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Paul Hardwick Feb 2015
You, me and yesturday
sometimes I don't where I am
yesturday still hurting me
not knowing where I am
you had your fun
played the man and drove me whiled
and now I don't know where I am
not sure what day it is
or if I am a man.
True story    P@ul.
Paul Hardwick Aug 2015
When I awoke today
while walking down the street
and looking at my feet
it came across my mind
as the sun beat down
I was looking at yesturday's shadows
when your shadow walk next to mine
and seamed to make me feel whole
and now that shadow was just mine
and feeling the hole within my soul
I longed for yesterday's.
Positive and negative both at the same time     P@ul.
Paul Hardwick Dec 2012
I might be getting old
but the one thing i still have
is my happy hippy load

they said it was yesturday
time has gone
time has moved on

not if you are
this man
the happy hippy revolutionary
still just like i am.
Paul Hardwick Nov 2012
I might be getting old
but the one thing i still have
is my happy hippy load

they said it was yesturday
time has gone
time has moved on

not if you are
this man
the happy hippy revolutionary.
Paul Hardwick Feb 2015
the halls with there exihibiters within
public come and go
rain drops falling
todays suns warm glow
fighting the polotics of the venue
staff come and go

But tommorow I am off.
See what happens when I get board     P@ul.
LF Mar 2014
Its been years since your fingertips
Have lived on my skin.
Months and days since my taste
Has been on your tongue.
It feels like a lifetime since ive woken up
To your smiling face , or fallen asleep to you
Whispering quietly in the dark.

Why does it feel then, like only yesturday that i lost you?
I swear time has slowed to a crawl since that day,
I watched your mom cry as we both said our goodbyes to you, grasping each other ,
Clinging to the only person who loved you as much as I did.

I had packed your things away ,
And as hard as i tried ; the smell of you
And your clothes wouldnt leave our closet .
For a while i masked it as much as possible ,
Till standing breathing you in brought
Me comfort.

I went to visit you today , it bothered me
To see Your life narrowed simply down to
Chiseled cursive in stone reading
"A beloved son and brother " .

It made me want to tell everyone who you were
About the things you did that mattered;
The time i knew you ,
The dash between the dates .

And on the first warm day ; every spring ,ill feel you;  with brand new flowers budding ,
I have peace of mind knowing
There is always a new start , even after the harshest of winters.
Ta'nijah white May 2014
today they say its on for tommorow today is the day they were all waiting for tommorow today is yesturday the day the said wait till tommorow but tommorow is today and yesturday was tommorow.
the days go by and they get tangled in your head mixed up dates thats funny isnt it.
Paul Hardwick May 2015
reach to end
of  Y E S T U R D A Y
you know it is now tomorrow
which is  sart of   T O D A Y
which will all end Tomorrow
W H E N   Y O U  KN O W

you've been here before
and the other end of yesturday
has ment so much to me

P  U  L  L     M  E     D  O  W  N
put my feet
back on solid ground
make me feel in yesturday.
For my Mother who died
on the 25th April 2015.
with all my love

Solve this riddle:

Whats todays tomorrows yesturday???

After youve commented and like this i will tell you the answer XD
City Grave Feb 2013
Sorry I'm going in your direction

I'm trying to get through the cold

It's freezing out here

And I'm trying to avoid the bones

It snowed yesturday but my heart didn't grow cold

My graduation day is set for June

Thought it would be nice to know

And I know

You don't wanna hear about my love or my dreams

Because it's not your career

But I just wanna stear clear of the lies

Smoke and mirrors filled our past time

I just wanna clear this ice cold road

No, I never had hope, and my loved had failed

Because I never had a man to look me in the eyes

Tell me I'm doing right

Wipe my tears

Defrost the car

Paint the walls white

I'm doing right

Struggle through the cold on my own

Don't need to break your bones

No I don't wanna live your fairytale life
Where was you when I fell , how cliche of a statement to tell,
no! Where was you ? Not here aparently,
seems like yesturday, another cliche,
**** it! I can rhyme all day.
I just need to know whats the point of money?
I GET IT, I loose it, i spend it , I abuse it.
I dont want it but I need it, Is money air?
Cos I dont wanna breathe Im stressed from the atmosphere making  me share.
I rather be ghost watch time fly by , maybe write a book to tell about my times travel,
about love from afar, how its pure but scared,
Have it published  then be awarded rubish, cos there no success or achievement when you see the half cup cruisin the highway and you decide to *** in it.  
LIFE How its concieved , how I precieve it ? IS newspaper Id keep under table to stop wobbling.
Am I rude, yeah, and unconventional so?
Im used to the self sabotage and abuse as a noose to climb up different challenges just to call a truce.

