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 May 2012 yanci colon
James Ellis
The first thing you need to know is this:


Those were the words I read as my
heart sank and my mind launched
into a universe of possibilities.

How long will the lights be out?
How will I shower in the dark?
Should I throw all of my food out?
Let me go to the park...

I rolled a joint, got in my car,
and drove to the park with
my music and my journal.

After the joint I started to think.
I looked up, and found no sun.
There you have it; in just a blink
of an eye, the darkness had begun.

Back and forth,
moving in constant motion,
trying to decide.
"Well," I think,
"Which way to go?"

Grass flutters in the wind,
water droplets sparkle and glimmer
in the sunlight;
"Well," I say,
"I think I'll stay right here."
and rain,
sit upon
my eyelashes.
One shows my pain, one washes it away.

The grey clouds are one with my breaking heart.
Shedding their pain
in tune with
my souls

that Grandma
is leaving me,
is easier to say than to live through.

Each slowing beat of her heart pierces me.
My second mom,
my best friend,

grace and
wisdom will
stay with me still.
I am, today, the woman she molded.

Touching so many, giving of herself.
Angel on earth,
soon to be
This is written in the poetic form of "Tetractys"  The scheme is a syllable count of 1,2,3,4,10...then reverse the count 10,4,3,2,1 and so on
 May 2012 yanci colon
If I am to stop and actually think,
why I spill this indelible ink.
Why I allow my heart to be opened,
to fill other minds with a yellowish pink.
I come to conclude that I can't help but try
to poison your minds with love such as mine.
I have too much, I'm trying to share.
To prevent overfilling a venomous care.

I can not sleep because reality's better.
She's still in my mind.
I still can't forget her.
I'd rather not judge for imaginary's nicer.
I know she's quite quirky
but that's why I love her.
I still can not know because guessing is sweeter.
We talk less than I'd like,
I'm just happy to meet her.

Pick the one who's just out of reach.
Pick the one where your chances are mythical.
Pick the one that you know you can't breach.
Pick her just right and your heart will go critical.
My head is pounding
Feeling waves of nausea
Even the light hurts.
Copyright 2012, William M. Winegar
 May 2012 yanci colon
James Ellis
I try to avoid looking in
the rear view mirrors of life
Simply because I know I cannot
go back to that place.

Sure, there were bad times
that I can tell you about.
Times where I didn't even
recognize my own face.

Throughout my youth
I was a humble child
Yet still a human; I had my share
of triumphs and mistakes.

A puzzled world fueled me
to pick up every piece I found.
I collected so many but
important pieces were misplaced.

(I'm sorry because I'm doing
what I'm trying to stop right now
but I have to in order
for you to believe it.

Anyway, I walked away
for a day to live in the now
and what I found
was the last piece I needed...


Something about the feeling
of letting my brain rest
from running on this treadmill
of past, present, and future

showed me a powerful thing
that I never saw before
and that is a vision
of a new earth.
 Apr 2012 yanci colon
James Ellis
I'm at a party and think of this
The fact that we exist
is something fascinating

**Through all the nights fabricating
I'm left with this thought
The night's lesson has been taught:

*The fact that my conception
is a result of my soul
competing in a race
with millions of others
and winning
is absolutely reason enough
to believe

— The End —