN

Jean C Bertrand
i love my pink eye shadow
when the rain comes...

سایه ی صورتی ام را دوست دارم
...وقتی باران می آید
i have water-color

pa pa broke my mother's nose
pa pa never told that broke my mother's nose

i have painting-brush

ma ma
when the stories of beating you come to an end ?!
ma ma
take jasmine's hands
my hands are big

من آبرنگ دارم
بابا دماغ مامان را شکست
بابا هیچوقت نگفت دماغ مامان را شکست
من قلم مو دارم
قصه های کتک خوردن تو کی تموم می شد !؟
دست های یاسمن را بگیر
دست های من بزرگ است
last night i kissed my sister's hands...
لباس های کودکان زیبا است
...گرگ ها دنبال پروانه ها می دوند

children's clothes are beautiful
wolves are running towards butterflies....
نامم را به خاطر نمی آورم
اما اسم عروسکم مهسا بود

i don't remember my name
but my doll's name was Mahsa

I am gift for you
Use me as you desire, burn
Or Urn forever

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Feelings change values
What is a diamond for you
Is a stone for me

Written by
Faheem Jawaid
he is one of my best friends... :-)
You wrote so many poems without signing them,
And I have signed every poem which I wrote here

Your thoughts were open, no gate, no lock no bolt
My poems were imprisoned within walls of words

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
for a little while
you saw pain but
I see will power and
determination to survive
with my incandescent wand
of virginity, respect and reverence
in my blooming adolescence
catching time to trade every tomorrow

Written by
Jawahar Gupta

War memorials
Statues of Peace face rage from
dawn to night daily

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Soury water flow
Ceaseless tears last till death days
I die a millionth living years
Lesion of wound reddish show

I am a victim of war relic
Can't you see, my burnt house
My pair of rag clothe
My battered ink of ignorance

Queuing for a feed
Begging for a drink
**** in a homeless bridge
Conscripted as a child soldier

Can't you see, I am the war relic ?
Voice of refugees status I am
Rebel to my homeland I run
Deprived by mortal quest for power

Politics of hatred wash me to bank of ocean
Can't you see I have one arm, one eye, one embroidery parts
Can't you see am a victim of power mongers
I have foolishly support their quest

I have shouted for the nuke to be test
Justifying their foolish context
they ran away to have a succor of rest
When the war bullet penetrate the wall

I am decorated as a zeroed hero
Holding crutches leaping like a dog
So bad I am abandoned in a refugee camp
Can't you see I am the worst victim of war with relatives buried and burned
with fire of sand and the gods watch without intervention

Martin Ijir

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
When fragrant flowers
climb your outside the window
perfect couple weds

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Come on everyone it is time to go
For our soul will face eternity song
As our strength waxes in pain
We have to be a garland in other's throng
As foxes devour our eyes as did lion

Come on everyone it is time to go
Where social strata and color
Of our skin does not matter
For our religion is buried on the marsh
In this our strength makes us fresh

Come on everyone it is time to go
For our dress shall become sullen as a snow
The best company is strange faces we befriend now
As familiar faces envy my mosaic prowess
As the disregard my plan and hinder the progress

As they stay aback in the land of slavery
For we have no place to reside but be in liberty
Our chrysalis body wipe the blood from our palms
As we sing redemptive songs as David psalms
Come on everyone it is time to go

We shall march in the wilderness of joy
Sweating in sorrow as we build our city
For our wall is build for humanity sake
We solely deserved this without water or cake
Come on everyone it is time to go

We have found a new land
Where God reside with love
For our soul will sing eternity songs
A songs that are undying as hallelujah hymns
Wherewithal our body becomes as cave

Our lips shall sing till earth's evil wall crumble down
For the water shall baptised us as crystal gem
Our dying hope shall grow like date Palm
As stars shall show us the path at night we won't be drown
Come on everyone it is time to go

For moon will provide meal at the day
The magic others abstain shall we practised
The wisdom our father's deprived shall we embraced
For our land shall waxed as honey everyday
Come on everyone it is time to go

A paradise of love our land nourish
Spreading its wings as eagle unleash
Eating the spoils that will habits our land
As peace spray so all embraced
Come on everyone it is time to go

We have found a new land
Where our soul will face eternity song
As our strength waxes in pain
Our social strata and color does not matter
Come on everyone it is time to go

Written by
Martin Ijir
And once the storm is over,
you won't remember
how you made it through
A fool hath no delight
in understanding,
but that his heart may
discover itself,
The words of a
man's mouth are as deep waters,
and the wellspring
of wisdom as a flowing brook

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Thoughts concept Based on Holy book
Ther­e are many a thing I have wanted to know about myself
How the Sky of my body dissolves in the classic books of self

How my mind and brain spectrum is better than someone else
When I will do what I think and why I want to do or just be self

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
The smell of the apple's body...

The sun... ☀️

Dry smell of unripe persimmons
🍅🍁 🍅🍁☘

Among the buttons of my dress...

