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Mar 2014 · 2.0k
Dánï Mar 2014
I can't trust anyone, no matter how hard I try,
Not even if you swore on your life, not even if I saw you cry.

I'm incurable, I'm damaged,
Don't go for me, please, save yourself from my baggage.

I'm so cold hearted, you don't even know,
It's just that I'm great at hiding it, I like to put on a show.

I'm stubborn- very hard headed,
I'd advise you to forget me- not fret it.

The thought of being with someone is comforting- finding something true,
But that's where you go wrong, that's when people take
advantage* of you.
Mar 2014 · 325
Dánï Mar 2014
I lay here hoping you'll stop by,
Kiss some life into me, please just try.

I want to feel your lips on the dents of my skin,
Lead me away from the state I am in.

Tell me it will all be alright,
Even if it's a lie, please don't cringe away from what's in your sight.

Don't let me slip and fall,
Don't let me build up more walls.

I've lost too much blood, I've lost too much love,
I'm counting on you to lift me above.
Mar 2014 · 484
One Day
Dánï Mar 2014
One day he's going to realize that he doesn't have a family, that he scared them all away.

*- 6 year old on her father
Mar 2014 · 390
Back When
Dánï Mar 2014
Back when* life wasn't such a burden,
when sharpeners and cheap razors were solely used for their intended purposes.

Back when kitchen knives were only used to help dig in,
when scissors cut paper, not your skin.

Back when you're life wasn't wearing down as attenuated,
when broken glass was a mess to clean up, not create.

Back when ropes were only thought of to jump,
when your thoughts never strayed dark enough.

Back when you were too naive to see the world for what it is,
when not everything triggered a need for such a thrill.

Back when** you didn't need to test out if you bled,
when you didn't wish you were left for dead.
Mar 2014 · 553
Dánï Mar 2014
I feel like they're going to start again..
These nightmares so vivid,
They'd make anyone else combust from the fear.

I feel like I'm being watched,
I felt a light tap on my temple,
A ringing in my ear.
Are they playing with me?

What if this time I'm ****** so deep in slumber,
That I don't wake.
I just stay trapped in this wicked life,
Where the end isn't found, not even with a knife.
Dánï Mar 2014
I always thought we were great for each other, even though I knew good things never last..

It's so sudden like, what?
You don't even get a chance to process the pain you're about to endure.

Just yesterday they were telling you how madly in love they are with you and how the fire will never burn out.
How you'll make it and it'll be better than anything you could ever imagine.

But as soon as the clock hit midnight all those words were lost.

How can they do that?
How can one day they wake up and decide they don't want you anymore?
Is it hard for them? Do they feel bad?
Are they just not feeling well? Are they confused?

All these questions are running through your mind..
The sad thing is if they are,
then you don't need to be with the person causing them.

Love doesn't hurt when it's true, love doesn't break you.

You need to be strong for yourself,
Time will help.

I'm not saying time heals all wounds but it lessons the pain.
No they won't be completely gone, completely out of your mind.
But there will be times when you don't feel it,
when you don't feel their toxic presence.

...Just like there will be times when it's excruciating.
When you can't help but sob you're heart out.
All you do is mope,
With seemingly no way to cope.

As you walk you can feel the shards of your heart dropping and being crushed by your own feet, breaking you all over.

It will not be easy.

But look how far you've come, all the battles you've fought,
no matter if you've won or not.
You're here today for a reason,
don't let them make you wave your white flag.
You're strong even if you don't see it.

After all of this, they might come and apologize.
I'll just let you know one thing; you don't need to accept it.
You don't need to feel like the least you can do is forgive them,
As if;
It was you who caused all these horrible things to happen.
It was you who purposely made you have sleepless nights,
And no will for anything.
It was you who gave yourself that blank look in your eyes.
It was you who killed you..

Insanely, they come expecting you're accepting of their apology.
As if it's the most normal thing to do.
As if it's okay to go about breaking plates, not even bothering to clean them up.

Just leaving them there to rust away on the floor..

