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 Jun 2015 Safira Najee
She cried.
She dies.
She's broken inside.
How much longer?
How many days?
Before she gets to end the pain?
She doesn't mean it.
She doesn't like to cry.
But what should she do?
What should she say?
All she knows is happiness doesn't stay.
She tried to smile.
She tried to sing.
But no one knows the tune...
So they weren't listening.  
She told them to listen.
She told them to hear.
But they broke her sprit.
They caused her fears.
Was she too fat?
Was she too thin?
Was she too ugly?
Can she ever win?
They said he pain was just for show...
But when she hung herself emotionally...
I wondered how they still didn't know?
Did they know she was hurting?
She didn't know they cared.
They were too late now.
Her sprit was crushed.
She just gave up.
No matter how hard she tried.
It wasn't right.
All she dreams of is dying...
Where's the light?
She gave up because it wasn't enough.
Its never enough.
I feel like this on many occasions.

— The End —