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At which was the Christmas ******* we pull
And turn this ******* to a Holiday
The Cherriest Bang, makes the Heart blow full
And mix our Best Moments within the Fray
Only to reveal it was yours to keep
Since, anyway, was your Inheritance
And I the Steward; Borrowed for a Bleep
So my Value pays for your Insurance
Which gnaws the Solicitor of his time
With other Clients he in due fulfill
But since your Smile took the most of my Crime
Will conspire your Misexactions, still.
It was always Right, to sing for this Room
In our own Expense, you siphon the Gloom.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
So, after reading this Programme with her
And felt the Blood up-river past your brain
She was Smiling. And thus I beg-confirm
How to abdicate this Throneful Pain
Do Tears from your Fans ever sensate you
Even when their Pillars support your Fare
Bitter Notes will tweet; And Pretty Souls too
Just how you Falter these Dictions beware
She was Brave enough to post the Same Event
At Risk to debit their Frustrated Fears
Brother and Sister: Most live Excuse meant
A Funny Welcome to whom they Revere.
Please. This isn't the first Turtle Reflex
Of Four-Digits-Two minus Year-of-Six.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Perhaps Bread or Boon, Wine or Concubine
Will satisfy your Thirst for Hunger's sake
That Tomorrow lends her Hand for your Define
Are what your Efforts took to form your Make
See? How persistent that Winged ****** goes,
Pointing his Heads to where they don't belong
Or, at least, what the Dogma-Tribe bestows
Out of their Tent the Patriarch breathes strong
Really? Such Oppressive Moves they decide
To tell whether the Tune was Right or not
That Worm, called Ego, from Adam's Bite, Pride
Twisted Futures which their Love has forgot.
Easily that my Wheels can just frustrate
To know what's Right, but realise too late.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
If you would study how such genes relate
That from the Jesuit ingenious he was
Then you should know how to connect and sate
That Real Thirsty Medal you always had
I'm glad it wasn't your Inheritance
Who signed the Credit of your Prolonged Win
And work you did for your Signature Stance
Which made most take ground from their Frigate Sin
Yet always remember those Heads who Cheer
And invested their Bets un-withdrawn
Which, knowing you human, avoided the Sneer
And saw that Best Blue Child since you were born.
About the genes, Dad's Living Light impress
Now Mum's Beauty Stamp; Your Smile did she Bless.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
2.4k · Mar 2013
Behold my Praise, Lively-Lady, Behold!
This is a Fact I can always ensure
For if my Ego pretends to be cold
I deserve to be in Prison verily.
I'm sorry for such Lame Words, dearest Belle
The Artist here has a Duty to Live
For if the Master confiscates my Pen
How else should my English Rose Concerns give?
I knew you only through the Tweets you speak
That for me is enough to wear this Faith
For within your Vase sprouts a Promised Seed
Which flows Sweet Mustard to poison the Wraith.
If Questions you ask, that will add to One
And in your Friendship let your Will be done.
Bless me this Mentor of Sole Beauty's Heir
Yet Strong but Soothing Overtones bespoke
Your Man won your Lot; Such Blue Maiden Fair
Whose learned Feathers brushed my mind pre-note
Which perchance teach me this Indigestion
Of Quarter-Terms whose gods we must rely
Your Patience, prized, covet my Attention
Which by tri-week's end I will soon come by
And hope within months my Master become
Whilst you dear Lady try to taste our Flag
I realize, this Truth: Work most embalm
Then my Skills effect to Experience had.
Before I forget, I'll thank in advance
This Dumb Poet's Song in foolish romance.
You can see how Endorsements feed your I
That Shy Ghost whose Casper does not exist
Fare alone for Cause to swallow your Pride
Which when accomplished guides your Star at Best
Just how often do we see your Girls cheer
And Pray for Purpose very Few will get
Hymns they Sing; From Media beg you to hear
Even when such Few harbour Good Intent
I guess those Executives knew your Cue
What would Attract and what would sure Pursuade
Even at Cost your Temple lost its Due
And they cry Happy at your Virtue, fade.