I think the most appropriate way to respond is:

Sorry *doesn't fix a broken plate.
Mar 2014 · 455
Dánï Mar 2014
I was never taught how to love,
It was never shown to me.
What was taught was a false sense of love,
One that from such a young age, made me lose faith in humanity.

I was taught money bought forgiveness,
Blows symbolized your adoration for them.
I was taught such ugliness and bitterness,
Where there was once innocence, hatred stemmed.

I was taught all tears were true,
All apologies were honest.
I was taught to not forget was spiteful of you,
That forgiveness was a given and in your enemy you should seek solace.

I was taught pretending it never happened,
Covered up the millions of shouts.
I was taught to never dare let your soul blacken,
Even when the demons don't get out.

It's all I ever knew,
Don't accuse me of something I had no control of.
If you see and hear evil, you feel evil, do you question the sky being blue?
It isn't my fault I never witnessed love.


Most importantly I was taught,
Love isn't something you learn.
It's something you feel in your heart,
When it's rightfully **earned.
Feb 2014 · 321
Something, Anything
Dánï Feb 2014
I am not feeling anything,
I am numb.
My heart is encased in something so impenetrable,
Not even I can set it free.
As I lay, I try to feel,
Even the tiniest bit of emotion,
I'm searching for something, anything.
A tear to roll down my face, some hair pulling...

I hear the faintest palpitation of a heart beat.

Get me a doctor, a cure-er,
A poet, a writer.
Someone who can either give me drugs to help cope or stitch me up with a pen.
I'll wait, I'll even count to ten...


Didn't think so,
What now?
Do I cut myself open,
Just to test if I bleed?
Or do I keep feigning cares?
Want me to repeatedly say I Love You,
With a blank stare?

Don't call me emotionless, heartless, etc.
I hate it when people point out the obvious.
Use new adjectives,
Like scarred, or a giver-upper, a try-hard,
You know, something that isn't easily seen on the surface.
Something you have to search deep to discover.

What if you dig deep enough and find a treasure?
Imagine finding gold and pearls.
You've set me free, I'm finally happy.
But I'd hate to imagine what comes after.
After you discover what I'm made of,
Will your motives change?
Before it was to help now it's to use me.
Now you want to lather yourself in my riches until I've run out straight to the core.
Might even nibble on what's left,
And then I am left.
As always.
Left for dead.

I heal bit by bit,
I don't remember anything.
I feel hollow but start filling up with nothingness.
I feel softness but only for a split second until that all too familiar hard shell forms.

I'm back.
I feel normal in this terrifying state.
I want to feel, I want to touch and taste and rejoice but-
there's nothing.
No matter how hard I try.

All too soon I hear some news,
Some poor soul hit rock bottom after being rotten rich.

Don't come seeking for comfort in me,
Don't try and use me for your selfish needs.
Just like you I am needy, a loner,
I am a sucker fish hoping to find and taste even the smallest amount of life,
A roamer, searching for *something, anything.
Feb 2014 · 530
Dánï Feb 2014
Nothing I do seems right,
Sincere actions getting no avail.
The more I seek, the more it's out of sight,
Trust gets you nowhere.

How do you stand tall,
On crumbling grounds?
This effect of the snowball,
Is slowly wearing me out.

How do you keep a clear mind,
With a head full of steam?
The more I try, the more I find,
It all isn't what it seems.

How do you keep hope,
When you're continuously knocked down?
In a faithless home,
You're never safe and sound.

It gets closer and closer, such an appealing cliff,
All that's pulling me back are the countless *what if's.
Feb 2014 · 378
Dánï Feb 2014
It's scary,
It's terrifying,
How your love is meant to cure but instead I become *weary,

Your words are hate defying.

I'm waiting,
I'm impatient.

You're leaving one day, that goes without saying.
Don't mean to hurt you, I'm just being blatant.

It's sad,
It's dreadful,

How you try so hard to please me as I'm waving a red flag.
I'm pushing, you keep pulling- soon you'll be regretful.

I'm weak,
I'm needy.

Be strong for the both of us as I **** the strength out of you with every word I speak.
I beg you to stay as I push you out, hardheartedly.

