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wordvango Sep 2017
meet you in the tender shoots
of weeds growing in the cracks between
the hardest concrete
we'll dine on sunshine peeking through
the tallest man-made mountains
expect  the people walking by to shy away
from us
like we are roaches
and subsist on subway blasts of gas
get ruddy hungry because we are ******
and everyone else is better
cardboard boxes overheads and lonely curled up
rags our pillows
and once a while we find perchance  
a chicken leg thrown out
you are right though
you don't want to encourage us with free ****
like food or water
we might breed
wordvango Sep 2017
pawed penned then paused
shall I?
asking Socrates or the muse
sniffling as I do when I get moved
have I the right write, or
any right
to claim to make one's heart
any heart but mine feel?
Am I conceited to make
this, is it the best I can do?
Are my theories correct might I be better off
inspecting more?
Then the echo came.
Sounded like
******* idiot
it's your left to write the right as
you have been left to feel and right is wrong
forever will
stop fretting
wordvango Sep 2017
tender was as soft as any fluffy cloud ever
hovered over
any straw strewn field
soft as bunny fluff or
a kitten's purr
green Illuminata on a screen
of Daisies dalliances with efflorescent
shields of sunglows radiance
illuminating the hidden parts
the mind's shadows
a part
in a play one act
a display of life's reality
sunken a bucket far down
into the deepest well ever
returned full
of glittering
wordvango Sep 2017
human star
flesh and blood
speck glow fresh
buried within the billions
I saw you individually
amidst all the rest
a  particularly bright white
shining there in the northern
One tiny light
one hope
one speck, like me
trying to be
a spectacle
I froze my eyes
on that one  piece of sky
never to
take my eyes off
wordvango Sep 2017
I got thoughts
walking down a street
i see
barber poles red white
lingerie shops
most of them ******
long tall Sally's in skirts
strong structures tall
svelte windowed like
ice cream cone taking licking
x rated things
I must be liberated
once I got turned on
ordering tacos
at this Mexican restaurant
I liked her accent
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