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Before this ardent Prank you consider
Concern your Senses on how they'll react
If, with Plomb expressed, breach this Barker
To demote his Heresy into Fact
Of course, seldom would we fancy such scene
And kiss Companion we will christen Hope
Which, by your Rights thereof, absorb such Mean
Then ferry those Weights as a New Year's Dope
It is a Being. Sentient as he
Whose Cuteness reimbursed his Nature make
Which, invest his uttermost Respect be
Will his Innocence and Comfort bespake.
Humour cures. In this Shaky World indeed
To sew its Scars; Promote Contempt at speed.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
So here I am,
Sitting on a Everhard Rock
Minding my own Personal Business
Riveting my Eyes to the vast, distant Grassland
And withered Trees shaking for liveliness.

The Wind, flowing free and gay
Rustling Leaves in every same way
Tornadoes of small sizes spin them round-and-round
Till every last Sheet of them is never found.

As my Sight continues to scan every Natural Being
The Sunlight's spectrum heats my forehead's gleaming.

Summer if you may say,
But I do not:
Breezy Atmospheres, Falling Leaves
Make it all Impossible
And Animals in terms of Dying Grounds
Begin to rot.

In all Sudden Time
I felt quite bored
Maybe if I raised my God-Given Hands
I could sing to your Praise, O Lord.

Then I stood,
Breathing in that precious Air
Filling my tender Lungs with Fresh Feelings
And my Brain with Shattered Flares.

Trot, walk, trot, walk,
There was a Time that I didn't stalk
My Progressive Mind began to accumulate Stoney Thoughts
Something...That involves my Nature
Without getting caught.

My Back felt that forceful Breeze
Thinking of me as one oppressed Stone
And pushed me towards the Lowlands
With its Frosty Whirls that made me freeze.

Herds of Cows mooing
And Cockrels ****
A Menagerie of Sounds
That I never tried to mock.

For in those Sounds
Symbolise Nature's way to auduce
Those Tenacious Vibes wiggle my Eardrums
Making my Restless Heart feel Joy.

My Humiliated Uncle
Always seeks Help
A Thank You is what I get
Whenst helping a Whelp.

Father, my Noble Roots
Dig-up for Space
For our Everyday Food
As we carry them as Loot.

Mother, my Beloved
Cooks for our Family's Meal
And calls us Everyday in Time
Reminding us that Supper...Is perfect Mead.

Cousins, Brothers, Sisters and Babes
Become my Best Companions
Never leave me alone in Misty Loneliness
So they asked me to Play; so I joined
And accept their Loving Tenderness.

These are all my Boons
Of the Mother's Greatest Gift;
Nature: For she is a Mother too
And Family - thank God - do I have one
Which I promised to bond with them like Flexi-Glue.

In this Still Day my Heart sings
The Beauties of our Lord's Greatest Creation
Including Me
In One, Holy Ring.

This Supple Mystery
I haven't known
Since the Final Preface of It
Hasn't shown.

I am content with what God has given Me
In all His Merciful, Holy Time
He made me what I am to be.

I Myself, in very frank Thoughts
I realised are Part to what God has given me
The Difference from Others is that I'm Immortal
Which makes me rich in Everlastiness.

Spitefully speaking
All Things, in Everyone's name must die
There is a Great Beginning and a Despairful End
One which a Soul cannot escape and lie.

We People, even I
Cannot be delivered from Death.
Our Bodies will soon find itself in Decaying Matter,
Leaving our Precocious, Material Wealth.

But Hope,
Will always last long.
Bodies may die in vain,
But our Souls will always be FREE.
Sadness may exist in Triumph
But Joy will still come in Glee.