You're striving,
You're standing tall.
Telling me to believe in us whilst we're *thriving.

But I'm fragile, powerless- we're beginning to fall and *there's nothing you can say or do at all.
I'm sorry

Feb 2014 · 689
Dánï Feb 2014
I think I've found the one,
But how many times have I said that before?
Maybe you'll stay, maybe I will, who knows?
Only the warmth spreading in this stone cold heart is for sure.

You help me by not helping me,
Make me laugh with no effort.
Your voice is constantly replaying in my head,
I think I'm falling- long story short.

You mean the world to me,
Plus a couple of stars.
Add Uranus because I want to be bangin that asap,
Sorry.. I went too far.

Regardless, I'm feeling you on a whole new level,
I'm pretty lucky- ****.
Letting you know I want to stay lucky for a couple of while's,
No pressure, at least for now I *am.

The random weird things draw me closer like if I was an asteroid and you were earth and had that magnetic pull - "You"
Feb 2014 · 539
Dánï Feb 2014
Ever notice something and sit there awe struck?
For years I sat and cursed my seemingly bad luck.
Why wouldn't anyone stay? Why was I unworthy of?
How come I was alone? Where was my one true love?

People would come and go, I learned to not shed a tear,
Cold hearted- I know, but I guess I outgrew that fear.
I couldn't picture myself genuinely happy with someone,
All I saw was a loner with no one beside them in the long run.

One day, out of the blue, a collage of memories was thrown at me,
Every person that disappeared was remembered, every heartache felt anew.
I came to the horrid realization that the moments I unconsciously suppressed,
Were of *me leaving before I was left.
Feb 2014 · 1.9k
Dánï Feb 2014
My name is a reflection of you,
The manner in which it's pronounced makes it all the more true.

My talk is a reflection of you,
The accent in which I speak in is all you- a sign of a sick tribute.

My walk is a reflection of you,
The way my left foot follows my right, and how my thighs are placed together- never bidding adieu.

My sleeping schedule is a reflection of you,
How I stay up in fear of you coming but not being seen by a rescuer- always out of view..

My thoughts are a reflection of you,
Paranoic and the over-analyzation of everything following through.

My mirror is a reflection of me,
Tainted, shattered, distorted- indefinitely.
Feb 2014 · 866
Dánï Feb 2014
These past couple of moments have been beautifully ideal,
I feel carefree talking to you, somehow that brings a lot into question, what's fake and what's real?

Maybe it's due to my unchangeable inability to trust.
Do we actually believe someone is being genuine without expecting anything in return from us?

These insecurities, you didn't cause them.
Still in my eyes you're a flawless, tainted gem.

So perfect, your faults make you perfect.
Only for a second do I believe that maybe we're worth it.

But how do you turn a nonbeliever into a dreamer?
A no-faither into a hoper?
The blind into seers?
The mute into preachers?
The immobile into runners?
The numb into healers?

The obvious answer is you can't,
*No ungifted man can.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Forced Introverts
Dánï Feb 2014
How does it feel to lose yourself,
To feel yourself oozing through your pores and pouring into a shell?

These restless nights are deviously common,
My eyes have gone dry, no more bawling.

I lay here and wonder how did I miss the dead end,
Why did I sprint so purposely with no message to send?

These days you feel ashamed of the right, proud of the wrong.
My thoughts race, there's no time to process them,
I don't think they belong..

I swear I try my hardest to make you all proud,
I gave up, it's hard when you feel all alone in a crowd.

These people don't deserve me, you, us.
You and I confide in them and they ruin our non-resilient trust.

When you're alone, who's there to disappointment and vice versa?
Who's there to make you feel small and destroy ya?
No one

Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Dánï Dec 2013
It's sad that as we grow up the brightness in our eyes dims,
Our faith and hope gradually slim.

The stars disappear, they aren't as bright,
It all becomes opaque, the caliginous night.

Our voices get softer, our fear louder,
We prefer to be lonesome, oh we're such downers.

