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Once you've finally
come to realize that
the little ones are the
only good human beings
Your trust in anything at all
is all but gone.
Your back now as worn
out as a well read

And your heart,
your starving,giving
unselfish heart has
now been hardened
by the loose,uncaring
you gave it to.

You got to just
barrel through it all
while taking it real
easy on the breaks.

The burdens of society,
the addictions,her wants
and what little
you have to give.
That on going
struggle within yourself
between what you
want to do and
that in which keeps her happy,
a roof over your heads
and gas in that guzzler.

We are cursed with a
narrow perspective,
unlike the butterfly who
sees in all realities.

Learn how to survive
and consume with the least
amount of your potentials
and call this success.

Decay always begins
once growth ends.
And there will be
plenty of dreams
to **** tomorrow
This is the struggle, the writings in my mind every night.

The "cannot ******* sleep".

This is the "get to know u better my dear Borderline".

This is the genius, the craziness.

This is my self-therapy. The "I don’t wanna take my meds and I need to if I wanna be normal"

This is me typing, and talking in english only so I don’t  have to listen to my self-thougts in spanish telling me ****.”
"Isto me está a falar e escrever em Português, só para não ter que ouvir a minha mente conversando comigo em Inglês e Espanhol dizendo coisas desagradáveis"

This is the Linguist, the Polyglot. This is the Mexican, the German, the citizen of Oceania.

The suicidal. The teaser. The lover. The wife. The translator. The ******. The poet. The soon-to-be-a lawyer.

This is the world looked through the eyes of a Borderline patient.

Random Thoughts. Just to keep my mind occupied, avoiding suicide,  again, not because I don’t want to live in this beautiful earth again, but just to ******* shout out the voice inside my mind.
There's Midnight Ravens
along the telephone
******* suckers
with deep dark
eyes that
see death
before it comes.
These hosts
of the end
pay me no mind
as I pass beneath
their roost.
They rudely go
about their
Raven buisness,
yelling and
******* their way
into the morning.

An unrelenting
bark drums
on from
a white painted
An insane sound
like an alarm that
no one will turn

I step over a small
cities worth of
ants who are
around a crack
in the
clogged with
more frantic
The great flood
has arrived
in the form of
a timed sprinkler.
And all of
the soldiers
have abandoned
the Queen.

It's early morning
The air has
yet to be
choked out
by the
diesel fuel
and needless
emissions that will
soon began to
smother the
The faint smell
of fresh fish
makes its way
up the city
blocks from
the waterfront

Old Italian and
Slavic women
stand outside
in their
long day time
night gowns
smoking cigarettes
while watering
the concrete.

I enter the
alley way ,
the smell of
***** diapers,
laundry detergent
and too
many children
surround an
apartment complex.

As I passed I came
upon the Black Princess
of these streets.
The wisest and
surest of them all
crosses my path.
Her tail held high
and strong,
striding care free,
she looks at me
with her
emerald eyes
and yawns.
She stops near a row
of trashcans that
are lined
up looking like
a modern
day monolith.

She laps at her
paw with slow,
long, lazy
licks as I
She again fixes me
with those marble green
eyes and lets me
know without
saying a word.
That the alley cat kills
for fun.
Ignores all Gods
by choice
and laughs
at our attempts
to tame it.
Six feet under,
trapped in a see through glass box,
people can see you,
they can hear you scream,
but they walk by as if they see nothing.

Six feet under,
buried beneath the pain,
hiding under the sorrow,
merciless cries come close to shattering,
the glass in which you are concealed.

Six feet under,
conceited, twisted lies,
cannot be forgotten or lost
hearts forever broken
as you see yourself

Six feet under,
the glass reflects the pain in your eyes
yet your stare is emotionless,
your heart ceases to beat
blood no longer pulses through your veins.

Six feet under,
You forget how to scream,
you lose your sense of sanity,
the glass swallows you up
lost, and always forgotten.
Every pieces of me
Is breaking apart
Before I could even
Adjust your shutter speed

©2014 Maman Screams
I'm already at my lowest when the year have just only begin. Trying to stable my footing on my own yet I'm still hoping it's your hand I'll hold in the morning
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