Nature too, can be called to the Reaper's Scythe
Grass proudly swivering in the Wind cut-down,
Heaven and Earth can be called to Time
But God's loving Hope and Peace can never be called to Death.
So the Datamaster encodes the Fray
And tried to submit those Terms with you Two
What once his Morphing Body by Sons decay
Threw the Keys to Salt the Sugar in you
So why do you think I try to avoid
That Swollen Army grossed to Petition
And signed, perkept, smiles the Avenging Void
Then pins it neatly in Recognition
You're not alone, Madam, for it to Stop
Which I too want to end this Currency
Tell him now! His Black Shy Trumpet a-top
Will finally hand this Insolvency.
I try to avoid it; You know I do
I only just wish you do your Part too.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
This Skeleton knived me a Painful Score
Yet poked my Penances cry out deny
Longing to tape those Cankered Wounds formore
In Prayer breathe out another Saint's sigh
My Founding Friends, heirs to my Salvation
One whose Resources I facelessly extract
The Other - blend Virtue - shook Obsession
Wasted my Traits from Loyalty and Tact
So then, wailing softly, my Bleeding Throat
Ask your Lord's Mercy to concile me then
As a Year and a Bone suffice your Gloat
And demote me less than those Honoured Men.
There is one Birth hence; And a Rebirth haste
To Breathe once more; And leave my Shell to paste.
Triumph and Falter was your Lesson's Bust
For all your Journeys now you must Decide
And never blame your Nation's Hat in-must
Since a Soul you own and identified
Even the Queen took such time to Commit
And mingle her Subjects loyal or lame
You are Season's Diver; More so admit
Humanity can Support you just the same
In my own Contract, Conscience must be clear
Aptly aware that I write the Just Things
And avoid the Example done this Year
Then share the Blessings this New Year will Bring.
When can you ever Understand, Nineteen-Him
That not all Best Friends come from the Plym?
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
In case my Letter had not been read Clear
That for these Fourteen-Lined Girls I retweet
Was never to demean you; Nor pout Fear
But hope to contribute your Youthful Beat
Killing this Concept of Bleeding Bat's Tongue
Which asks nothing more but Maliciousness
The Fabled Book, not just its Cover hung
But Pages worded with the Prawn's Intent
You pound the Hammer; My Thoughts stick my Claim
Which only Un-Conditioned Fortune lies
To Jolly remove your Third Condition's pain
And bring that Heart back to you in Disguise.
You are Raised well, with Thought and Prayers bear
To Live in Great Response; And be Aware.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
1.4k · Mar 2013
From here the Prudent Elder broke his Voice
And told me to Arrest those Rebel's Words
Before Riley's Folly starts to enjoy
Another Victim from the East un-heard
I must be grateful Friends as such exist
And remind the Human in me to Calm
Knowing Best Speeches are best un-resist
Like Wind sans Fire does the Cooling Charm
You are a Good Example. Funny how it is
If Impudence was since my hidden Trait
I should look to the Cross; And there Begin
To Follow the Man who Heals all Hate.
It's quite hard, Sir, to be a Martyr's Boy
But try as I must to know such Real Joy.
A Greeting across, Frost the Sweetest Cake,
An Offer for this Sentient to Heal
Dipped in Oil, then Light for your Merry-Make
Another Fresh Candle for Pure Heart's feel
And bring this Bide this Motherly Salute
With Prayers and Chants spring the Brighter Days
From Foregone Moments to Sharper Repute
With her the Daughter of Outstanding Ways
Plus Four more - and the Son of his Endow
Plomb himself your King for his Business fare
Though this Pill swallowed to remove such Doubt
Knowing your Thanks be mulled as I'm aware.
Still on still, Un-Condition pleads me by
Pray this Love I carry refuse to Die.

HEY YO! Buck this Point and Coolie-Toned Swag
Despite the Jew's Hands were you born and raised
That Point be proofed where Rage indeed a Fad
As any Male Sapling begs to be Praised
Which is fine, common, and much into Tune
That in you split-cells for a Difference
Still - shoulder-up - cool Blessings into Boon
That Loving Charm - SPEAK! Your Verse in Essense
Yet, donned and bound by this Measuring Tape
Etched in Base Values which marked your Define
Was a Seedling to Grow; Then check your nape
To relieve most Life's Agues by your consign.
Such was you then. Now Best in Fashion's wear
Speak the word SUAVE. From Innocence you tear.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Promise me, Maiden. Promise me you care
Promise me his Hand is Well-Strung and Fed
Promise that Dad's Serving Letter is there
And I Promise that my Fealty is set
If these Turning Events will make me Strong
And become the Hunchback allied to you
The Borgia Venom melts; It won't be long
For Sorrow to accept the Better Truth
Riddles apart I am Serious in Theme
About your Magic Craft I can't Compete
Hearts cry with laughter; His Smile justly seen
With Shifting Paradigms he is Complete.
Secrets Unshared, it is better as known
For a Child like me to know if he's grown.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
1.3k · Mar 2013
T'was the Time when Light hasn't come
Thus filled the Air with Old-Smelling Rhum
Or Gas-Lamps, or Candles of Wax
Do make this Darkened City a mass.

The Source of Great Power has fell
This Time unknown which we cannot tell
The Heat as the Night, how Great it was
When Cooling Converters has made its loss.