Those Trunks still shrink much to Addict's Delight
So climb your Board and do your Dive in-spite.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Truly Great Gratitude knows how to cook
From my Mentor reward a Burger's Gift
Out of a Contest she saw a New Look,
A New White Shirt whose Collar I did lift
So during the orders our Themes discussed
From Family to Travel saw a Best Face
With you your own Self renew and re-trust
Your Fresh Bond Paper your Husband sought Grace
Only when we bartered our Wallet's view
Was when your Picture's truth I discovered
How Human you are; And Friendlier new
Which self-doubted Fever I recovered.
Luncheon was Great; And now invades the Rain
We better both run with Minutes remain.
I seek in Prayer that you would Forgive
This Uttering Whisper cense your Penance
By the Cross and Wheel for this Dharma, live
My own Locked Fortress that Demon's Seance
Mindful do the Scriptures from Heaven remind
That once a Duty to my Sister's Lord
Invoke this Baptist; To Salvation find
The Enfavoured Trust to your Bandaged Word
Then by your God's Hopeful Mercy relay
My added Petition you both be well
Across the White March Doves mirror that Day
You and his hand - Magnificent we tell.
Such was his Title. And Excelled at that
Knowing your Wound heals, I tip-off my Hat.
Be it Song, or Bile, or Predicament
The Way you carry your Fortunes are Good
Try to Lend some Hands; Then you would relent
How many you missed in your Neighbourhood
Photos alone do not Memories make;
Nor Lone Medals hung to promote your Fame
But that - within YOU - which Dad has long-taught
Was always the Nature etched on your Name
And the Name that Was, Is, and Forevermore
Beyond the Skin tattooed with Thoughts demure
He is the HERO; Real, and to the Core,
Promises Divine in Friendship so Pure.
You are more than you know. And always has been
That Light from the Sun is dug from Within.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Empowered Manager, your Rules beknown
I'd rather you Teach how we must Behave
Or, filter these Concepts to his Reknown
And coat this Script for his role as a Knave
So what's new? Long does this Method wear
For the Centred Market your Profits invest
Though, we Illusioned, squeeze each dareful tear
Close his Next-Door Gates for an Open Contest
To be Fair, dear Sir, if we can afford
To pay for that trite, unsubstantial fee
I suppose his Skill to waters accord
Reward by Harvest; A Hero as he.
So yes I'm aware for such tweets I send
Were not his eyes for your mouth he'll depend.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
The Heart-of-Promise, filled on his Wanton Day
Sorted the Journal to fix his Dates ahead
But the Noise down below would get in his Way
To record this Occasion; And the Dread
Of another Year before his License
To join the main and raucous World of the Teens
Each page A-Party; Each Chapter A-Spotting
And every Mouth speaks of Haves and Have-Beens
This is the Juice which every Child must Drink
Sour enough to turn his Locks into Stress
But the Door came A-Knocking; Mum held the Cake
Sixteen Candles he blew; And Hope came to Bless.
His Heart now strong; His Promise just fulfilled
And left his Room sweeping the Dust he killed.
If there was a Medal worn on your Neck
Un-Commissioned by any Metal or Cast
Was one Purple Flag which many would respect
But worry on how your ****** will last
Such Flag just stood by, waiting for Salute,
Open-palm-right timed to Shots Twenty-One
Take it or leave it; Your Brand absolute
Better to change Clothes than survive with none
What Concern, Sir, does my own interfere
If Bland Words tweeted are Letters unread
Folly how your Cousin charges me here
To assume such Feelings are most undead.
He thinks of the Separate and Exist
And so do you, which you tend to Resist.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Misshapen I, assume this Harmful Trot
Another Term to disappoint your Name
This I Bow; Multiply my Penance lot
Never again will I repeat this Shame
For Honest Will, assist your Son's Best Worth
Though I know spouting Flames is not the Way
Purse this Regret; And shake the Stubborn Earth
Then leave this Barker alone for him to stay
Yet hopefully, in Prayer bid my Tears
You may Consider my Innocent Plan
To Heal, Flow and Live; Like your Boy's Best Years
To prove Un-Condition by your demand.
