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  Jul 2014 wulfhug27
i ask you to be patient

there are still cracks between my ribcage
i am trying to fix
and i am still searching for ways to mend
my broken, tattered wings

there are parts of me like missing puzzle pieces
i'm still trying to find
and i own many things, yet if there's one thing
i do not own, that would be time

again, i must ask you to be patient

at times my head is a storm of emotions;
thunder and lightning are all i hear
at times i will play a game of hide and seek
yet it's not you i hide from but my fears

i'm the girl who wears her heart on her sleeves
yet i hide behind closed doors
the kind who smiles bright like fire
though she crumbles in ashes to the floor

once more, please be patient

wait; i promise you'll see the masterpiece i am
for i am of many dimensions
and through my eyes, you will see
my thoughts as the stars made into constellations

i am the galaxy, and i am infinite
a firework, a work of art
all i ask is for you to be patient and stay
to see past the pain darkening my heart
  Jul 2014 wulfhug27
SG Holter
After the smoke clears
I survey the damage.

Or rather the lack

My eyes have grown.
My mouth narrowed.

I'm all ears; all hands

I've learned to appreciate
A hug from my father,

Felt just how well
My mother knows my pain

Without a single drop of hint.
Silence. Ah, the silence.

To do what-, when-, however I want.
The freedom of a King Size alone.

My God, the things I gained
In the fire.
  Jul 2014 wulfhug27
SG Holter
Tears serve a purpose.
Preserve your water.
There will be days so dry
You'll cry vapour.

Tears serve a purpose.
Put pressure on your heart
Until the bleeding stops.
Get up and dance along.

Baby steps in the right direction.
All you know of this place is
It's between horizons.
Why so sad, little one?

Tears serve a purpose.
They're yesterdays leaving
The present. Blurring your vision
When looking back.

That's not where you're heading.
Come. There's more this way.
You'll smile. You'll laugh until
You cry.

Until your tears serve their purpose.
  Jul 2014 wulfhug27
SG Holter
Dirtiest mouth this side of Hell.
Ocean horizon eyes, laughter like
Galloping horses thundering by;
Making everything else
Shake with blissful amusement.
Like me.

We talk for hours.
You place a feather on
My fresh stitches; blow gently
On the burns and smack a good-

Kiss from half way across the
World so directly onto my
I turn over and sleep like a
Bear cub momside.

You are more than you'll ever
See yourself.
You shine with shades of
Beautiful not yet
Mapped by those who do.

Your words attracted me.
Our attraction helped healing me.

We stand in sunlight, under
The silver sails
Of our friendship; cutlass drawn,  
Spyglass raised towards the

I'll write with you until
We're both blind.
I'll laugh with you until
We suffocate,

I'll tell you a secret
Every time you want.

Until we share them all.

Then we'll make each other
New ones.
  Jul 2014 wulfhug27
SG Holter
Were we ever kind men?
If so, we've evolved into
Naugty boys; both hands wedged
Into cookie jars, swearing
Through crumbs that it
*Wasn't us.
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