People complain, here and there
For Power to return, unable to Dare
At this rate in which they have had Enough
It's now their Turn to be so Rough.

Banners flow in tiles across
The Head of whom around is Boss
Saying, "Power come! Power come!
Hear me now, don't be Dumb!"

As the Night comes with Loser Heat
The Rebellious Mass was still hard to beat
Sources say to drive them out
Not by Force, but by Pout.

"We've had Enough!" the People said
Thus they storm to the Company's Head
Defense Forces pull them back
But the People threw them in the Stacks.

Just then, in Time's time an Electrician
Came through. Stating:
"All is well's tripe! I've cleared the Electric Hue!"

The People heard, but didn't say a Word
To realise: "We have dumped ourselves like birds."

Forgiveness, they spoke. And Cooler Thoughts
Do process
Clearing-up the Debris; And brooming-out the Mess.

Lights have returned; The Power recharged
Peace has settled once again; With the Culprit
For someone who travels, and enriched at that
Placing Terra's Waistline at your own feet
Should you learn the Language by Notes avast
And Shout to your Hosts whenever you meet
I would expect your Lexicon wide-read
And Allowance savour their Expressions
Then, at Home, to your Record's Writ be dead
Sprinkling only your Time-Favoured Seasons
With all those Doors your Blessings have opened
At least with Trine Sentiment you should Thank
Each and every Dress; Their own Design meant
Not just those Laces where you should be frank.
Commonly, they shout and sing with Respect
Then by Flap-Jack's Turn, your Acknowledgment.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Why beg your Circumstances with this Cup
If for most flavours Dreams could hardly fill
Should be direct; And expect when they sup
Buried Testimonies which most distill
If Someone asks for your Business past-due
Unable to match his Debt by intent
Many would Invest; And later on, sue
If their Returns you ******* to repent
All I'm saying is: Keep your Board well-oiled,
Knowing when to Stand and in cue to Bend
For you never know which Events be soiled
Or which Plated People your Grace should send.
Sensing this much, I should dare not compete
If their Moss-Filled Thorns would cause you replete.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Faithful and Fruit to these Condiments bind
And soon will you find her Impatient Face
Yet, out of her Love's Shivered Interest, mind
Will keep her Wrist till satisfied your Place
As long as these Fishes persistent, bite
The very Saying most Lovers research
To you, an Arm's Open Wound set, despite
Drug-Crazed Pidgeons in concert to Feed, perch
This is why she has to keep her Silence
Till she finds your Earth to hold and adore
That very Tan, burnt to ample Conscience
Will inspire her Shells for more and more.
When such Fire quells, and Waters recede
Her Brow on your Chest; Your Arm's Brace repeat.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Thrice-Strung Judges, Thirty Pieces you Shout
Be that Iscariot or Ally you relay
How the Once-Loved Prince now the Blubbered Pout
Has sent me to Interest another Fey
So it seems a Pillow for the Sullen
Whom by Lines saw no End to this Debate -
Which Petal weans; Or scratches Tears fallen
Least charge one's Sanity before its too Late
The Wheel was Right. Through Change Strength will confer
And sign assurance Monopoly disown
For Saner Men; And Women leaves Fresher
Let each bare Happiness bid for Reknown.
How Wonderous be, this Marble whirls for Love,
Then Season the Troll; Then Sever the Dove.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Tethered Trademark, bequeath your Solicitor
On his Casual Space your Contract allow
That a Touch of Light, an Addict's Stalker
Twice-tight the Wrench his Trend will dis-embow
For concrete his Plans to level the Stars
And make Gold-Glittered Sailorettes his Friends
Must you Interfere with Shoe-Fingered Bars
How he must Manage and make good Amends
Pray, for your Profit's Insure, spare his Life
To the Innocent Lad his Limbs were meant
Though aware - his Monthly Duties - in strife,
Paid his Timed Dues with your Pocket's consent.
Now kindly in Respect, bid his own Break
To tie his own Shoes, for the Riper's sake.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Will The Lord of the Apes un-blend his Tan
Then apply his Conscience for Vines approve
To collect more Dames with his Knife in plan
Though Twelve Pistolled Lords amount their Disprove
It's been this Way since: Open for the Hunt
Such as Testosterone is wont to do
That among Bonobos his Gift for the Mount,
Waves his Carrot at them and Wins their Soft Plume
So Soft, that which caused to wiggle his Ferns
And Spread his Wings for his Flavours to Fly
Be it Shake or Spout such Passion still Burns
As the Pen his Lord's Author yells out a Sigh:
"I Cry," he Writes. "For Youth lost in this Tale,
Forsake his Courses for a Film's Lost Vale!"