I Understand, your Investment withdrawn
But Faith in Mother's Heart is best to own.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
How Sweet yet Sorted your Flavours that Are
Branding each ****** where Lust is the Key
Keeping their Thoughts stalled in Wonder that far
Beheld the Heart's Choice you picked out to be
Now in my Learning from Elders since Time
That People regardless are not Hors d'Oeuvres
Nipping that Spread to where Souls are defined
And acknowledge the Praise they so deserve
These are your Customers; Satisfy them
Yet still keep your Person well and maintained
None do they ask for much Sterlings and Sense
Just that Spark to which your Truth is retained.
That Day will come when no Fish will swim by,
Stressed on their Fins with the Bubbles you cry.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Thus on my genesis Love's fought Regret
My Ardent Sire whose Merits installed
These English Gifts whom I have thanked just yet
Carried Misconstruction; And docked the Fine Toll
This that Penance be my Honest Attempt
Yet still besieged in case of Bad Timing
The Gold I carry an Issue I Contempt
Will try once more to Win his Best Blessing
My how the Fortunes some drive the Mind mad
And took my Heart back to a Wildman's State
This cannot continue; Much have I had
Sponge this Circled Self back to my Constraint.
The Human in me, the Cause of my Lone
And Sister's Reason I banged on the Phone.
This Heart of Life will always be Content
Avoid Dependents; And it would Respond
And who would a Poet's Charge to Comment
When all it could do is a sever a Bond?
This Lousy but Coveted Chain; Worn out by Claws
Whose Beast left unknown save only a scratch
My Heart's own Mystery untested by Flaws
Yet none but your Face can equally match.
Am I yet a Wing? That I need the Other to fly
For Icarus did in his Ignorance fail
So if Feathers can fall, how much more a Lie
When the Sun's Tongue hung my Deeds with a Nail?
How can I fill my Flight if this I Live
Unsettled by Claws, unwilling to Forgive?
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
I noticed the System on how we relate
For every Plus a Minus you return
Yet this Gnawing Event nailed to your Gate
Were your Foe's Doomed Plagues; Yet left me unspurned
Which made me wonder why you chose to mum
Yet for this Announcer a spite you blew
Why? Was it to boost your Public Aplomb
And cheat your way with the people you knew?
Like your First Partner. Whose Rabbit Remark
Asked for Improvements whilst stuck on his phone
Then came Black Letters asking for his bark
When all he did was to leave you alone.
Diver! Enough with your Cosmic Abuse
Don't wait for the Witch to cast her Spell loose.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Must it be a Test to Love without Cause
Like Dad's Clothes worn un-thinking of Perfection?
This be your Practice despite Facts beknown
Towards way-end your Silence ignores Diction
For One who speaks on-file, eager to Present
Once your Lights dim and return to Normal
Expect Reserved Silence to those you amend,
Played Jester with Clouds and thought you Mortal
Even ID's have Foot-Long Lanyards, Sir
Meaning regardless of Gold or Bronze frame
Remember this for all Intent and for Her
All primmed Apartments connect the same.
This you adjust, according to your need
Her she understands, whatever you please.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Alike to Twin Minds with Hands and Feet possess
Perform their own Stage and make a Good Score
With such Lyrics does their Rhythm address
Defined in the Air; As once did before
Which, in some Ardent but Doubtful Degree
Would deny the Advice handed down in Print
Since they are a Pair submitted to Belief
That to answer those Charges was far too Mint
Much for their Lifted Chins to Cower in Shame
Knowing the Goals they defer would spell their End
But why would they Work so much for a Name
When in Wrinkles are their Numbered Values spent?
There is Reason why the Pool is cleaned Within
To drain-in the Lust; To blue-out the Sin.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
You chose the Stage, a Water's Board extend
Which by it's Nature was meant for Sight's View
Yet this Binary Journal I resent
Your Box-Turtled yet Begraced Attitude
Of Purpose made, decide to Advertise
Should keep your Values so firm and intact
Easily submit, to Pressured Teen's size
And forsook Important Treasures extract
If you cannot keep the Job, then resign
Rather than waste Good and Honest Support
With Hooks on the way, hanging Love's design
Wrinkle her Face to your White-Washed Rapport.
