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Gabby Nov 2020
How am I to know what's right from wrong when all the reasons blend into one.
Gabby Nov 2020
we may be ourselves, but we are also others. built by each passerby whether we realize it or not. it takes but a glance or even a breath for their essence to become part of who we are.
Gabby Oct 2020
It has been a year since I last got to hold you in my arms. You still walk this earth, but the missing you feels as if you have left it.
Gabby Sep 2020
A cool wind rustles the spring leaves as they slowly combust.
Gabby Sep 2020
how does one create without the weight of the world? how does one use such a power without being drained? every time I create, a great sadness washed over me. how do i create a feather when all my tools are rocks?
Gabby Aug 2020
A deep gold falls over the horizon. Or is it rising? Where does it go as it fades to blue?
might add to 🤷‍♀️
Gabby Jun 2020
There are two sides to a coin, and mine is always in the air
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