The last of our emotions drip out, the color in our skin drains out,
You don't hear not a sound out of us, though trust me, we want to scream and shout.

Our hearts expand but get quieter,
Filled with sorrow- heavy yet at the same time lighter.

We become so very lost,
We yearn for happiness, though we all know it'll cost.

Can't help but feel scared, paranoid,
We'll do anything to help fill the void.

We feel an emptiness in us- start missing nothing,
We want to learn how to trust, give us something..

It's sad that as we grow up the brightness in our eyes dims,
Our faith and hope gradually slim.
Dec 2013 · 2.6k
Dánï Dec 2013
It's crazy how things happen.. You meet someone and all is great.. They make you laugh, blush, smile, daydream, plan ahead. You can trust them so easily even though that's so hard to do. You both can have deep meaningful conversations and it isn't weird because you make each other feel comfortable. You feel yourself developing feelings- even the tiniest bit. At first you don't know what to do.. You relate to each other on a whole other level so you just go with the flow, you look forward to them being a part of your day, someway somehow. Then you realize you look forward to them too much.. You put too much faith on them, expect too much and so the littlest of things disappoint you. That's when you're sure you know how it'll end. That's when you overthink and ruin things. That's when you let another one get away.. unfairly.
Dec 2013 · 904
Night Light
Dánï Dec 2013
I'm not afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of what's in it.
Your worst nightmares come true- truly horrific.

You can't escape it, no amount of light will help,
Once it's begun, it's inside of you- becomes a part of your self.

You'd think having someone beside you would suffice,
But what if they bring the dark? What if they are just someone who plays nice?

You can never be too careful,
Better safe than regretful.

Wish the time of pain and reminiscing would end without putting up a fight,
We should all know bad things mostly happen at night.

Maybe the restless days would then stop,
Maybe then there wouldn't be a time to sob.. just a thought.

Is it childish to have at my side, a night light?
Debatable.. but at least it illuminates the dark.
At least it gives the illusion it isn't melancholic hours, yet- it isn't night.
At least it aids my corrupted mind and bruised heart.
Dec 2013 · 948
Dánï Dec 2013
I'd like to distract your thoughts,
Caress you, make you feel nice and hot.

For my own pleasure,
And maybe yours.

I'll feel good making you feel good,
Be very still, I'll set the mood.

Don't try to please me,
I'm numb, you'll see.

Worry not- you'll enjoy it,
The peak is in the heat of the moment.

Your senses are going crazy,
You're liking this, aren't you, baby?

You've become undone, you beg for more,
Sure.. there's always more to explore.

But, there are rules this time,
Fret not- you'll be fine.

Can't touch me, I can't stand it,
Keep eye contact, you'll soon be an addict.

The friction is building, your sweat is visible,
Wish it was more than just physical- I'm unforgivable.

You reach the top and come crashing down,
Only your erratic breathing, not another sound.

You want more of me- all of me,
But, there's not much to give, sadly.

You want to stay, you suggest to sleep on the floor,
Oh how silly, no honey, there's the door.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Dánï Dec 2013
I like to see the good in everyone,
I love to give but hate to receive, am I the only one?

I'd love to see everyone grinning,
Hmm, wishful thinking?

I feel sorrow for every hurt soul,
Curse the one who turned you cold.

But, of course, you can't always tell,
Who went through or gave *hell.
Never too careful

Dec 2013 · 943
The Dark
Dánï Dec 2013
Everything is put into a sharper perspective at night,
Have you ever noticed the deafening loudness of the eery silence?
You start to comprehend a few things, but not quite,
You want to rebel, create a sort of defiance.

Just in time the others come out, they want to dance.
They ask you to join and promise to make you feel very alive.
You start to move, they watch you prance,
Though their stares are a bit unsettling, you abide.

You can hear your heart beat, or lack thereof,
You can feel your lungs constricting from the smoke.
You're getting carried away.. where's the sheriff?
Where's the ambulance? You're starting to choke!

Your thoughts swirl, your sight is nonexistent,
Your body crashes, you can't hear a sound.
"Don't worry, you'll be okay!" Oh, what an optimistic,
You wish you were okay, you wish you'd be found.

