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crystal ships
on turquoise seas
bring my love
to me
to me

dancing dolphins
laugh and talk
but they can't bring
my lover

for all the
dollars in the sand
I cannot feel
his strong

crystal ships
on seas of gold
have taken him
to the

SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage aka
Invisible inc
December 2, 2015
A Heart Cries

Speak to me, Lord —
I am listening.
Silence the noise within my spirit,
Still the voices of my mind.
Let Your voice echo through me,
Resounding, clear, and true.

Come alive in me, Lord —
Be more real than my very flesh.
Align my heart with Yours,
Shape my will to follow You.

Feed me not with milk, but with bones —
With wisdom, with truth, with strength.
Revitalize my spirit,
Nourish my soul,
Enrich my life with Your presence.

Oh Lord, I am Yours.
Spiritual hunger
It’s a sunny day,
I watch you
Slip through
My fingers
As I dip my hands
Into you,
Smoke dangling
From my lips
Like scars.

Tell me,
My love,
My new love,
My new found love,
Will I lose you too?

The tide pulls back,
a quiet thief,
stealing footprints
before I can trace them twice.

Tell me,
is love always like this?
A flicker in the dark,
a matchstick kiss,
a fleeting warmth
Tired and soulful eyes.

Or will you stay,
linger like salt on skin
like a song I whistle,
long after the music fades.

— The End —