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Sick be your Service to her Majesty's earned
As Subject connects to the Predicate
For these Numbered Fathers wring Clocks adjourned
Her firm and footed Heart accumulate
Never has my cloud of such Clouds combined
How her months spent Moons for your Just Return
Which, by Day, tie Knots to her palms by Night
By strafing those Bullets will deflect a Burn
At this Point, the Line where I bid salute
None but the Stars-of-Jack best achieve
That you - Potent Sample - pay resolute
Which the Iron Man will always believe.
Thursday calls. The Crescent good-bids your Glove
To fill your Mission; Yet maintain her Love.
1.2k · Mar 2013
It's here! It's here! One of the Best
And Brightest Days
Now's the Time to rev-up our Ways.

That Glazing Star, which spits the
Shone brightly through Helios, the
Highest Display.

Beaches un-roll their sleek-forming sands
As Pools de-frost their blue-tanned waves.
Swimmers do dive, and enjoy the Save
In Iberia's Coast rescue in Grand.

There are many Events in
This Hot-Baste Holiday
Worry not; For it will slowly
Pass Away
About a month-two - quill, quite awhilst
Just enough for me to produce
More Words in-rhyme.

Writing on Holidays must always be fun
For Experiences like these, pressed
Under the Sun
Tram-Tracked Thoughts, which does
Hurt to remember
Will be preserved - thanks to November.

Family, Friends, Extensions and Strangers
There the Bunch starts to get all blokey
Boring Concepts, birth these Megaphone Chaps
You world prefer to dance on their laps.

Maybe what I said meant something else
Those Words of mine touched Heart and felt
Such gradual boredom - in time I agree
For tunnelling Facts, with Evidence plead.

