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Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
The Midnight Racer
The midnight racer comes from nowhere .
Racing the road as face as he can.
Zig Zaging in and out passing cars like they do not exist.
You cannot see him for the speed he goes. One winks and you miss him.
No one has seen his car. They have no idea what he drives.
Just a word to the wise is don't try to race the midnight racer.
Your fate will be take and you might get a ticket
With the help of the Midnight racer.
She snuggles into her warm
green winter blanket  
disturbing the last seeds of summer

That will be a welcome winter feast
for the small winter birds
As they forage around her bedding
collecting their winter store

Spiders casts their webs
around the sea of green sagging stalks
Hoping to fill their nets with
one last harvest

The light dims

A sleepy mouse shows its head
from under the garden shed door
Zig zaging across the decking
munching on a slug
who stayed out a little too late

The toad
who has been eyeing his supper
As the sun was setting
over the now sleepy garden
Was not amused
and puffed his body out in anger,

only to spy a worm
peeking her head out of the decking groove
Checking out all the commotion
Gone in an instant
to the now happy toad

A black and white cat
quietly surveys
from her vantage point
on top of the tired sagging
roofed garden shed

As the still night
washes over the garden
the animals blend
back into their garden home

Dawn peeks over rippling navy lake

where gaggles of geese honk

flying in zaging vee form

I can hear chirps of robins 'n

blue jays outside my bedroom

window visualizing their winged flight

deer are already hiding invisibly,

while skittering squirrels, bushy tailed,

pack their jaws with acorns

brisk winds whoosh coaxing leafless

trees to branch dance, shimmy 'n shake

while meadow grasses do the limbo
Nature, Thoughts

— The End —