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David Williams Nov 2011
It is without doubt easier to **** them
Dig a big hole in the garden and bury them.
Saves money on a funeral… but
Where would be the heroism in that?

It’s not their fault they are old, or
Mine that I am young.
It’s not his fault he has dementia, or mine!
Her patience is wearing thin.

He sometimes forgets to take his tablets
I, could forget to leave them out for him
(I have always liked his car)

Opinion is, we are all living longer
The undertakers need the work
Leaders have stopped leading, workers
Have started living,     “Stop Press”
The death columns in our daily
Newspapers are empty.

They have fought wars, struggled
Eventually, they will fall silent.
RKM Apr 2012
Your nails are crinkled,
like a soil bed ready for seeds,
they lived in water like soggy tissues
when you were nurse.

Now you live under a centipede's
back, an exoskeleton of notched
houses, with the wrinklies.

You keep falling now, but
it doesn’t seem right
that they can't pick you up,
like you used to, them.
RKM Mar 2012
conversing in loops,
you seem content.
they burnt
down your home, I kept a bag
of the special things next to
the door for a time.
Now you live under a centipede's
back, an exoskeleton of notched
houses, with the wrinklies.
your nails
are crinkled like a soil bed ready
for seeds, they lived in water like
soggy tissues, when you were a nurse.
you keep falling now
but they can't pick you up,
like you used to, them.
I've never been on and 
not keen on or
seen on those
outings for wrinklies.

getting on getting old
is just not my style.

— The End —