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Samm Marie Apr 2017
When diseased with painful coughs
Or any sort of ailment
I become a small child again
Claiming the world is acting
It feels yucky in my throat and I want to cry
The uckiness is too overwhelming
And I think my childish nature
That reappears in the midst of
Germs and ickiness
Is trying to tell me that
Some people are just giant germs
Trying to get me sick
Geno Cattouse May 2014
Trick baby.
All body
No mind....good for the sticky.
Use watt you got to get what you want.
Feel good savaaaaaaaant.
                Smilin like the cat from Cheshire. Sitting on the fence sizing up
Wizing up ?
Options galore..eyes open mind closed.
Short but sweet. Thicky.
Aj Jun 2012
why are you so angry? IT'S ******* ME OFF!
CAN'T YOU JUST BEHAVE?! it's driving me crazy.. >>

trash on everything and anyone and all your past and all our futures,
trash your eyes before beholding beauty? can't you see it outside of yourself?
do you not want to believe it's there? are you that ugly inside? what are you reflecting?
all you do is trash on this and that and that's not all my eyes are opening for,
so if i should listen to you
my friends,
listen to me too, it's all ugly and especially you, OK! i'll admit, so am i.. <
but remember, without ****, there's no sprouts...if you couldn't poo, you'd be much more a shady hue, brown and blue....remember that trees and grandparents decay, that maggots and fun guys spoil the evening's soup...

do you smell that? ew...right? nasty, don't go near it...let the beatles and garbage men handle all your stinkless
****, flushed and know what? you're why the world is trash, yicky stanks...stop pointing, stop staring, stop wondering and's you too :} now don't you just feel so much better you rotting carcass of fruit?
more may defecate
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2023
Dreamed of Robin Williams just now
Kickin' holy **
Dreamed of Thomas More
Yicky Thai yay icky Thai yo

Dahlgren Chapel, stone on stone
Exoplanets fly
We walked around Kyoto
My myself and I

California has Asian rains
Trains go roaring by
Destiny has bullet planes
Reread the Life of Pi

Yicky Thai yay, icky, icky Thai yo
Carthusians rule the sky
Dressed in white, monastic flight
Icky Thai, yicky Thai Wai

                  Ay! Ay! Ay!

— The End —