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Ericson Willians Jan 2017
Deep within shadowy grottos,
I've been chased by her presence.
Unable to escape from below,
I've been faced by my penance,

My penance for letting her ****,
**** in the name of acceptance.

She wanted desperately to be accepted,
But The Haunter would never let her.
She could not run from her dreams,
So she fought to be intercepted,

Intercepted by her own insidious instinct,
By her own ghoulishly foul instinct.

Now I wake up with scars every night,
For her knives always find their way.
Now I'm chased with scars every night,
For her knives always want to pay,

To pay me for letting her ****,
To thank me in the name of acceptance.

Now I'm the one who can't run,
From myself and herself in my dreams,
For she's always watching me run,
In the dark and in silence of dreams,

In the dark of my own violent torment,
For giving her my loving acceptance.

Written by Ericson Willians.
Written by Ericson Willians.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
Paul in black on Franklin Street
("Disobedience to tyrants
   Is obedience to God")

He speaks of Dead Poets,
The Good Shepherd, Matt Damon,
More Cowbell, MI6, Amityville Horror,
The Great Gatsby, Sacred Indian burial grounds, Christopher Walken, Robin Willians, Patch Adams, etc...

I listen. And listen. And listen

Gatsby believed in the Green Light.
So do I.
Always a pleasure, he says to me.
Good night, Paul. Good night.

— The End —