I care not your ears waxed; Still this Scroll writes
To Care and Consider; Though this Praise bites.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
If you found it Buggersome that I Cry
Yet keep the Tears which solicit the Rain
Those were really yours; Apart which I lie
Would cower the Deed which summons the Pain
And Pain - this un-needed - turns the Ego sour
Then from Wise Mouths state Abandon precise
Normal for Commoners in Easy Hour
To shut the Door by Frustration concise
Then, do forget the Elder's Timeless Thought
Of Partners nurture from Time's Honour brew
That, you see, Instant Pimps' Deception caught
And turn Gold Devotion to Sin a-new.
Perhaps if She subscribes to your Profile
Would you Consider; That your Truest Smile.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
2.1k · Mar 2013
My Eyes, to confiscate those Notes on-board
My Ears, to abduct those shrill Tunes a-light
My Hands, to guide the Maestro of the Word
My Tongue, to speak of their Meaning's Delight
My Mind, to sprinkle the Seeds of their Songs
My Heart, to skip Jolly Tunes with a Jig
My Spirit, to sponge my Past Living Wrongs
My Soul, to sing your Legacy so big
My Hands, to applaud the Kingdom's New Band
My Chest, to parallel Vibes to your Beat
My Legs, to absorb that Brilliant New Dance
My Feet, to seal this Friendship with your Creed.
These Parts sum; Three Sick Sires and a Dame
And how my Laurels want to know their Name.
Take two Spoons, and see where the Sugar bruise
Far-advised they must in Colour, contour
Bet for the Shades; Yet though Red at best, Blue
Twice shopping for Pets in console does pour
Haply do beg, then, cop this Tired Shout
And perscribe the slip to Praise you instead
Even though, by dough, what the Tripe's about
And fry this Belligerent Fish for dead
You knew as the Wrong which should have been Right
Yet cast the Charmer to part with his Staff
But there, with She, took your Honeycomb's Might
Did Good to yourself whilst Others are apt.
Now with your Shings, that change your Vendor gave
Rewind your Perception; And opt you Brave.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
At my Age, to gaze at this Crumbling Glass
Must content me to say when to let-go
Of my Battles, that of Mum's Great Compass
Swore her Tears to what I already know
I guess that Vision, mirage as it is
And bake the Dough whose Bread I un-consume
With your Dust - suave - charm the Summer Belles since
Fan Frosted Wings faster than I could fume
What happens now? In this doomed, ****** Script
Must force me to tear-off my Snowy Mask
Painful my pores feel; My Heart goes to crypt
Then deny the Tender I so Long ask.
When Right is Wrong and Wrong seems all but Right,
Throw punches to a Face I could not fight.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
These Deuce Shadows, each of their own Accord
Stood sentry by his Strength's Pig-Skin Compete
Though Deuce-by-Scores less his Expect afford
Acknowledge another Mint Day complete
So she was Happy; As your Mum's inspect
To permit your Crunch for her Time's request
For whatever Purpose; Or Leisure bet
Ensure her Thoughts connect to your Life's Best
Though evident must your Sovereignty come
Least by her Nature lock Braces to your Path
Which - soon Released - a Marathon for Some
By her Method must steer your Geomancy.
A Deuce Day still. Double Joys doubled well
Your Mid-Bro arrives; And asks his Flannel.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
But then that Bronze you would Commercialise
Out of those Hands which reimbursed your Win
Need not be Displayed; For Humble concise
The Best Blown Victory embraces your Skin
Like that Gold-Dresser his Scriptures resume
Though unexpected Prime Tarriff despite
Saw this Next Call for Excitement subsume
For the Corvocado Christ he'll incite
And as for you, to Teeny-Bopps you relate
And Promote your Sport as a Pop-Ear's Rage
With Some at-risk, masturbed and hate
The Artist's Garden stolen for corsage.
There are certain Themes which need no Reform
That if we do, such Gremlins we Transform.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
This is not to say I pulley you down
And spread your Level to consort with my Ague
Your Bones, better than mine, to my Nerves frown
This Season as a Misbegotten Plague
A Blessing ideal is; Though disappoint
That Everyday Recorder plays again
Of Busy Trough's Effort spares to anoint
The very Oil you inspired since then
Come to think - Oil - its property slips by
And hard it is to keep the Dirt in-check
Though by Creed to be Faithful still - then lie,
As a Well-Mannered Specimen in-wreck.
