I'm sorry for what I did to you.I never meant to break your heart.I sometimes wonder if things could be differentif we made a new start.You should know that I'm confused and scared and I don't know what to do.All I know is that sometimes I wishthat I was still with you.In the beginning you made me feel so goodbecause I thought you needed me,but I just didn't understand how very hard these things can be.I felt that I had lost myself amidst that chaos that we shared.I didn't like the person I was then.I wasn't even sure the real me was still there.I know that none of that was your fault.I never really let you seethat there were times I needed you just as much as you needed me.Instead I let my anger grow until I thought that I would drown.Ending what we had together was the only solution that I found.Now when I look back on our timeI wonder what might have beenif I'd just had the courage to tell youall of this back then.You were my first everything.You opened up my heart.When I think of that it seems so crazyfor us to be apart.And yet I'm scared to try again,scared of the pain that I might cause.I don't know if you realize how terrible it wasto see how badly you were hurtby something I had done.But I didn't know what else to doso I decided to just run. I wanted you to know that,in all my adult life,that night we talked in that parking lotyou saw the only tears I've cried.