My Beloved Leader
My beloved leader Imam Hussain my heart's solace
I salute to you and to your small group of seventy two
When he decided not to submit the race of lawless
Being the true soldier of Allah he was determined to do
Whatever was the call of the occasion to establish writ
He and his group was debarred from food and water
But being hungry and thirsty they were fit and not upset
And then enemy attacked and sky saw man slaughter
Imam hussain fell down from horseback in the battle
Imam Hussain was severely injured went to prostation
This was the excellent action of martyrdom as example
His act of valor and wonderful elation was the salvation
Great Hussain will be remebered for sacrifice for times
His stand for the cause of Allah will bring all mercy
Yazeed will be cursed for his ***** designs henious crimes
Imam Hussain will be the symbol of virtue ,liberty
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Aug 2020 Love Remains