All-in-all, we only wish for your Youth
To one day Understand the Better Truth.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
You play the Cool Piper every Concert Noon
Change your Clothes; And the Tempo changes you
Why couldn't have I heard you Guys that soon
So I could strangle the Technocrat blue?
HA! I jest. Rarely do Gum-Humours speak
But when they do they leave a Mark aside
I guess this is no time to act so meek
When Spain's Wild Brother calls us for a Ride
And what a Ride! Many Blokes hitch a tug
Collecting Hot Dames they only knew for yonks
It's a Crazy Menu; But quite a hug
Some choose a Bellow; Others a *****-Tonk.
Long Sonnet Short, your Music is the Boom
Clean your Pipe well and hope to see you soon.
It's such a quaint notice to understand
The very point on why Friendships are made
And you in Cheer, though Special beforehand
Was just a Concern I had to obey
This thrice on Crop's Best; And opened before
Such that Stubborn Mules fail to socialise
They only eat grass - aloof and demure
And a Good Partner most unqualified
We shared the News once. That a Good Exchange
Of Certain Facts the Telly won't disclose
How frustrating when we need a wide range
And once we did just adds to our Remorse.
Freakish Things they are, Roaches in the Brain
Unless we sweep this, infest they remain.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Since you guessed the Password on her Chat
And realised your Smooth Ring was the Key
Past Admin's notice the Prince on the Bat
Made promised Pretzels and let her Love be
Happily, miraculous Spheres you own
Which you found real Logins are just as base
Place it closer to you. And it was shown
Just how pillowy was her lone disgrace
Try to be yourself. These Guys on the fringe
Act on tattled theatres they do not know
Ever thinking they live Life on the binge
When all this time it was just for ****** show.
Continue your Chat. She deserves to talk
But make sure then you take her for a walk.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Who in the Owl's Mind will text the Viper
To Strike once he swoops for his Evening Meal?
You see now, how Silly is this Encounter
Like making Soap from an already Dead Seal
Such Exaggerations warrant no Fare
To guide the Limo in price for a Hackney
Yet for her Shoulder you offered to Care
Whilst laughing at this desperate Lackey
Happy for you, a Word again-and-again
Flooding your Bell-Machine to Heart's Complaint
You must stop this as I must will do then
If Virtue your Chaperone keeps his Quaint.
So, the Song plays on and I on Paper
As you Party on and I don't Matter.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
If not with those Pennies insure the Prank
And take Profession from his Engineer
Replace his Dowry; His Welcome be Frank
For billowing Youths on his Life-Blown Steer
How unique then, your Generation's greet
Something which the Elders may not hold place
To bribe their Thumbs; Tens-by-Ten-Places meet
And pass his Tickets for your jolly face
But what squabble must this Ritual provide
Save that Ceremony which marks your Friend
To whose Toyish Moments breathe your Confide
By his Years consult your own Testament.
This was your Cue. To come out of your Shell
Free from your Chains; To those Vices be well.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Stopper allsh Chub forsh shrame Good Chinwag, yah?
Arsh sieve Combatibles posh Boys bare playe
Shaye, yay Share! Bar score thore Pieces me - bah!
Mayse Lion bare thine; Yare Deer-Berry splaye
Wot cot Beagle-Risen thorse Polliwog
Spout Arms dash Legs arsh instant forsh shore Sport
Water-Rouse, rebound! Spare Skin-Sherry shogg
Staple coach-wires faye John Tom's Report
Behave, tharne! Parallipparel Shape conduct
Pour-Pore noodlesee Six-Squares shrub contesse
Mare beere yorsh Chest torso-avenue locke
Reprodpress marsh baye Bub-Peppers finesse.
Staye-upon-staye bore thoose talkitook borough
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
I'm mused at how you cry for the Patriot
Thinking at your Age you know all-too-well
And some Crypted here think me an Idiot
Adjusting the Mirrors which you can sell
And sold you did to the Victim's Parade,
A Wheel teen-to-teenest endlessly turn
Or else compare to your Fertile Upgrade
May bid Salvation and your Students learn
There is such a Way, Sir, and can be done
If the Seed in your Chest you allow to Grow
And please don't speak of one betwixt your ***
Does not guarantee you can win the Show.