The others have left, you're alone now,
There's nothing around you, nothing but stars.
You were expecting the time of your life, a big wow,
Silly you, thought you knew, nothing good ever happens in The Dark.
Night Terrors

Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Dánï Dec 2013
There's nothing I've wanted more than the ability to forget.
I've tried but I haven't been able to master it, yet.

I can't forget your scorching touch,
You left scars, more than enough.

You were trying to mask your impotence,
I should've shown more than just indifference.

Tell me did you understand what you were doing, did you notice my change?
Must of since you'd repeatedly ask "Why are you acting so strange?"

I never admitted, never told a soul,
I never seeked help- I turned numb, bitter cold.

Tried to convince myself I was strong, stronger than you.
I was completely wrong, you knew this, too.

You hold so much sovereignty over me,
I still cannot comprehend how this can be.

You knew who'd keep quiet, you knew which prey to choose,
You're so clever, made sure you'd never lose.

Do you know how indefinitely f'cked up I am now?
Are you happy? Are you proud? Do you want to take a bow?

Your time is ending, your death is near,
You'll be gone, yet I'll always have so much to fear..
Dec 2013 · 683
Dánï Dec 2013
This fear... I grew up with It,
It isn't a newcomer, I'm sure of it.

Have you ever encountered It?
Forced to play dress up and smile with It?

Take it by the hand and walk with It?
Making sure no one ever saw it was really It?

All in my head, there was It,
Giving me night terrors, happy was It.

Depression and anxiety were the cousins of It,
They came in the package along with other Its.

People loved It, manipulative was It,
No one ever suspected, proud was It.

Put on your facade, It wants to play;
It is going to be with you, night and day,
You can't get rid of It, you have no say.
It comes in all shapes & sizes

Dec 2013 · 693
2 Weeks
Dánï Dec 2013
It's not all about* your appearance,
Which you're wrong for thinking is worth a store's clearance.
It's about your soft heart,
and how we can't be apart.

It's not all about your heartless facade,
Which makes your sweet moments all the more appreciated.
It's about your presence lighting up my day,
and how you've managed to stay.

It's not all about the promises we made,
Which are hard to keep when you say the things you say.
It's about your way with words
and how you strum my chords.

It's not all about how without you I'd feel a vacancy,
Which just the mere thought leaves me antsy.
It's about our pulling through,
and how our love is true.
Nov 2013 · 984
Dánï Nov 2013
I can't sleep at night,
Knowing it's all wrong,
It's an endless fight,
I won't be in for long.

Everything isn't exactly what it seems,
I feel it slipping away- my morality,
What's left of my feelings pour down like streams,
I can't tell the difference between fiction and reality.

My sight is blurred and all is confusing,
I'm getting weak- soon I'll be paralyzed,
You don't realize it's my trust you're abusing,
Wish I saw the hope, wish you could *empathize.
Dánï Nov 2013
I find it a bit hypocritical that I talk about "feeling" all the time,
I'm as numb as they get,
The ones that say they're fine,
Because we don't know how to explain something we haven't acquired yet.

I can't love you or hate you,
I don't have it in me to feel extremes,
You won't have what you need when it's due,
I have a weird way of letting off steam.

I can listen, I can "sympathize",
I can make you feel good- it'll all seem true,
It's unnerving you'll soon realize,
*It's definitely me, not you.
Nov 2013 · 433
Dánï Nov 2013
I feel stupid for* thinking about you every time "love" is brought up-
I don't believe in those blues.

I feel stupid for thinking you might make contact with me one day-
give me a couple I miss you's.

I feel stupid for feeling so hollow at the loss of you-
such an emptiness.

I feel stupid for missing something I never truly had-
I don't get that blissfulness.

I feel stupid for letting you use me whenever you wanted-
an object in your games.

I feel stupid for** letting you burn me out so easily-
an insignificant flame.
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Carvings On The Wall
Dánï Nov 2013
I feel* very hopeless,
Completely worthless.

I feel the strength oozing out of me,
Pooling up on my bathroom
floor- staring up mockingly.

