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You’re just the kind of person
some lost adolescent would go home
and write a ****** poem about
at 2am in hasty cursive
scribbled on stained notebook paper
wrinkled from careless handling, using your being
to bring some riddle of the subconscious
into an acknowledged existence— and then
destroy the evidence, rendering it
undiscoverable to humanity—like everything else
she ever kept
too embarrassingly close to her heart, because
when she was a little girl the adults in her life
told her that there certain parts of yourself
you always kept private
that are a no-no
to show to anyone, and those
perpetually invisible parts
are covered by your swimsuit and your stoic reserve,
the eggshell guarding your psyche—that if anyone
forces themselves in with enough effort, you’ll break
all over them
and stain their sacred feet
with your messy insides that never
seem to go back in
once you’ve released them,  which will
leave you eternally wishing
to retreat into that perfect little immaculate white shell,
undisturbed by your own humanity.

I deprive myself of glances
I would love to take of you, but that would mean
that at some point you would
grow suspicious and
perhaps conjure the ESP
I seem to think everyone has
whenever I have a secret about them I’d rather
they never figure out—but I have to admit,
you’re beautiful.
I wish there were words
precise enough to explain exactly how
I just ******* love
how you stare at the world
with a poet’s wistful empathy, peeking
discreetly through the one-way mirror
of well-guarded sensitivity,
eternally wearing a gaze reluctantly masked
with an adaptive weariness just
transparent enough to expose
brief silhouetted glances
of vulnerability.

You’re just the kind of person
I wish I had the courage
to let into
my psychological fortress
constructed with every accumulated brick
of accumulated cynicism
that materializes
from living in a world that
muffles every voice
it makes want to scream, even if
no matter how old I become I’ll
always be some lonely kid standing
outside of my own person, eternally yearning
for somewhere safe enough
to have a broken shell.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
There is a distance which has been crossed
A frown that has been replaced with a smile
And yes
I can honestly say
This time
I will allow myself
To partake in all the love that surrounds me
I will allow myself to be loved
By another
This time I love me
I love my imperfections
Just as you did the first time round  
But this time I'm ready
For raging emotions
For storms and ships that sail away
Not really knowing where they are going
But just knowing for sure
That where ever we come to ground
We will be there together
i want to die, what is the use of staying alive?
whats is the purpose of my life?
when i am allways living with so much strife.
i can't go on living this way.
i can't stand boring day,afther boring day.
just watching my life waste away.
you must think im a drama queen.
you haven't been there,you haven't seen.
the disaster my life has been.
i know death is part of living,but all i know
is that i will be quitting my life,
which has no meaning,
i want death to take over,
i want to go being sober,
knowing what i am doing.
aware of where i am going,
no need for drugs,no need to disguise
the feeling certain death will arise
i will go quietly, no one will know
just let me sleep.and not wake up tomorrow
i want to die,don't want to cry,no one understands my sorrow....
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Ann Voge
I see what she writes about you.
She writes about your
unforgettable blue eyes,
your unforgettable  lips,
and your unforgettable smile.
She loves you still, I can tell.
I only wish she knew.
all the lies you fed her.
Because when I asked about
the summertime girl,
the first thing you said was
"I never loved her."
with no lie or hesitation behind your statement.
So now my heart will forever ache for
the summertime girl.
because she still writes about a love
she thought to be
-4 c.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
I don't know what to say
about the way you make
me feel so calm but alive
and warm even when it's
cold in the snow the rain
or anything

I feel like warmth surrounds
you and I would walk 10 miles
in snow storm in my sneakers
beside you with eye lashes
frozen closed

put on a jazz record
please and thank you
I want to stay so badly
and say how I feel

I've never felt so good
in soaking wet clothes
I just wanna say
How unlikely  you are
Hey, boy, but I like you
And the stretch from truth ain't far

Multicolored lights
Dancing on the wall
Hey boy, but you fascinate
And that's just overall

How about you and me
Take a waltzy twirl
Hey boy, but it's wonderful
And I love the way you curl
won't you please...
tango to waltz
with me. jay walk jay dance jay skip down the street
with me. eat dessert before dinner
with me. color outside the lines
with me. eat with your elbows on the table
with me. speed through the yellow light
with me. divide infinity by zero 
with me. end your sentence with a preposition
with me. abandon convention
with me. just free yourself
with me.
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