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 Sep 2013 yanncheee
Mike Hauser
 Sep 2013 yanncheee
Mike Hauser
Pull my beating heart

From the hole that's in my chest

Caress it's ****** needs

Hand back what is left

Taken in my trembling hand

Placed upon my sleeve

For all the world to wonder

For all the world to see
 Sep 2013 yanncheee
Mike Hauser
a slight tingle beneath the skin
let's little out and little in
as memories flood of where you've been

they will forever whisper alice

when what you knew you thought you knew
is no longer holding true
as mountain winds are passing through

on the breeze they whisper alice

a ****** of crows are left behind
on this the darkest of lives
they fillet the soul but leave the mind

as the beat of their wings whisper alice
for my friend...alice
 Sep 2013 yanncheee
Mike Hauser
She's written my name in chalk

On the blackboard of her heart

Without a second thought

She could easily brush me off

With eraser in her hand

She's always making other plans

Always with some other man

Whose name is also written in chalk

On the blackboard of her heart
 Sep 2013 yanncheee
Muggle Ginger
Heaven won't

be full of people
who simply

avoided hell.
 Sep 2013 yanncheee
Mike Hauser
Sharing secrets with a madman
Crunch Berries around the breakfast table
Pouring milk in jugs of nonsense
From cows in designer labels

Voices from the refrigerator
Offer cubes of sugar
Singing Carols in the springtime
Like it was Mid-December

The bacon interprets modern dance
Sizzling  in the frying pan
The lights flickering on and off in Morris code
Grocery prices in the Yucatan

As you talk about the weather
With the windows painted black
Talking in sideways motions
You wonder what's up with that

Sharing secrets with a mad man
Are the best secrets kept
 Sep 2013 yanncheee
Muggle Ginger
Sometimes the light
isn't at the end of a tunnel
Because you're stuck
in a hole
You dug to rock bottom
looking up you see the sky
Out of reach
Without hope
Darkness creeps
it doesn't run
Rock bottom
Is the best place
To build again
With recycled materials
from broken dreams
Sewn together with
Your own heartstrings
So looking up
is looking forward
Make the climb
And see the light
 May 2013 yanncheee
Mike Hauser
Here you are coming
Here I am going
You the new born
Me the old man

Take my advice dear
Before it is you leave here
Reach for the stars
Grab all that you can

Cause in the end
All your left with are memories
Even those memories
Are few and far between

Take the folly of youth
Live it to the limit
Take this wisdom I've given
Then forget about me
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