Nevertheless, let the Holidays sing
And let our Lives live that Full Extract.
Be Happy, Gay and Humble in Kind
For once the Headmaster whistles, you'll
Have a Sortie ahead.
Advanced and Belated my Greetings fare
For the Lone Star Beauty my Summons despite
Having left my Tearful Wantings despair
Then offer it to your Happiness quite
For this Independence judged by your Name
How cool are his Forceps fused into yours,
Nipped your Smile's Edge his Quintessence became
Offered once - twice - then advance into fours
As what any Wise-****** Elder would Perscribe
Since Feelings sincere broke the Munchkin's Heart
To lift as the Cross your Saviour subscribe
This One Joy liberate was yours from the Start.
Blessings indeed bill this Sacrosanct Day
Then corral your Fortunes for Candle-Light's Way.
Now on Cliff's Harbour sports Activity
Delight in using its Pimples to climb
You or the Mentor - sight Vicinity
Where the Air-Maiden flags her Whitened Thigh
Whitened, which your Species usually wait
Eager to indulge your Athletics prove
That, hoping 'ere ***** Groupies debate
Their pawn-teared bets to your Reflex above
Then decide - vertical, flex horizon
Either which way your stubbled trunks secure
Then breathe on Faith; And delight on Season
By their Applause earned with your Feelings pure.
Still the Mentor was Proud of your Result
Though in his mind their Cheers enhance your Salt.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Now for Iberia the Goat trips the Swan
To expound his Potentials his Win compete
His Wing - now Healed - placed Earnings on his Fawn
And ensure his Feet leave Imprints complete
Though needed it be keep Sweets in his Box
To open once his Strategy proclaim
That by Politic break Legs with the Fox
And sap one's Owl of its Senses declaim
Sport or Savoury either Ties relay -
May your Holiday Cheers by Random bless
Sustain Tomorrow; Else promote Today
The Road to the Gold your Instincts progress.
Should Hands for Wine toast; Cheer for Moment's come
Will my Handles flip; Transmute Wine into Rhum.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Maiden. Lovely Humble displayed so far
And kept your ******-Cloth from Sharks despite
Witnessed his Meet - then Tweet his Time would Par
Hoping your Fine Reply would Glaze his Sight
Though in my Views by your Royalty known
From your Famed Elders mummed your Darling Head
Though many Tempters stake to have you Blown
Praised on your Decide for Common Life instead
Rather - the Keek - as Private Expressions flow
And caused your Degree of Healthy Fame renew
Snip-Videos swarm; Since caught his Eye behold,
If Open for your Sentiments be True.
Once more Un-Known my Pillared Hands can Spare
To Brand your Virtues if his Daring Hands fare.
With Happiness within and within alone
A thoughtful school Basic Letters declare
Was a Way to cope with this inevit groan
Of Hearts' Glass-Strings perform to Clouds nowhere
Why must I consume my time, Flair Phantom
If my own Fright Events I don't pursue?
The Sage has taught me with Eight Spokes random
Yet still cannot Define that Inner You
To whom your spirit, whose Muse you belong
Which Married Moments your own Clouds rain by
Of Good-Caused Country, Family and Song
To add my Themes which your Merry Smile lies.
They are still Strings, though Glassed these Portents are
Unless I cut them, such Mirage speads far.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Be there Wrinkles at; Age by Time bestrew
And either Body will soon Decompose
Be that Prudence fit; Permit what you knew
Behind the Proverb to Reap what you Sow
That such Mind be the Player of this Game
As Father his Scythe's Traitor fell Conserve
To Lust for your Past; Then Future's insane
Once the Prince shows Signs of his own Disperse
That the Desert we plant our Mirages at
Then expect Turtle-Doves to Quench and Fly
Till they Return not by our Feeling's Spat
Then beg for the Truth which is all but a Lie.
Come. Prove me Wrong. Once your Stars polish Youth
Revive your Preppie's Face though such Un-Couth.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Your Wreath, Un-Thrifting Essence, bears his Name
And Fine be your Acts soothe such Heavy Hand
Which Time boost as his Protector and Sage
Skimming the Dirt infect his Rising Sand
Though one would Wonder why such Blogger speak
Of Secrets known must bequeath to the Few
