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Sheila Jacob Jun 2016
Splattered boots
stand ready, resting
from tied black laces
and muddy roads.

An attaché case
gapes too,
cwtches the photo
of a young woman
with dark wavy hair,
her unframed
forever- smile
focussed on a face
behind the camera
at the moment
the shutter clicked
and clicks and clicks

opening and closing,
packing and unloading,
staying and leaving,
making up a bed
from striped & labelled

Here's a tear
of tissue paper
stabbed urgently
on folded cloth
with random red stitches.

Here's the Star
of King David
pointing upwards,
locked on the blanket
by one steel safety pin.
Cwtch is a Welsh word usually translated as "cuddle" which isn't really adequate. It also means to hold,shelter,protect.
It's the ghosts that make ghost towns ghost towns,
those in black Crombie coats
and them in winceyette dressing gowns
not knowing that they are the ghosts
the only inhabitants of ghost towns.

— The End —