Perhaps, if may, feed your Hungry Owls first
It may keep in-check, for Better or Worst.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
I know there are Reasons you cannot tell
As Foregone Moments no-one should discuss
Not even I, though Mara suits me well
That better to Praise than childishly Fuss
These are all Wrongs; And Rumours un-requite
Un-fulfill my Duty for you to Stand
And see you this Sprout; And just Live your Life
What Mused Attraction I can't Understand
And strange, at least, how your Army stands still
Though primed to Assault me by your Command
With Seeds this taken and planted to fill
My reserved Punishment waiting at hand.
All I have to do is just block this Page
Then resume my Ritual burning with Rage.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
1.7k · Mar 2013
You whose Right Hand makes Custom on his Plaque
I take it you are his Cherrymost Friend
And Teeth-Marks suggest you follow his slack
To soothe your Way for an un-ending bend
Poor Sun-Stricken Diver; Bitten for Cause
Tells his Screaming Board to keep him at bay
Whilst waiting for his turn, his Fans at loss
Tried to reach out in a respectful way
There is some Magic in how you perform
I think in Truth that kept your Muscles strong
Now, as I advised your Buddy to reform
Would you allow and keep such Record for long?
Seriously, watching Programmes with those Two
Invites a Rogue Question: Who's poking Who?
I guess if I expect those Stars to shine
After feeding you with such Best Fuel
Is too Centered of me; Aplombed in thine
To what a Selfless Course make so cruel
Though divine this Practice be; That for Cause
Will batter my Affairs to your Effect
Love's Stumble Folly of Words be my Boss
And employ me a Slave to your Prefect
Was it too much, then, to ask for a Wage
So my Resources can this Muse refill
Though Blind or Deaf; To ******* your Rage
And tell your Ego what it must Conceal.
Where the Open Mind dies, the Heart begins
And Opens once more to newly-found sins.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Short-Termed Maiden of one's Friendship's expect
Then blast my Will to incapacitate
For sharing those Clouds; Though rained your affect
Were twisted to Pure Actions constipate
Just weakened I am to even advise
Why such Hallowed Plug pulled this New Sparkle
If Profile be cased and just inconcise
Ask the Author first if you be Humble
Though such Clues do bear, un-needed to Probe
If my Key was too Foreign for your Door
I suppose, like his Age, you chose that Road
Where Blokes just party and stomp on the floor.
The Korean was right; His Dance we can learn
Though never again your Trust I can earn.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
But when we try to Seek what has been Sought
Of so many Globes those White Hats confound
And Paradox bears its own Hard-Deal, fought
That Tripe Sanity so many will count
A Useless Journey, I say; You Agree
Since Fifteen Thousand Miles we are apart
No Threatened Worries; And then you are Free
To Tally my Charges and Tear me Apart
As what your Kinsman calls the Chicken-Hawk,
A Heresy Grave I will sure Attack
As my Film's intent is never to Gawk
But revive the Toddler's Fresh Friendship back.
If so, then the Informant says he lies
That, by Discount, our Age by Time soon dies.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
I hardly tire of hearing you Teach
Though finely interesting this Playful Twang
The last Imported Mentor greatly reach
Though in a Week he returns with a Bang
And Memories, live for Drink's Still deserve
Just try to include me in Good Effort
Though, through Training's Round, frankly fine observe
A Stumble, made me aware of such Report.
I still have my Sponsers. But then so now
A Gracious Note if I can Independ
So when you leave, a Happy Cloud you shout
That all your Efforts were well worthy spent.
And I'll just sit here, drinking my Good Ale
Toasting Heaven's Brew to a Friend you avail.
Finally this Movie he must Concede
And honour Tradition of Two Hearts meant
But kindly understand with this Precede
The Fire-Actor once refused to bend
He was once the Hearter; For a Year or so
Wherewithin his Invitation took Form
Now he is the Elder; In Months to go
Wherewithout his Uncondition took Soul
May I suggest those Two Stunning Horses
Once you and the Diver visit your Range
Ride Mighty, you Two! Pour out your Senses
Let your Parents know how much you two Gauge.