Though in your Boy's Best Fate subdue the Meek
Out of Best Concern his Wild Growth does stew
So persistent be our same Wonder at
Those Keys deserved should never be Endorsed
For his own Respect; As ours Mature that
Let the Gentleman go if his Plays be Forced.
My Loyalty, still, Un-Conditioned will be
Though Swords still stab on such Smile you Reprieve.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv #toniacouch
1.1k · Jun 2013
That I shadowed your Invite, I admit
Though such Quip must be uttered in Reverse:
Me the Famed Star; You the Commoner's Wit
Was simply a Jest to see you Rehearse
Seriously, Hearts, be my Concept to Thank
Regardless if Certified your Profiles based
Then plomb this Gift; Appreciate be Frank
Like to the Learning of your own Good Faith
Until then, when your Avid Eyes digest
When Beauty's Kind be Beauty's Faith revealed
The Tongue-Tied Suitor; Glued to his Invest
As Roses sprinkled with his Puckers sealed.
Behold my Verses. Un-Worthy for your Name
Forgotten by Time; Though Loyalty sane.
These Circles, that they be Linked or Exchanged
Harness the Janitor in me maintain
Though Depressed be my Blinding Mind deranged
Help to Embalm this Un-Relenting Pain
These Sages through Time by their Words endow
And cause Wisdom one's Joy through Skin avoid
To force my Soul its Inborn Blessings enrouse -
Shake your Sugars from this fail-tripped Colloid
That's Milk to you. If your Matters be Sweet
Then carry your Mornings free from my Sense
As such would I, rake the Roots off your feet
And pledge my Sharp Evenings to recompense.
Funny how Loss, its Cross mint Cool Relief
Upon the Monk's Throne absolved your Belief.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Wait for the Dew, says your Later Bud-Mates
Then tap their Bells for a Ruby-Stone Drink
Though Jug's be met and Harness mug their Fates
Pour the River-Wine to Sweeten the *****...???
Is such your Desire to be Labelled that Name
And fawn Nerdy Morals for Tickets accept
Then late be to Cure this Cobblepot Game
Bake the World's Surprise for Excellence except
Yet neigh between us Two Tagged Tossers beat
Let alone your Lords pull your Strings sever
Till such Lord as your Prove master his Feat
And gag that Sentinel calling your Punter.
Though Girls would be Girls call your Flat incorrupt
Which Tag you own of True *** be enough.
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
1.1k · Mar 2013
Certain, Fresh Lad, your Craft's Promise apply
Matter subtract from the Plym's pheromones late
Your own Best Soul; Youth enhance and reply
The Tanned One's Lights; And Career concentrate
One Message sent from your Parents abroad
Which mentored by your Tweeting Aunt confirm
Clip fast your Arms; And Feet embrace the Board
Kick the Meerkat's fears and your Lion burn
So when these Sweeties witness your Best Art,
That same Pastel you carry everyday
Is in you - not There - complete on your Part
And may these Blessings always come your way.
Being your own Boss, your Goal's smile conquer
Burn those Judges; And douse them with Water.
Nary a Pence or a Finger across
Shall breach your Fine Dogs to communicate
Even your Frog - with its Webbed Feet emboss
Finds it easy your Dives to replicate
That which - if analysed - makes you Mundane
Par-Level with those admit to Conceit
Yet - breathe deeper - such Act parleys to Bane
Browning our Hearts to this needed Deceit
Sighs! Either whose Mouth this Meaning depend
Be the Cockhold Male or Gorgeous Female
We all could guess - whose Tweet you will re-send,
Whose Days would Season or whose Hours go Stale.
Fancy this Talent, shall Mercy redeem
Spread your Neighbourhood; And all that it seems.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
1.0k · Jul 2013
This Saint whose Letters bear Prime in Youth
Like that such my Verses appreciate
And Hand by Clock's Divination sprays Truth
Prevent my own Good Deeds depreciate
How Frequent be your Sprinkles for Good Praise
Which by Volumes soon Tampered for Debate
Yet as Pure Models breed Tolerance raise
Urge me in Trust extend your Honour's sate
Father from the Miles; By then your Heart plombs
What other Morsels must my Bowl offer?
Stoppered at that - Tongues inflamed by their Combs
Still Burst your Berries by Love, dear Elder.
It seems by now that First Names make Sense
Though Birth-Year's Stamp your Longevity hence.

