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wordvango Sep 2017
crowds can call out derisions
to the ceilings echo the wages
of minnows shored
tales of your innocence
brightly sparkle
as diamonds culled
from oysters shelled
a vessel floated calls her name
it has set sail
along a closer destination
from thy port
speak as the devil might and
claim the rightly port to hull
survey the wind oh August wind
a September dawns
and memories can fade like women
waving from a shore
I wish for you to make
a wave of congratulations
but you sent missives
to my mate
I set sail  a while ago
I float now
above any waves
the sea might try to sink
me into
She has no mirror
but where flirt the leaves with the pond
she comes in the cool of noon
mixing the dark of her hair
with the summer shade
dipping into glass green water
her toes and far above
and all the pond sees
encrypts within the bubbles of rainbow
that only her clothes
swelled in awe
can read.
wordvango Sep 2017
Let's write like water
prose a tome so vivid in its
clear and cool
make fluid words that flow drip
down from gashes mountains pure
from eyelashes say clouds gush
every grain of sand dirt clod
of clay may bow down glistening
pump its substance from wells
drilled deeply into our hearts core
lakes of poetry filled with crystal beauty blue
but that is the sky coloring
its clear
right there in front of you
tension keeping her
see that tear?
it is there
on a cheek
in an eye waiting
to flow
wordvango Sep 2017
all alone I hear a crowd
feel whispered things
ancestors Tall
calming the seasons
In the woods, I listen deep
to the worn path the moss on trees
the wind
the grass laying down
in a field I pay attention
to the ghosts of maidens deeds
teepees once held their
papoose and warmth
in a wild America
as they skinned deer
made life  worshipped
nature sung danced
progress butted in
somewhere there they are
if just in my worshipping
my forefathers
the scared women holding tight their young
as progress
slaughtered them
and I chill
a tear is unnecessary
I sing
sing as loud as
I possibly can
for them
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