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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
it doesn't make me feel better.
it makes me feel like throwing up afterwards
someday i will get away from it
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
I never
heard you
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
JM Romig
Wake up earlier

Spend less time online
Spend more time outside
Every day, do something that scares you

Take more deep breaths
Realize you can't control certain things
Dance naked to 90s music when no one else is home

Meet new people
Meet old people – they have better stories
Listen to more people's stories
Learn to see things from different angles
Learn to look for Better Angels

Walk more
Drink more water
Drink less caffeine
Don't leave the coffeepot on when you leave the house
Be more aware of your bad habits
Be more patient with others' bad habits

Seek something every day
- even if you don't find what you're looking for,
at least you won't have wasted the day

Don't start smoking – despite what you may have heard
about what it does for stress
Worry less -
about what you can change
Change what you can
Stop writing cliches

Stop blaming your inaction on your home town
or your parents
or your emotional instability
Take responsibility for your inaction

Read more often –
you have books you haven't touched, ever
Write by the water –
the white noise of river helps you think

Return more favors –
people have been kind to you
Be kind to more people

Don't small talk –
small talk is for small minds
Don't ruin a good conversation by talking too much
Make something every day
(art, love, decisions, etc)

Go to bed earlier
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
My Darling
My Savior
My Knight in white armor

My once upon a time Lover
My Life
My Sweet  Addiction

How I long for our lips to come in tact
How I dream of the day you are mine
The day you'll find the girl you left behind

You'll walk along her path
Her sweet embrace you long for
Her arms entwined in yours
But now she is far to gone
Your outstretched arms are only entwined by fate
And now she is on her way
The day you'll find the girl whom left you behind

Your Darling
Your Savior
Your Princess in white

Your once upon a time Lover
Your Life
My Once Sweet Addiction
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Felicity Moon
It isn't like I had a choice
But I don't want to die with this
Vast galaxies has constantly growing inside me Unexplored even  for me
And I'm falling and falling
Till I die
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
All I can do is laugh
After all
You're just one big joke
© Willa 2014
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