Then again, your Trek for the World resume
Since Two Million Tweets placed your Scales on Top
For the Plym's Fine Arts deny their Bid consume
By Theories bid on your Commitments flop
Though demanding may be your Prime Support
Which most would Bellow your Extracted Youth
Would one Understand these Issues report
Beyond such Volumes of your Weaning Truth
After all, Tweens do tend to Toast the Shows
Then let Moralled Queries compound Debate
Since Youth the Adult's Pad much Air would blow
Then burst borne Viruses and Flies too late.
Such they Prevent - your Groupie's Quarantine
To Sand your Frame preserve Smooth and Pristine.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Then this Potent Dragon my Dredglings fear,
One which Expected me in all Surprise:
That your File as Prince and Lord revere,
Already Pre-Owned and Locked in her Prize
When Tears cry Blood, and Blood their Ties disown
So to these Stinging Bells your News persist
Which your Smile bait Worms by Jelly reknown
Suffice even the Enlightened to resist
Thus the Siege, which dear Siddhartha did warn,
Offered the Goddess of Mercy such View:
To Breathe and Blow free my Charmings consarn
And hold to the Heart of mine own self True.
These Fourteen-Lined Girls cried your Muse repeat
Of casting my Levels versus your Feat.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Compare these Models of their Chosen Mode
One the Harper of his Sun-Sparkled Prince;
The Other follows his Hermit-Bound Abode
As each does Smooth their Circles ever since
And since Habits etch their Persons unique
As Water for Oil a Challenge combine
Then with Morals coded place Values oblique
A Milestone too daunting to undermine
Yet to Magnify some Common Bond seen
That we Levelled Species are wont to do
As Lives contest like avid Bankers been -
Cheques made to myself yet subscribed to you.
That your Hub its Keys encode beyond my age
Of Millions you Party crowd my Screaming Page.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
Now that your Patron unleashed a New Type
One which your White Shirts admit to Preserve
To simply remind your Young Plans will Hype
And Honour the ****** you so deserve
Though moot my Labours to buy your Consent
And cast Riddles in that Once-Dodgy Box
For Eyes the Pineapple begs to Event
And blast this Potent to infect like Pox
Yet yours the Hopeful Spirit Trust will still
Despite my Dark Prophets ***** the Doubt
To my Business be Faith and Hymns until
Your Sovereignty I can now live without.
This Better to own; My Affairs be mine
And let Choices your Investment be thine.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Life, as with all Beings impregnated
Hamper these Virtues for those Teens delayed
To which we remind; In Growth compensated
Handy-Spread Vices from Feelings displayed
Perhaps from which - shun such Bloke-Haste Advice
Having spoiled these Inner Credentials since
What-Not? What-For? Skin that Crumpy Device -
Cross-dress Cat's Tannery to Barrows hence:
What this means - Sentinels - or Football-Humps
Even with Morals does enrich the Need
To hear a Lumper; Then post-date with mumps
Part-and-Parcel take Learning from a Seed.
This, after all, your Labels from Friends fear
Fortify your Codes; To Values they hear.
#will_daley #benjdaley
When for the Muse shall I wrangle those Songs
And carry them Gently to your Heart's place
First my Errors make Pure; Then Right my Wrongs
To listen, dear Talent of Promising Grace
If such my Words be too Quipped for your Pick
Since I, abandoned the Once-Supporting Friend
Shall I bite Sincere; Then hear your Voice unique
By Faith my Cloudy Attitude amend
Then crank this Ampled Recorder to Like
Which by Prayers fast weave a Chuffled Tune
To capture those Drums; From Snails such Elves devise
And summon the Crowd to revere you soon.
That is my Wish; Though Hoodwinked I become
Blow Notes for your Pen; Such Pen your Gift's Sum.
With Eight Wings fraught Tongues of Endearing Flame
And roast this Sinner for his Stubborn Deed
Yet by darling ask he be spared by Name
To greet your Best Day at the very least
Love, by Degrees un-condition besought
And cause this Moment a Milestone thereof
Grounded - yet Celebrate this Blessing caught
My Lover's Stained Eye admit to your Cause
But what are Cakes? If be too Sweet devour
Yet near to your Truth would drown me to Taste
To seek your Penance inspire your Hour
For Life the Living Destiny speed your Haste.
My Sour Rhymes if by Prayers accept
Cuts my Heart to Grin; And your Peace perkept.
#daleysangels #cakelh
Sympathisers breed then seek for Revenge
Due to these Hassles which caused some to Fear
Of this Price my own break my Deeds renege
For my Passions burn their Punishments sear
Should these Rumours prove else leave you in Peace
Or bite these Days still your Business go numb
Such Energy managed yet out of your Fleece
Painless, Soothing then Decay my Thoughts dumb
Thus the Harper: The Sum of his Portrait
Urgently prescribed for a Fresher Life
To skip Addiction; Else hook a Finer Bait
One whose Wheels spin naughtier than his Strife.
Dramatic, this Bug - soon stomped by one's Shoe
Till he Bleeds more Sense than the Avid Flu.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
Age my Grandmum kiss my Skin's Corner Love
That which her Smile and Spending Teacher praise
Of this Octopus light your Tentacles prove
Lived the Fresh Years your Career's conscience save
If not my Best Verse at least by Heart's Content
Take to Cherish those Spoken Deeds you blew
That through Years infused my Morals dispense
To mould me the Man which you Loved and Knew
And now the Road whose Rocks my Helled Feet walk
Chant Prayers for your breath sustain those Stars
And Photos abide within your Mind bestalk
Breathe or Pause? A Query to end those Wars.
Your Cake is served. Food and Mouths sing your Worth
One more Year's Blessing: The Best Mum on Earth.
Seven Scythed Fathers split this Growing Bond
Yet befriended by Common Dives respect
For Growth the Appled Fortunates abscond
And reap your Good Harvest in circumspect
Such Loyalty though Honest in its brew
Hoping for his time may notice and drink
I in my Honour base mixtures in stew
Never up-polled to what he may re-think
Bless, specially, the Welsh in Cat's Charm
And slap my Donkey to walk-up and run
I found the Barter; Whose tweet's harness farm
Smiles of the Tanner and revive his fun.
Although, it would be nice to just confess
And sharpen your Profile to know at best.
905 · Mar 2013
When you think that you have remained at Peace,
Here comes the War Cause.
Due to his Impedious Actions and Words
Has caused an Impenetrable Rising -
An ******* unworthy to be erected,
Which ought to be torn apart piece-by-piece.