By EMMANUEL jv Hernandez
Aka Linguist musician
Stephanie D Pope Jan 2010
Tonight I fight with my heart.
It longed for emotional bliss.
Tonight I divided those needs apart.
Separated my will from this.
I am all, and nothing more.
Yesturday I did endure.
Tomorrow, is not for sure.
So today, so tonight, I carry on.
Neither weak, nor strong.

It Seems Just Like Yesturday You Were Holding Me Close Calling Me "Your Little Princess"
Now It's Like You Don't Want My Exestince...
You Don't Even Look Me In The Eyes...
Only When It's Filled With Anger And Hate...
You Don't Hold Me Or Kiss Me The Way You Used To...
Like If I Was Some Kind of Diease...
You Don't Smile At Me...
Instead You Grind Your Teeth At Me That Is Filled With Dissapointment...
You Don't Hold My Hand As You Use To...
You Pull My Hand As You Begin To Leave Me Battle Scars...
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
My friend
Shes knows too many ends
She gave up again
For nothing
To tear apart
Her fragile heart
In plastic ideologies
Shes fights her dichotomies
Walking away
From everything
Even the happy
I love her anyway
Even when i'm empty
From the first day
I saw her frays
The first day
I knew pain
Her pain
As mine
We don't have to
Walk alone
But will
I don't have to
Sing alone
But do
Fading to blue
From black
Take me back
To grey
Where im safe
In the safety
Of fate
To grey
In this place
Of yesturday
Plucked away
In a song of greying
Jenn Linh Sep 2018
I sit here haven't made any accomplishments today
But just getting out of bed
Getting ready for all the coming
Doubts that steer me just to where i am right now..
Alone again in my car in a random parking lot.
Feeling disgusted with myself
For doing it again
Disappointing myself for not following through what I promised yesturday wouldnt reoccure today..
Missing yet another day of work
And no one gets it
No one seems to Truly feel what this is
The pressure of myself not understanding is also wrecking
So i cry
Cry out to no one
For where's the cure
I Google to come up with Im alone.
I just want a friend..
I just want these feelings to fade
I just want to be myself again
As i just sit here alone In this parking lot lost with no cure..
Paul Hardwick Mar 2015
See my face
as it's smiles
look at that, and remember me, as I was
the shadow of yesturday and tomorrow
it ant getting any better than this
for this is me today
and you ask me why I pray

Look into my eyes
for they tell all
I am alive inside
I have no fears at all
just glad to be me
as you are you

So see my face.
True story      P@ul.
QuietGlass Jun 2018
The neighbors and family flow into our mediocre house and you greet them all smileing and joking. Voices saying congratulations fill the air with the intended target of me but before they even finish leaving the lips of gusts, you accept them and move on to the next group. Once everyone has settled down and is meandering to see people they "haven't seen in ages" you begin bragging about how proud you are of my accomplishments.  Everybody awes as you take your time showing baby pictures and explaining how it is all your doing that I've made it this far and done so much. You begin pushing for everyone to leave the house, grab food from the porch area, and go outside into the hot sticky air to conversate. As soon as they are gone you close the door and I am snapped back into reality. You start gritting your teeth and yelling at me as quiet as possible so no one hears. First going off about how I was to quiet, so I was a stupid *****. Then what I said made me sound stupid, so I was dumb. And after a few other things came out you grabbed at my shirt and yanked down, finishing my yelling at with a comment of how im to fat and I need lose weight.  

"But mommy, don't you love me?"
"Of course sweetheart. You'll always be my little baby girl."

As soon as the guests leave you have a hold of my arm, tight, white knuckles, instant bruising. You scream and spit into my face that I am worthless without you. I realize you're right. You control everything in my life.

Where are you?
Mommy why won't you help me?

That was the night I realized that I didn't want to live anymore.
I walked up to you and asked you if you loved me yesturday. You turned to me without hesitation and said, "No, maybe if you acted right I would, but not today."
So mom, when you find this, if you ever do, please understand that I don't love you either, but I love myself just enoughenough to know that I can't keep fighting for your love.
Your worthless, dumb, fat, stupid ***** daughter.

— The End —