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I pick at the scars in my heart.


I feel the twitch in your fragile hands.

You just need to think this through.

Throwing down your veins.

They're empty, useless & you're hurt.
I pick at the scars in my heart.


I feel the twitch in your fragile hands.

You just need to think this through.

Throwing down your veins.

They're empty, useless & you're hurt.
& when I sleep at night, my window opens.

Winter creeps in & steals the warmth of your memory.

Smothering only hope & rewriting my repose,

My hollow form, now torn, twisted.

I am man again.

All the same.

I'm not the threads scarring your dreams.

Sensibly I seek strength.

& hover towards that lonesome window.

& bolt it's cold steel latch.

& stumble.

Through the frosted pane.

Into deep liquid night, my eyes close.
I taste rapture in your lips & feel nirvana flood our spines.

A stack of bone lit fire & this day ends, today I should try,
to see into the future,
something waits for you inside, reach in & find your comfort.
Drink heavy & dance, a warm nose carving mistakes into your once supple face.

Leave it alone & cry. Leave it alone for my sake.
Call me from the basement's line.

Save the words

& a change of tone.

a change of pace.

_Oh, dear gods,

we came so close & stand so far,
from that glorious fountain,
from that glorious superstructure of
love & tainted fate.

Stay close & I'll recite gorgeous tales of defeat.
I will
paint your face with the shame of those forgotten,
not in a lonely way
& this is not
the only way to stop these rhymes

once again

hearts torn,

one heart torn, turning forever
sleeping on the floor,
wishing your blood flowed through me.

open veins to shreds.
grab me, taste me.
bound by chains.

once undone,
these thoughts shouldn't be should so heavy,
moving my fingers in time with you.

whisper, oh I'm crazy.

But in this world,
in this
perfect world,
where you & I
& sing
& commit your face to memory.
Holding on to you.
in you, my flame burns bright,
this pace grows dark as the wet woods cry in rhythm,
thinking of me,
their hearts still racing for me.
their souls transport all loss &
their souls transports heat.

If only I was your source.

If I was your only source,
of light

of shadow & pain

of a perfect metronomic

never ending sometimes;

you'd pass happy.
you'd know defeat,
victory & all forms in between.

& looking back I sense there are words sealed tight,
dates forgotten & stories sans ink.
oh my sweet beautiful muse.
There is a shadow & there is a child
& there is a window
& there is a lord to call upon
when nightmares grab tight
& bullets fly close to this heart
desperation glides across these strings
& a voice is born,
& forgotten in all but me.
killing the self,
waiting for the bars to bend
& waiting for the structure to dissolve.

A ghetto grown & producing
words &

Clear up my past,
& continue to
work on these studies,
take all in stride,
a slow,
pain filled walk.

As mentioned, we came so far,
so close
& retired our passions.

So we ask
how do we die?

& when will we know?

& this change of tone brings

a change of pace.

I feel alive,
I behold what's in it,
what's grabbing
& shaking my soul,
which is,
listening to this power.
With split wrists & a frail frame I search for God in this endless sea of white. Feeling the sun on occasion. Holding her hand & she's sparing me the pain. Feeling lighter. Moving closer to that cherished throne. Wrapping wrists & I feel smarter. There was a day when I was happy. It's still here. Your picture still rests there & we'll start over. Making a mistake. I feel her warmth. Her laughing lips. Her potent ears. Her hair shines through the glass. I tap & she sees me. This time, seeing me. No more gazes.

So why does it always seem, that when I bleed, such weight is lifted?

Grind your lips, save yourself from total atrophy.
I smell **** in the alley of my heart's apartment.
Lush velvet footsteps.
Concrete torn spines.

The echoes of last year pierce my chest.

In her pool I make contact.

One burst of velvet.
A taste of electricity.
Dead from above & the water closes my throat.

Three days & I'm born again.
I'm found, forever inside.

The future favors me.

A grave new Hesperian devil.
I feel the words come all, reap what the freedom yields.
Hold a grey machine warm and soft. Born to a world in color.
As below I am dying. Draw beyond the seasons, behind the thin vale.
Atmosphere fades & they walk bold yet quiet.
Fed my bones.
Witching true homes manufactured.
Taste rapture in her.
Graze wrists across teeth.

Sweet muse, I elevate.

My withered volumes are melting.
Seventeen scars brand defeat.
Moons glare in peace.
A refrain earned.

Hold tight to the ember of your rope.
Jaw swells from anticipation.
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