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Gabby Dec 2022
Who are you? Who are you really? Not just the you that your family and closest friends know. Even that you is changed and deformed by those around you. I want to know the you that has only been touched by the moon and stars and the darkest parts of the night. When the sun dips below the horizon, and ink floods the sky. What is bared on your flesh that the sun hides? what song do you sing with the wolves while the birds nest?
Gabby Dec 2022
The sun dripped gold onto the cool damp earth. Warmth spread as dewy moss glistened. Birds sang, their breath dancing on the wind.
Gabby Jul 2021
Who are you? Who are you really? Not just the you that your family and closest friends know. Even that you is changed and deformed by those around you. I want to know the you that has only been touched by the moon and stars and the darkest parts of the night. When the sun dips below the horizon, and ink floods the sky. What is bared on your flesh that the sun hides? what song do you sing with the wolves while the birds nest?
Gabby Feb 2021
I am afraid of the power in which I possess. It is golden and bright. Soft and steady. With it, I can create wondrous worlds. In these worlds, soft, warm sandy beaches can stretch for miles along the deep blue, salty sea which glows orange with the setting sun. Or maybe there's a cool deep forest, with spongey, damp moss covering every inch of the earthen floor. Trees with their rough bark tower into the sky, their lush canopy creating a cover from the blazing sun. Peaceful are the worlds I can create. But this power is also dull and gloomy. Harsh and unpredictable. With it, I can take these peaceful worlds and destroy them as easily as a piece of paper torn from an old notebook. The sand turning ablaze, burning to the touch. The sea can turn feral, wave crashing into the shore, ripping whatever it grabs back into the ravaging tides. The trees could burn, turning the forest into nothing but sickening ash. Or maybe they get cut down, having been deemed more useful for something other than protecting the forest floor which has turned brittle, dried up in the harsh sun that has been let loose. I must cage up my power. Despite the good and bad. If I create too much, who's to say I won't destroy just as much, or maybe more. I must have control, but it is so tempting to release. to see what I can build, just to tear it down. This boredom swirling around me is starting to thicken. The soft whispers are getting louder. Creation is starting to sound like destruction. When the fog clears I wonder which one I will have chosen. To create. Or to destroy.
Gabby Nov 2020
My stupid brain. Tearing you apart, in spite of my heart. I ache for you but do not deserve you. You are good, sweet, and kind. So I tear you apart, amplifying the smallest pieces to create a problem from nothing. In an attempt to make you bad. I don't deserve the good you bring to me, my brain yells at my heart, while my heart weeps for what it wants so dearly. My stupid, wretched brain. There is no need, can't you see, to tear them apart as you do. We are allowed to have the good, so, please. You stupid brain. Do not tear them apart any longer.
Gabby Nov 2020
I am bound to this earth, like feathers to a bird. Only for a moment do I let myself fall into the clouds, to dream of other worlds. Slowly I am brought back into my flesh. The roots of my feet keep me steady on cold, damp soil. I cover myself in blankets of moss, to dream once again under an ink splotched sky.
Gabby Nov 2020
I’m going to build you up, just to tear you down. I will care for you, and love you, and make you the happiest you’ve ever been. Just to take that care and love and tear it all to shreds. Then all the memories of us will be but ashes on the wind.
been in the drafts for a hot minue
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