It is the TINGE - that Nerve which makes
You do just that.
It is he, that made you Scream like a Cat -
Angered by the Mouse
To which transfers the same Range at his
Own Spouse.
It is he, that makes Hypocrisy victorious
And free.
It is he, that projects Visions and Sights
You could hardly see.

Because you could not see it all
For it still rests within your Heart.
No-one loves the Heat of Hatred
Or the Sourey Taste of Anger.
Worse, his or her Voice
Expressing uncontrollable Temper.
(Or Things either with big or little Difference.)

Yet still, it is the Reason. And that Tinge
Proves it so.
And as a Result the Latter begins to Dream.....
Deteriorate and worst let you feel low;
Deeper than Beelzebub's main Majestic;
Deeper than the Marianas itself.

The Tinge of Heart - so Strong to Hinder
And so Weak to be Awared.
Responses, Sympathy are the only Cures
Of these Tinges. And now its Reputation
Has been Saved from the Infamous Hinges.

Now that Tinges can have a Good Side -
Does Temper have.....?
These same Bells, thunder my Tame Mind's Design
Upon your Fortress knowing your Demand
Could lead to Confession; That which Clouds feign,
A Ruse much too daunted to Understand
Such Meme even the Ripley's Head would scratch
And ask Mental Surveys for him to choose
As why the Belligerent Leech would latch
Even if his Fish shakes her Kisses blue
So would these Bells wiggle your Drums allow
Then baste Solemnity another Shake
As to Theatres burst with Laughter and Bow
Throw Bleeding Roses my Heart goes to Wake.
As what it seems, the Human by Love's install
Programmed to Affect; Wired for Life's All.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
As your Laughter burst Tears of Sigh Relief
Him having left your Morning Heart deserved
Purse his Regret; Your Shining Light revealed
And Transform to Prime Victory reserved
This is your Day. Which Days will follow Print
And more would your Candles stoke Blessings a-light
To Follow your Waves; Which Waves define your Mint
And make Honoured Suitors open for your Sight
By this - Friend - invest such Time for your Hour
Though Connected Bonds take much to un-tangle
That - in due Sincere - place Wishes from a-far
Only for your Joy which God will Handle.
And your Heart - the Reservoir - fills Great Sense
Share your Themes to the World; And all in due hence.
Merry dear Dad his Inner Kevlar endure
And allow my Years to promote his Prove
For Right-Side's Heal let his Honour be Pure
And mirror the Big Hand in Sky's Glory
For if it be this Son, sullen by Age
Of Desert Years twice-score he should Wander
Would share his Bread; To patient Sky quench Rage
And emulate our Saviour's Mercy ponder
Yet you. Still you. Be my Foundation's Best
Apart from Powers I could Un-Concieve
That Feigned but Guiding Hand; With all Lime's Zest
Harness it ever from Sugars too Sweet.
And yes, dear Dad; The Five-Pronged Bot did die
Yet withered their Ghosts to greet your Day by.
But why, apt this centred Sidhe decide
In her own Verbs your Best Herbiage enchant
And mix the addled *** O' Mandrake hide
Then by Best Pour that Mantra she'll incant:
"Impart this Softling! Nee' Life concentrate!
Rose-Round vye Princey-Noose to Shape betroth!
Reform Adonis! To Makeroose State!
Swell this Fruit from the Garden of Naboth!"
By Fruit she meant Grape. Which tempted the Fig
To feign its **** for your barrows be sweet
Which, even a wee, expand your Heart big
Praising one day your Late Romance repeat.
Even she of her Onerous Chants aware
Hugged dear Naboth his Murdered Earth laid bare.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Dear Child of the Flesh your Sacrifice pure
All for your Push to this High-End Pursuit
Numb your Aware its Ending Line demure
Purge all these Benefits from your Wanted Fruit
Though of Age, still Raw your Seeds germinate
Whilst Roasting the Lamb these Hawks fly to bite
When the Dharmapala's Warnings come too late
Then disrupt his Program for Full Life despite
Still by this Wish for Superstition's Core
Your Full-Circled Tale many still Subscribe
That by Virtue in Truth your Life accord
Such Plombs do seep as True Friendship imbibe.
Courage at least, your Preteen Age devise
As these Merchants still Exploit your Advise.

‪#‎tomdaley1994‬ ‪#‎tomdaleytv
To let your Heart pour for Opinion's sake
Be that my Sore Own apply much Respect
And the way your Letter transformed your Make:
The Adamant Mum etched in Dad's Aspect
Which his Bright Shield, polished for his Survive
Cause his Deliverance for Angles serve
For his Efforts shown affixed his Love revive
And share his Dream of his own Plays deserve
Though Performance be his Method-of-Doubt
Such what Limping Thespians were prone to have
So to permit his Stripping Baskets have caught
Is to License the Giggolo he has.
Yet the Mum you are, all Rights reserved his Skin
By Instinct's Phase, uphold his Life so Thin.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
Through the Glittering Seas brought your Survive
Which both your Good Ends managed to Perform
From my Views placed Honours to your Guide
And Pray that such will Sustain your Reform
Having much by Models and Sects thereof
With Voices astound then doomed to Interpret
Of all your Best Efforts labelled by Thought
Thrown to the Bin then Destroy your Effect
Such the Life of Stars. Which their Moons un-sate
Evenly known my Thickest Shields weather
Though your Entourage betray such Rebate,
Cancel Late Programs then find Another.
So Still Friendships be; By Modest acclaim,
The Simpler the Form; The Greater the Fame.
#kendalljenner #kyliejenner
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