I feel the vibrations of your voice, loud and clear,
They always know where to hit me, just like a spear.

I feel as if I do not belong anywhere I go,
I'm a laughing sto
ck and guess who's the main attraction at this wicked show?

I feel my "loved ones" quickly drifting apart,
I was your roc
k but reality has crushed me down with a mighty start.

I feel the non believing eyes boring down,
None of you care as deeply as you claim, you'd rather I swallow my misery and hurriedly drown.

I feel you changing your mind about me,
I'm not the person you cleverly made me want to be.

I feel the stomps of your feet though I am thousands of miles far,
You make yourself believe you provided the necessary with a house and a car.

I feel the love I have for you slowly disintegrating,
It's funny how it's yo
ur world that is now changing.

I feel myself going crazy, completely insane,
and you're the only one who can carry that blame.

I feel** the way this is going to end,
So let me get the blade, my old friend.
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
Bread Crust and Soggy Cereal
Dánï Nov 2013
I want to have someone who;
Likes to count the stars and start over when they lose their place,
Is fascinated with the moon and everything to do with outer space.

I want to have someone who;
Is infatuated with my dull eyes and crooked smile,
Won't mind my clumsiness and will stay a while.

I want to have someone who;
Will read big books and watch long movies with me,
Notices the extraordinary in all that I see.

I want to have someone who;
Knows how to stimulate all my senses,
Can see my big picture without any lenses.

I want to have someone who;
Isn't difficult- simple,
Isn't crazy.. but just by a little.

I want to have someone who;
Doesn't mind my far from attractive moments,
Thinks my corny jokes are golden.

I want to have someone who;
Gives me absolute bliss,
Can heal all my wounds with one simple kiss.

I want to have someone who;
Holds on tight and won't give up on me,
Doesn't pay mind to any "let me be".

I want to have someone who;
Hears me even when I don't speak,
Kisses my forehead, nose and cheek.

I want to have someone who;
Tells me when I am wrong,
Argues with me while we simultaneously get along.

I want to have someone who;
Doesn't like bonfires so they make s'mores in the kitchen,
Tells all stories- except fiction.

I want to have someone who;
Has a bit of hate for the material,
Enjoys *
bread crust and soggy cereal.
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Broken and Empty
Dánï Oct 2013
I'm tired* of who you aim your glares at,
how your beautiful words are just spat.
I'm tired of living life in constant fear,
not hearing affectionate words; my dear.
I'm tired of always going back to you,
you have the power to make skies grey or blue.
I'm tired of how much you've scarred us,
you so recklessly lost my trust.
I'm tired of your pointless accusations,
you can make or break me with just one statement.
I'm tired of how you make yourself seem so caring,
but the next second your voice is blaring.
I'm tired of the way you process your thoughts,
and of all the times you so carelessly fought.
I'm tired of the games you play,
you have so much to speak but nothing to say.
I'm tired of being yours to manipulate,
you haven't made me truly happy as of late.
I'm tired of being shot at; Russian Roulette,
I can't be near you without becoming upset.
I'm exhausted by your broken promises and empty threats.
Jul 2013 · 829
Point of Views
Dánï Jul 2013
I heard about people that cut,
I heard about people that put nothing in their gut,
I heard about people that say if, and or but,
I saw someone with emotional pain.
I saw someone with endless shame.
I saw someone trying to keep sane.
Jun 2013 · 981
Free Yourself
Dánï Jun 2013
When nothing is right,
When you fall because you are too scared of the height.
When wrong thinks you are bait,
When the people you need become people you hate.
When he holds you too close for comfort,
When you try to be strong though you are hurt.
When you are forced to care,
When daddy isn't there.
When you feel all ******* & bound;
When your heart just pounds and pounds,
When the tears come streaming down.
When mommy is too scarred to be rational,
When you wish you were supernatural .
When the chalk becomes a sword,
When your body becomes the board.
When your thoughts are spacebound,
When your voice is never loud.
When you are just a toy on a shelf,
You can't help but want to free yourself.

— The End —