Now after the Ride, each share each own Sweet
A-Top Mum's Basket where once you both meet.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
1.6k · Mar 2013
I soon noticed the Nature of your Smile
Even for Purpose that we have just Met
Still your Assignment to me was on-file
And Commitment the Creed which must be Set
Once that Moment I rejected my Cool
And caused some of my Friends to burn with me
Your Grin was there; Reminding me a Fool
To trade my Flesh for an Honest Duty
Are you a Promise, M'am? Not which must Break,
Then Tender the Papered Dread we all Fear
Yet this Nature-of-Calls are what Thoughts based
And tell our Clients what they want to Hear.
Poetry, my Madam, is not a Fad
Unless you open to the Moments you had.
You may notice I shadowed your Events
Out of Deep Gesture to your Customed Doors
Yet, stand-out Naked, begs for my Conscience
How such Blokish Skill would be so adored
It still Stings, really, for your Sun exploit
After few of the Truest Rays give space
Though mouths copped, hymns their minted throats avoid
From submitting premature drafts at-face
It is, though constrict, the Best Pill swallowed
As every Medication would redden
But, after process, heal my Will's allowed
And free myself from this Cage submitten.
But why, though Free, these Keys in my Pocket still
Scratch my Heart-Drawn Car; Welts I duly fill.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
If the White-Washed Tomb our Saviour condemns
Would soil my Beatitudes for your Pleasure
A True Friend I'd Fail. Though your Sense indemns,
Spread by some Hippies who plead my Censure
Fine. Be it so for the Loony I am
Though to Toxic Increments you may succumb
Which, praying deeply, prevent this love enhance
Then flow to where your Best Graces become
There are Fishes, after all, for you to feast
Since your Face hooked as Bait will consider
Which an Episode be careless at least
And leave your Bones nipping one another.
Honestly so, these Words I do evade
Which porns my Intent; And brands me a *****.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Perhaps by then, should you find us Insane
Which you consider Loony in your Bin
For you, Shy Heart, Compassion do you Feign
And Ignore these Squares they have Worked so since
Mindfully, Tears do their Hands become
And strained the Sweat asking for your Favour
At least, bend your Fast-Numbered Face for once
And see on your own you Missed to Savour
Now Common, yet Elegant in their Theme
Reminding you what really does Matter
Faces! Faces! And Messages post-seam
Holidays bid Cheer; Wee bit of Flatter.
Their Spirits engraved; At their Time's Expense
To sort your Clouds out; And make full of Sense.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Father. Mine and Yours. Both Oil Lamps at zest
Managed to hone our Characters throughout
Mine the Prime Wisdom; Yours his Water's Best
Both total Great Hearts we can't live without
So why do we Fight? If Reason betrays
And later picks our Spoils scattered by War
And who gets Hurt? Those caught between the Leys
Where supposed Joy must settle by far
Yes I am aware you find it Funny
To exploit your Gift and choose to Ignore
Is that your Model? Where your Harmony
Took some Chopsticks and plucked out those who bore.
Remember him again. And read his Lines
On Words which matter; And Self you define.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Strength, oft forsook this Un-Scrupulous Tongue
A Tape-Measure's past of Time's Friend prevent
I tweeted my News. When his Will was rung
To accept this Swallowed Gift I present
I never expected such Addled Theme
Where the Culprit layed his Murderous Mourn
With White Intent, a Blonde's Purpose took scene
Then scorched my Patience of trying to learn
Because of this all Tee's Hells grew devout
And cashed my Young Ally to cost-betray
Since for my Horn I expected your Bout
But strung to your Brother's Reflex that day.
Twelve-by-Six Dues. That is what I should owe
A Knot by nature. In Mind's Eye I know.
Of those Knotted Reasons took us astray
And nearly severed Nine Month's Love within
But take us near, to where our Hearts delay
Delivered some Fettered Laurels therein
Which Sacrifice, un-told by Cryptic Past
That something Bubbly was about to explode
But, burning Albums to hide what should Last
Was a Better Meaning succumbed to implode
I meant this, Mum: Make no Foreign Mistake
That my Tongue and Arms mean something to you
Which for all my Brattiness and Forsake
A Loving Pride I give for all Things true.
Dearly return, to the Womb's Wisdom blows
The Fiery Son advise: Of which he knows.
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