Folding the sun... ☀️
On the clothesline...
Like The whiteness of the Childhood hands...

A cloud, ☁️
At the top of the mountain...
⛰              ☁️🎈☁️☁️🎈

I'm the length of
the spike wheat... 🌾
And your eyes...
The time of harvesting...

spring equinox, ☘🌸
half the blossoms
already fallen...
I'm in love with a man
From May... ☘☘☀️☘
The sky was bluer than ever...
آسِمآن آبي تر از هَمیشه بُود...
  And I remember all the peach blossoms...
و مَن تَمآمِ شِکُوفِه هآيِ هُلو را به خآطِر دآرَم...
That golden glitter in your eyes...
آن بَرقِ رُوشَنِ چَشم هآیَت...

" You smell like the dust
and all blue jasmines...! "

And I always want spring...
وَ مَن دُوست دآرَم هَمیشه بَهآر بآشَد...
When the bud blooms...
زَمآني کِه شِکُوفِه گُل مي دَهَد...

Blue slickers,
Children growing
In the rain...

After seeing the red carnations ....
The dream of the
White breaths of a lily flower
In the old days of a man...

Being by your side,
Still carrying
The aroma of
Cherry blossoms...
🌸🍒 🌸🍒☘
Your forehead, All the fig trees...
🍑🌳🌳🍑🌳 🌳🌳🌳 ☘🍑

My hand, dropping you
Into the sky... 🎈
Will we get to the summer?
And I don't ask anymore...
Why does my cancerous mother lose her hair?
Why am I not pregnant?
Not feeling the fetus kicking in my womb...
My dress is not blue...?!
After Saadat Abad Street...
At that time,
When my mother's lily petals,
Falling down
On the iranian carpet...

You have been...!
بُودِه اي...!
Your hair,
Smelling like the sun...
The taste of sweet summer cherries,
Still dancing in the aroma of your eyes...
And brightly colored lilac curtains in your room ...
putting a glass on your table.
The air,
Moving the clouds in your chest...

The light is on...!
The curtain, allows light to enter...

" My Jasmine...!? "
" I love you..."  ( With the sound of laughter ) "

Your voice,
Was a rainbow... 🌈
If the sound was colored...

You are a river...
passing through
my neck...
I have fallen...
Near the daffodil flowers in your eyes...
I will become a thousand small fish...
A thousand trembling goldfish in the pond...
🐟🌊 🐟🐟🐟🌊 🐟🌊

" Oh that blue whirligig!!!
The yellow....!
And the pink one...!
I'm seeing those shiny whirligigs
of your childhood... "
What was the sound of your blowing like?
Your eyes,
giving a thousand colors and memories...

You are floating...
passing through the sound of a woman's laughter...
I will never wear a wedding dress...
To paint on its whites...
I have no child !!!

Oh september!
The end of colored paper...
And the beginning of the blue sun...
You are my mother's breast cancer...
That Growing inside of me...
I thought I was pregnant...
Last night !!!
Touching the curvature of my belly...
From the top of my white knickers
With its bright pink flowers...
When my mother's scarf turns to twenty-nine years old again!

" My Jasmine...?! "
" I love you... "

In illusion,
The voice of a woman...
Calling you...
From afar...

You have reached near the window...
Looking at me...
turning to you...
White lace dress...
Laughter In The Sun....
From the sound of which woman's laughter, am I reaching to you now?
In your ear,
I become a thousand voices...
The play of the sun's rays, On the tip of my brown *******, getting hot...

Closing my eyes...
I always think If I was blind, How could I understand that  the sound of the sea is blue?!
The leaves of the trees are green!?
In glitter...
In the melancholy of the golden leaves of May...
Your face, dancing
Among the glitter of golden winds ...
And the grape leaf,☘
Greeting me...

Thinking of you...
From afar...
How are your hands moving?!
Does my mother's earrings have the yellowness of the sunflowers?
Every sound,
becoming your voice...
Cheese crystals...
Pieces of barbari bread on the table...
The pungent odor of tangerine,
In my mother's hands...
And a tomato...
I'm dying now...!
مَن الآن مي ميرَم...!
But I'm happy That I know you...
امّا خُوشحآلَم که تُو رآ...
In the past and the future...
دَر گُذَشته و آیَنده مي شِنآسَم...
You have been...!
بُودِه اي...!

Narrated by me in persian
:-) 🌸

Check out yasaman johari on #SoundCloud
Why is it blue in the skies
And the night times are filled with cries
We fall in love with the sweetest thing we've seen
And they erase and go away like the wind
What is our sin ?
If we keep our faith on God
And we still see our tears gushing like the sea

Why ?
Why do we build sand castles to live in
Only for it to rain and wash it away
Why do we never grow old with good things

Why ?
Why do we have to give our hearts
To the wrong people
And the right people exists
When we make the decisions to stay happy
Only to build an empire of tears

Why ?
Why do it have to hurt to get to you
Why does it have to be bottles
Everytime agonies sounds like melodies...

Joey Percival Ikechukwu
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